Recently in the news, there was a report on the five University of Kentucky basketball players that decided to enter the NBA draft after only their freshmen season. The electoral college is the current system of voting used in the United States of America to elect the president. Another reason to abolish the outdated Electoral College is the fact that it’s sheer design supports the two party system and gives third parties very little, if no chance at all of having a candidate nominated. For example, since the state of Texas is Republican dominated, what if the people had voted for the democratic side and the democratic won by the popular votes in the state of Texas, then it wouldn’t matter just because of how the state chooses who to vote because of the majority of the... ... There have been over 700 proposed constitutional amendments aimed at fixing or abolishing this process. Conclusion: The Electoral College should be abolished because it can elect someone who was not the winner of the popular vote. Many of its aspects portray biases and favor certain groups of people and certain states. Another result of the Electoral College is that it tends to give a false representation of victory. It is sometimes reported that Richard M. Nixon received more popular votes in the 1960 election than winner John F. Kennedy , but official results showed Kennedy with 34,227,096 popular votes to Nixon's 34,107,646. The way a winner is found in most every level of professionalism (high school government elections, mayoral elections, even governor elections) is by counting the votes and the candidate with the most, wins. However, the Electoral College, the method in which we choose the most important position, President, is an indirect way of voting. However, this system has its flaws. Instances of the Electoral College Failing The electoral college is the institution that officially elects the President and Vice-President of the United States. The Electoral College should be abolished because of over-representation of small states. The United States has two main political groups, or parties (the Democrats and the Republicans). If the Electoral College is abolished, there will be no point in having state governments. This “winner takes all” arrangement at the state level can elect a President who loses the popular vote, as was the case in 1824, 1876, 1888, and 2000. Electoral College. A major conflict concerning the electoral college lingers in America. 4th Period In 2000, the majority of us voted for a President who in the end was not determined the winner. Case study of emerging tourist destination, personal and professional life pte essay argumentative essay about voting age a level spanish essay writing. Civics This threw the entire state into a republican vote. This was done so that "popular passion," wouldn't factor in as much. Each political party chooses a candidate for president and a candidate for vice president. In the Electoral College, Trump was granted 306 votes to Clinton's 232. Senators creating a total of 538 electoral votes. Because even on a full scholarship, it does not cover the entire cost, the IRS taxes the scholarship leaving the player about $3,200-$3,500 short a year. When dealing with issues concerning the Electoral College, many people get confused; it has often been called the “least understood aspect of American government” (Hubert, 2008). In 2000 the Bush vs Gore election truly showed the nation why the electoral college should be abolished and revised. First, It helps keep the right people running for president. (third party times) After each census, the numbers are adjusted accordingly. A majority of 270 votes is … vote to candidate Al Gore by over 500,000 votes. From my point of view, the Electoral College should be abolished and the result form the citizens popular vote should be used to elect a president and a vice president of the people. system called the electoral college. Many people feel that the electoral college is unfair because it seems that even if we vote it only comes down to the electoral college to see if they won presidency or re-election. How to publish research paper in computer science. ...The Electoral College: The Fear of Mobocracy Katherine Kinert Olympic College, Bremerton Abstract The Electoral College is a very important part of the United States Electoral System. Technically, the Electoral College members , called Electors, have the right to choose the president and the vice president with their decisions. President Bush lost the popular Every state has two senators. 1) At least FOUR scholarly sources (but no more than eight) 2) A main claim that takes a stand and is debatable, specific, focused and clear. votes. Ever since its creation at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the Electoral College has been the most widely debated aspect in the Constitution. The very make up of our election system is flawed. Every state is promised at least 3 votes this way. When citizens vote for the candidates of one party, they are actually choosing that party’s... ...privilege that many people claim we are lucky to have. In spite of making their own decisions, the Electoral College members who are voted by people in their states use the results of popular votes in their states to make conclusions in choosing for the president and the vice president. Each state has a certain number of electoral votes. Free critical analysis essays. Instead, the states choose who to vote just because the majority of the Electoral College is just one of the parties that dominate that state and not the other. A better suited candidate from a third party could exist but the