The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI) and Pacific Shorebird Conservation Initiative (PSCI) have both identified disturbance as a key threat. provided by multiple grants, the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative has a list of metrics in Easygrants for full proposal applicants to choose from for future reporting. The program is made possible through a partnership between the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation • The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative represents such a flyway approach, and stakeholders are currently active in efforts to address each of the four major threats to shorebirds. Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI) The development of the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative involved multiple partners from Canada to Argentina to address declines in shorebirds. Several working groups have formed to help guide AFSI and implement projects to achieve the ambitious goals of the partnership. Flyway Shorebird Initiative); and Michael Hallworth, Pete Marra and Autumn-Lynn Harrison (Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center), Kristy Rouse, Cassandra Schoofs, and Brent Koenen (673 CES/CEIS). We ask that applicants select only the most relevant metrics from this list for their project (all possible program metrics are The Shorebird Forum was envisioned by the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Partnership and the USA-Committee of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN), and is managed by the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative, Manomet’s Shorebird Recovery Program, and the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network Executive Office. Recent conservation gains show that we can reverse these downward spirals across the flyway. Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative Harvest Working Group . Signs, brochures, kids activities, stickers, fliers and more! This landmark Business Plan represents the full suite of strategies and actions needed to conserve 15 Atlantic Flyway shorebirds. Atlantic Flyway Shorebirds 2021 RFP Applicant Tip Sheet 2 -Project Title: Please do not call your project “Atlantic Flyway Shorebirds Initiative Proposal”.Give it a short, descriptive name that will distinguish it from other proposals and indicate project purpose. In 2021, the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative seeks projects that will address at least one of the following priorities: Focal species: NFWF seeks proposals that advance American oystercatcher, red knot and whimbrel focal species goals. Within the Atlantic Flyway, many shorebird species breed on the Canadian Arctic tundra and winter along the eastern shores of South America, stopping over at a number of critical migratory sites in between, particularly along the east coast of the United States. Explore a variety of educational and outreach materails in our Shorebird Outreach Material Database. Effective conservation requires a wide-ranging approach to identify and reduce threats throughout the flyway. Such an approach must attempt to coordinate research, conservation, and management efforts of many groups across many political boundaries and consolidate resources to undertake efficient conservation activities. 1133 Fifteenth St. Achieving a sustainable shorebird harvest in the Caribbean and northern South America, progress report, 2011-2017. Atlantic Flyway However, we must act fast and undertake our own collaborative, far-reaching call to action. Fill key information gaps on species populations that will result in improved monitoring and management, particularly for focal species (with an emphasis on Red Knot, Semipalmated Sandpiper, American Oystercatcher, Whimbrel and Wilson’s Plover). Threats to shorebirds have become more diverse and widespread in recent decades and pose serious conservation challenges. Protecting birds and their habitats from human activity and the threat of sea-level rise is at the forefront of Audubon’s mission in this flyway. Shorebird Conservation and Shrimp Aquaculture Web Mapping Tool About the Forum The Shorebird Forum was envisioned by the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Partnership and the USA-Committee of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN), and is managed by the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative, Manomet’s Shorebird Recovery Program, and the Western Hemisphere … 10-15% by 2020 • Action-oriented: projects, funding, partners •Flyway Scale – but lacks true flyway engagement • Endorsement: >60 agencies, The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Conservation Business Strategy is an unprecedented endeavor to implement conservation for shorebird… Atlantic Flyway shorebirds are exposed to a diverse set of human-induced threats across this network of sites. Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Business Strategy, Phase 1 Goal: ↑focal shorebird pops. initiated. Unpublished report, U.S. Funding: Alaska State Wildlife Grant (WSFR – … Cooperative conservation for shorebirds throughout the Atlantic Flyway. These include the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN), which began in 1985 (Bildstein et al., 1991;, and the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI) (AFSI Business Plan, 2015;https The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI) highlights predation as one of four primary anthropogenic threats to shorebird populations in the Atlantic Flyway, and highlights actions to be taken to address the threat. N.W., Suite 1000 Recognizing the decline of migratory shorebird populations throughout the Atlantic Flyway, a USFWS-led partnership of government agencies, conservation organizations, academics, and shorebird experts developed this ambitious business plan to reverse these population trends and build a foundation to safeguard the phenomena of migration. In the first phase of this initiative, NFWF will focus on the following specific areas further detailed in the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Business Plan: Address human disturbance, predation and habitat and management protection for American Oystercatcher throughout the U.S. Atlantic coast (from Massachusetts to Florida); During these journeys shorebirds are exposed to many threats. Atlantic Flyway shorebird species have experienced declines of between 50 percent and 90 percent within the last three decades, an alarming trend that requires the continuation of current conservation actions and an immediate response for additional efforts. Learn more about Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative. For information on how to apply please review the Business Plan and the Application Guidelines for Conservation Initiatives under Application Information, or contact the staff representative. The Initiative embraces full-lifecycle conservation of shorebirds along the entire Atlantic Flyway. As a result, human disturbance has been recognized by the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI; Threat 4.3; Strategy 2.3), shorebird researchers, and managers of important shorebird habitats as one of the most significant threats facing shorebirds during breeding, migration, and winter. According to the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative Business Plan, shorebird harvest is one of the major threats to shorebird populations and the goal is to reduce hunting pressure by 30% by 2025. A wide variety of shorebirds use the Atlantic Flyway. While the nature and severity of the threats may vary, each site plays a critical role in shorebird survival. Building on its success to reverse declines in American Oystercatcher along the U.S. Atlantic coast, NFWF is expanding its support to a broader, multi-species effort – the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative – that aims to increase 15 focal shorebird population levels within the flyway by 10 to 15 percent over a 10-year period. Examples of existing and developing BCISs are the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative and Pacific Americas Shorebird Conservation Strategy, central North American Grasslands, MesoAmerican Pine-Oak Forests, or the The oystercatcher effort laid the groundwork for NFWF’s Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative, a multispecies effort to implement the 2018 business plan. She also serves in the Advisory Council for the Brazilian National Shorebird Conservation Plan, Executive Committee for the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative, America’s Flyways Task Force for CMS, and as an alternate for the Only with a collaborative flyway-scale approach can we reverse the serious declines we are witnessing in many of our shorebird populations. Each year shorebirds use habitats across a vast geography, undertaking some of the longest migrations of any animals on earth. Citation: Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative Harvest Working Group. To achieve this, NFWF will support five overarching strategies outlined in the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Business Plan: (1) manage and protect critical habitat; (2) minimize predation impacts, (3) reduce human disturbance, (4) reduce hunting pressure, and (5) fill information gaps. Lead flyway-scale initiatives to create and implement unified and effective conservation strategies Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative, the Pacific Shorebird Conservation Initiative, the Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative, and the emerging Midcontinent Flyway Initiative. All Rights Reserved. