-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/youtube/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. Doing this well takes a keen ear and a lot of practice. A small variety of the common mushroom found in pastures has been named A. You may order tempura, sushi and rolls along with a variety of specialty drinks. With a variety of crops, again, the mechanical operations of the farm, involving horse and hand labour, are better distributed over the year, and are therefore more economically performed. Throughout its length it is closely flanked on its left bank by this main water-divide, which is called Moshabar or Shandur in its northern sections, and owns a great variety of names where it divides Bajour from the Kunar valley. Check the sentence length, sentence structure, first words, punctuation, and our Professional Writing lessons to determine what you can do to spice up your writing. Vary the rhythm by alternating short and long sentences. Sentence Examples. He forced them to become his dependants in return under a great variety of forms, but especially developing thereby the precarium land tenure and the patrocinium personal service, and organizing a private jurisdiction over his tenants, and a private army for defence. Become a better writer. It was formerly supposed that this custom was peculiar to a single species, which was called the "gossamer" spider from the fact that the floating webs, when brought to the earth by rain or intercepted by bushes and trees, coat the foliage or grass with a sheeting of gossamer-like silk; but the habit is now known to be practised by the newly-hatched young of a great variety of species belonging to several distinct families. The older methods used for the preparation of the amorphous form, namely the decomposition of silicon halides or silicofluorides by the alkali metals, or of silica by magnesium, do not give good results, since' the silicon obtained is always contaminated with various impurities, but a pure variety may be prepared according to E. brown coloured powder, the crystalline variety being grey, but it presents somewhat different appearances according to the method used for its preparation. The larger variety of the race has a sharp muzzle, upright pointed ears, and a bushy tail generally carried over the back. Definition of Variety. The materials ordinarily employed are the following: sand, of good quality, uniform in grain and free from any notable quantity of iron oxide; carbonate of lime, generally in the form of a pure variety of powdered limestone; and sulphate of soda. 3. Sentence Examples. The ordinary hydrated variety forms quadratic crystals and behaves as a strong base. 3. The more subtle examples are inexhaustible in variety and resource; and perhaps the climax of subtlety is the almost entire absence of Leitmotif in the first scene of the third act of Gotterddmmerung, when Siegfried throws away his last chance of averting his doom. I am unsure if it was a black or grey cat, but it definitely had stripes. In this well-known variety the young shoots are but slightly angled, and the branches in the second year become round; the deltoid short-pointed leaves are usually straight or even rounded at the base, but sometimes are slightly cordate; the capsules ripen in Britain about the middle of May. Space runners for facilitating these measurements, variously known as chartometers, curvimeters, opisometers, &c., have been devised in great variety. Its principal variety is the haikai, which is nothing more than a tanka shorn of its concluding fourteen syllables, and therefore virtually identical with the hokku, already described. Example: Blue skies like these make my day. CK 262712 We grow a variety of crops. The long hair is shorn every summer, and woven into a variety of stuffs used by the Arab for clothing himself and his family, and covering his tent. The head ornaments include the bcabrtµa, a narrow band bound round the hair a little way back from the brow and temples, and fastened in the knot of the hair behind; the ciµ7ry a variety of the diadem; the QTE¢avrt, a crown worn over the forehead, its highest point being in the centre, and narrowing at each side into a thin band which is tied at the back of the head. There was great variety regarding the occasion and amount of these payments, and in some parts of the feudal world they did not exist at all. 254+14 sentence examples: 1. Sentence Variety 1. The bowl contained a variety of fruit. Dog biting the leg of a man … The surrounding country is very fertile and produces large quantities of rice, as well as Indian corn, tobacco, sugar, coffee and a great variety of fruits. When preparing meals, you need to think about, 17. We may compare Tatian's view of the soul as a subtler variety of matter. -- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/youtube/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. A variety of decoration much practised by early experts, and carried to a high degree of excellence in modern times, is mokume-js ~ d- (wood-grainecl ground). Indian food offers a great deal of variety, flavor and a remarkable preponderance of vegetarian dishes. In North Carolina's flora are many species common to sub-tropical regions and many common to temperate regions, and the variety is consequently very great. We seem to be justified in assuming that there are many movements of stretching and posturing possible to caterpillars, and that some caterpillars had a congenital fortuitous tendency to one position, some to another, and, finally that among all the variety of habitual movements thus exhibited one has been selected and perpetuated because it coincided with the necessary conditions of safety, since it happened to give the caterpillar an increased resemblance to a twig. Besides these variations in the number of ridges or plates of which each tooth is composed, the thickness of the enamel varies so much as to have given rise to a distinction between a " thick-plated " and a " thin-plated " variety - the latter being most prevalent among specimens from the Arctic regions. We at MyPerfectWords.com, will make sure that your paper maintains the right balance of words and sentence structures. Fruits in great variety are grown everywhere in Peru, but beyond local market demands their commercial production is limited to grapes and olives. We calculate sentence variety using a mathematical concept called standard deviation. Xc-reev, tunica), like its Greek counterpart, was apparently of two kinds, for, although essentially a simple and probably sleeveless garment, there was a special variety worn by royal maidens and men of distinction, explicitly described as a tunic of palms or soles (passim), that is, one presumably reaching to the hands and feet (Gen. Between 1858 and 1868 he was employed in home waters on a variety of special services, chiefly connected with gunnery, signalling and the tactical characteristics and capacities of steam warships. At first sight it appears difficult to understand how g PP the complicated series of actions which are definitely exhibited as so-called " instincts " by a variety of animals can have been due to the selection of congenital variations, or can be otherwise explained than by the transmission of habits acquired by the parent as the result of experience, and continuously elaborated and added to in successive generations. At the head of the table, where the honored guests sat, everyone seemed to be in high spirits and under the influence of a variety of exciting sensations. classical forms, variety of treatment and freedom of colouring, while the processions are monotonous and inferior in execution, intended rather to produce a decorative effect than beauty of form. We have then to think of a full universe of matter (and matter = extension) divided and figured with endless variety, and set (and kept) in motion by God; and any sort of division, figure and motion will serve the purposes of our supposition as well as another. He presented to the Ashmolean museum, Oxford, a variety of fossils and antiquities, which he had described in his works, and received the thanks of the university and the degree of LL.D. This resource helps you teach lessons on sentence expanding and provides a variety of exercises and activities to help reinforce the skill.The exercises and a They point to the fact that, even in the new period, the palm for wealth and variety of civilized production still remained with Crete. Water lilies, water hyacinths, which are an obstruction in many streams, and irises in rich variety give colour to the coast wastes and sombre bayous. The Polychaeta contrast with the Oligochaeta by the great variety of outward form and by the frequency of specialization of different regions of the body. 3 [countable] variety (of something) a type of a thing, for example a plant or language, that is different from the others in the same general group Apples come in a great many varieties. While nearly all Polyzoa are permanently fixed to one spot, the colonies of Cristatella and Lophopus among the Phylactolaemata can crawl slowly from place to place. The range of temperature is not sufficient to give the variety of annual wild flowers of more northern climates; nevertheless flowers cover the bottom lands and uplands in great profusion. This variety, which seems to have been originally bred in Silesia, is not less well-flavoured than the normally coloured tench, and grows to the same size, viz., to 6 and even 8 lb. Russian type has thus been maintained from Novgorod to the Pacific, with but minor differentiations on the outskirts - and this notwithstanding the great variety of races with which the Russians have come into contact. The great variety of views amongst competent critics is significant of the difficulty of the problem, which can hardly be regarded as yet solved; this divergence of opinion perhaps points to the impossibility of maintaining the unity of chs. Another variety has chocolate glaze, clouded with amber and flecked with gold dust. To quote from a useful work (National Education: a Symposium, 1901), " the commercial supremacy of England was due to a variety of causes, of which superior intelligence, in the ordinary business sense, was not the most important. Yet the variety of forms is abundant. Choose from 230 different sets of sentence variety content flashcards on Quizlet. 5. If you are looking to spice up your writing or public speaking and hold other people's attention, use the following sentence variety examples as a model. He has a variety of interests. Hansen set himself the task of studying the properties of the varieties of yeast, and to do this he had to cultivate each variety in a pure state. Give a quiz on sentence variety. There's always a selection of gourmet pizzas (fig, goat cheese and prosciutto is a favorite) and a wide variety of pasta, fish and meat dishes. The conference brought together historians working in a. Declarative e.g. Experienced writers incorporate sentence variety into their writing by varying sentence style and structure. The half-castes sprung from alliances with the wild tribes of Caucasic stock present every variety between that type and the Mongolian. His little cottage was filled with books and newspapers; the beautiful country round it furnished him with a variety of walks; he read, wrote, discussed, walked, botanized. If your sentence lengths aren't varied enough, consider changing things up. Ponderosa offers guests an all-you-can-eat buffet with a choice of a variety of beef, chicken, pasta dishes, desserts and fruits. This lake is the home of many sudd plants of the "swimming" variety - papyrus and ambach are absent. T An amor phous form is obtained when tellurium is precipitated from its solutions by sulphur dioxide, this variety having a specific gravity 6.015. A third variety of monophysitism was that known as Theopaschitism, a name given to those who accepted the formula that in the death of Christ "God had suffered and been crucified.". First as regards the transmitting part, one essential element is the antenna, aerial, or air wire, which may take a variety of forms. Adding variety to your speech or writing keeps people interested and can keep the emphasis where you want it. Metamorphosis.It has already been pointed out that each kind of member of the body may present a variety of forms. Variety Read Next: Carol Sutton, Actor ... Film Review: ‘End of Sentence’ John Hawkes and Logan Lerman lend grit and determination to Elfar Adalstein's … Variety definition is - the quality or state of having different forms or types : multifariousness. Good writing involves using a variety of sentence types depending upon context and thoughts to be expressed. LORENZO MASCHERONI (1750-1800), Italian geometer, was professor of mathematics at the university of Pavia, and published a variety of mathematical works, the best known of which is his Geometria del compasso (Pavia, 1797), a collection of geometrical constructions in which the use of the circle alone is postulated. Monterey Bay has a remarkable variety of fish; and there is a large fish hatchery near the city. He resigned for a variety of reasons: 11. variety is the spice of life: 12. The theorem of Torricelli was employed by many succeeding writers, but particularly by Edme Mariotte (1620-1684), whose Traite du mouvement des eaux, published after his death in the year 1686, is founded on a great variety of well-conducted experiments on the motion of fluids, performed at Versailles and Chantilly. If you are vegetarian, you will appreciate the large vegetarian section of the menu featuring soybean products served with a variety of vegetables. Practically all the remaining area in these islands is occupied by metamorphic schists and gneisses which occur in great variety and with which are associated numerous dikes and masses of intrusive igneous rock. In confinement it can be taught to whistle a variety of tunes, and even to imitate the human voice. There is an immense variety of water-fowl, including the phalarope, fulmar petrel, kittiwake, Manx shearwater, black guillemot, whimbrel, puffin and white-tailed eagle. They do this for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that it often works. The tree is employed for a variety of useful purposes, especially in building. This section examines how to connect ideas across several sentences in order to increase sentence variety and improve writing. variety in a sentence - Use "variety" in a sentence 1. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word variety? If the viscous variety be rapidly cooled, or the more highly heated mass be poured into water, an elastic substance is obtained, termed plastic sulphur. Even in the rural districts, manorial records reveal the existence of a great variety of classes and groups of persons engaged in the performance of economic functions. "Sentence variety is a means by which the writer helps the reader to understand which ideas are most important, which ideas support or explain other ideas, etc. It is probable that if bulk, rapidity of production, variety of matter, originality of design, and excellence of style be taken together, hardly any author can show a work of equal magnitude. 326579 We talked about a variety of topics. A. offers a wide variety of sushi restaurants to choose from. While there can be no doubt that the luxuriance of Japans flora is due to rich soil, to high temperature and to rainfall not only plentiful but well distributed over the whole year, the wealth and variety of her trees and shrubs must be largell the result of immigration. and testing a greater variety of metals. The Samoan forests are remarkable for the size and variety of their trees, and the luxuriance and beauty of tree-ferns, creepers and parasites. The number of species of herbaceous plants rapidly increases, while beyond the Volga a variety of Asiatic species are added to the W. Europe, as well as a very great variety of aquatic birds. 20 examples: The sheer number and variety of food products, and complex combinations of… 2. This variety must certainly be magnesian limestone. "It isn't the bigness, dear; its the variety," replied the girl. The lopeared breed is the oldest English variety, and has been cultivated carefully since about 1785, the aim of the breeder being directed to the development of the size of the ears, and with such success that they sometimes measure more than 23 in. The state was originally covered with a dense forest mostly of hardwood timber, and although the merchantable portion of this has been practically all cut away, there are still undergrowths of young timber and a great variety of trees. Vienna carries on an extensive trade in corn, flour, cattle, wine, sugar and a large variety of manufactured articles. Adding sentence variety to prose can give it life and rhythm. The extensive menu includes a variety of traditional pasta dishes along with chicken and veal items. Sentence variety reduces repetition in a piece of writing and adds emphasis to important points in the text. In the climate of Great Britain a late variety is preferable, as securing the young shoots against injury from frost, to which otherwise they are very subject. 248+31 sentence examples: 1. 