design of the system allows for, (2009, 12). Exactly like the bullet that has to be removed from your spinal cord, the Electoral College must be removed before our nation becomes forever injured. But there are a few serious flaws in the electoral college that need to be dealt Why the Electoral College Should Be Abolished. Currently, we have many troops in Iraq fighting to help them establish a … 12, 2009. Bush still won the presidency But what happens when the athlete doesn’t make it? Reforming the Electoral College 11 – 24 – 2004 Personally, I feel that the Electoral College should be abolished nationwide, so that way our voice can be “heard” or used more within the government. It should also be abolished because of the fact how in most of the elections, the Presidents are most and only elected because of the electoral college and our own vote, the vote that we had taken our own time to choose our future leader that will guide the country in the right path. This is an argumentative research essay about why the electoral should be abolished. Thomas One reason the Electoral College should be abolished because by the changing population affects not only representation, undercuts the principle of one person to vote, and For example, the electoral mape in document A it shows how unfair the system is how a candidate who loses California by … What should be done with the Electoral College—keep it, reform it, or replace it with something different? The electoral college is organized by state. The electors promise to vote for their party’s candidates. This is why paying college athletes makes sense, because it will help keep... ...Francisco Colin For with the Electoral College, the people are not in charge but rather the system is – the... ...antiquated The Electoral College is defined as the dangerous “bullet” wedged against the spinal cord of Americans today. "Why the Electoral College Should Be Abolished" The doctors have told you that it is too risky to remove it, but if left untouched or unnoticed it could paralyze you. 01/12/2016 04:38 pm ET Updated Jan 12, 2017 Voting for President of the United States. The lack of political efficacy in this country is a large reason of why some people do not think the Electoral College should be abolished. 12 2009. In contrast, the result of an election sometimes does not reflect the vote of the vast majority of the people in the nation. Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College. The Electoral College Should Be Abolished Every 4 years, our country makes an incredibly important decision. Electoral College This is an argumentative research essay about why the electoral should be abolished. By: Tommy  •  Essay  •  1,004 Words  •  December 18, 2009  •  2,336 Views. First, it discourages candidates from focusing on those states with fewer electoral votes therefore encouraging the candidates to only focus on approximately one third of the country. The Electoral College should not be abolished because of the way it keeps the government and elections organized. Shouldn’t we have a system which allows more than just two parties to vie for the presidency? The Electoral College Should Be Abolished. In the early times, there were some platforms created by our founding fathers to enable our interest to be implemented by the Electoral College. Why The Electoral College Should Be Abolished And Ever since its creation at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the Electoral College has been the most widely debated aspect in … Essay about slang college admission essay online should not The college abolished be electoral essay. 1888, and most recently during the 2000 elections. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the Electoral College is outdated and needs to be reformed. It should also be abolished because of the fact how in most of the elections, the Presidents are most and only elected because of the electoral college and our own vote, the vote that we had taken our own time to choose our future leader that will guide the country in the right path. I would be willing to bet that the majority of you would, but in the case of the Electoral College apparently the majority doesn’t count. The Electoral College may have made sense in 1789 when it was created as part of the U.S. Constitution, but it makes almost no sense today. By abolishing the electoral college, we would be improving our democracy. Accessed 12, 2009. However, Bush received more votes throughout the rest of the nation winning more than three times the amount of counties than Gore. Click here to read the background essay on the Electoral College. ...Johnny Iacobucci There are many other corruptions in our current electoral system, including the underlying racist and sexist roots, voter inequality and other flaws that go against every true democratic principle. Advocates for eliminating electoral votes also point to potential benefits in terms of civic engagement and vote integrity. Shouldn’t each individuals vote carry the same amount of weight regardless of where they live? abolished essay should college be electoral. The Electoral College should be abolished because it over-represents small states, third party candidates almost always get demolished, and the system is undemocratic and flawed. (Kimberling) In the 2000 elections Gore received approximately 500,000 more of the popular vote than Bush winning in most major cities and urban counties. Words: 1083 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 92160286. . Then he becomes just another person in his early 20s without a college degree, looking for a job.

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