145 91 The principal thing that is lacking is sentence accent and varietyin the inflection of phrases. As shown by the number and variety of species, the Orthoptera are the most dominant order of this group. So that while we admire the variety of his work, we also admire the competence of his effort. Sentence variety reduces repetition in a piece of writing and adds emphasis to important points in the text. A. based mainly on the wide variety of seafood dishes. If all of your sentences are short, the writing sounds simplistic. In the Ural governments of Perm and Vyatka Great Russians are in the majority, the remainder being a variety of Finno-Tatars. The extant writings of Paulinus consist of some fifty Epistolae, addressed to Sulpicius Severus, Delphinus, Augustine, Jerome and others; thirty-two Carmina in a great variety of metre, including a series of hexameter "natales," begun about 393 and continued annually in honour of the festival of St Felix, metrical epistles to Ausonius and Gestidius, and paraphrases of three psalms; and a Passio S. Of his writings, which comprised treatises on a great variety of subjects, only the titles and a few fragments survive. Describing character using a variety of sentence types including complex sentence. The sporophyte is the plant which is differentiated into stem, leaf and root, which show a wonderful variety 01 form; the internal structure also shows increased complexity and variety as compared with the other group of vascular plants, the Pteridophyta. The Scotch deerhound is a larger and heavier variety of the English greyhound, with rough and shaggy hair. In England indeed a variety of causes hindered nobility or gentry from ever obtaining the importance which they obtained, for instance, in France. Source null; Which variety is most exciting to Jonathan (it's not riesling) Types of Sentences. It cannot be said that previously to Darwin there had been any very profound study of teleology, but it had been the delight of a certain type of mind - that of the lovers of nature or naturalists par excellence, as they were sometimes termed - to watch the habits of living animals and plants, and to point out the remarkable ways in which the structure of each variety of organic life was adapted to the special circumstances of life of the variety or species. In this illustrated video, students will learn how to use sentence variety to make their writing more interesting. Nowadays, not even the models looked alike, altered by porches and additions and a variety of landscaping tastes. In 1898 it was conclusively shown in Italy that if a mosquito E of the Anopheles variety bites a person suffering from malaria, and is kept long enough for the parasite to develop in the salivary gland, and is then allowed to bite a healthy person, the latter will in due time develop malaria. (large, huge, endless, good, great, wide) " She has an amazing variety of plants and flowers in her garden. Only in the capitals, which are of extraordinary richness and variety, do we get any deep or bold relief. Kawanabe ItchO is celebrated for his representations of flowers and foliage, and Morishita Morihachi and Asano Saburo (of Kaga) are admirable in all styles, but especially, perhaps, in the charming variety called togi-dashi (ground down), which is pre-eminent for its satin-like texture and for the atmosphere of dreamy softness that pervades the decoration. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. variety (noun) - (biology) a taxonomic category consisting of members of a species that differ from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics. Among the more remarkable forms are a species of hippopotamus, the elephant (including a pigmy variety), and a gigantic dormouse. This variety surrounds the tropical parts of the continental shelves of South America, South Africa and eastern China. The larger antelopes, so common on the African side of the Gulf of Aden, are not found, except one variety, the Oryx beatrix (called by the Arabs, wild cow), which is an inhabitant of the Nafud between Tema and Hail; it is about the size of a donkey, white, and with long straight horns. Now that you have a better understanding of why sentence variety is important in your writing, take a look at these two strategies to improve sentence variety in your own essays.. The small bakery held a variety of cupcakes, pastries, and muffins in exciting flavors like cotton candy and passion fruit. The Cockers are smaller spaniels, brown, or brown-and-white in the Welsh variety, black in the more common modern English form. Interrogative The attention devoted to the matter soon elucidated the phenomena of meteors, and proved them to be small planetary bodies, practically infinite in numbers and illimitable in the extent and variety of their orbits. The immediate environs are very fertile and produce a great variety of fruits, including many of the temperate zone, but the surrounding country is arid and sterile, producing scanty crops of barley, Indian corn and pease. 2 – Without a word, Charles left the room. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word variety? 2. It is one of the transverse chains connecting the eastern coast range with the higher terraces and goes under a variety of names, such as Elands Berg and Ingome Mountains. Mexican tobaccos (Nicotiana Tabacum, variety macrophyllum) are to-day predominant in a large part of Cuban vegas.. This operation requires experienced judgment to decide when it should be done; the number of leaves to be left varies with the variety and vigour of the plant, the nature of the soil, climate, seasons and particular use for which the crop'is intended. The variety chiefly grown is the Assam indigenous. The restaurant features a variety of dishes, including a gluten-free menu, seafood, pizza, salads, soups, house specialties, meats and steaks. The size and manner of growth of the adult plant show a great variety, from the small herb lasting for one season only, to the forest tree living for centuries. The river is navigable for 770 m.; grain and a variety of goods conveyed from the upper Kama are floated down, while furs, fish and other products of the sea are shipped up the river to be transported to Cherdyn on the Kama. A very great variety of patterns was produced; a tariff of the year 1800 contains an enumeration of 562 species and a vast number of sub-species. Every variety of form and colour was urgently and absolutely called upon to produce its title to existence either as an active useful agent or as a survival.

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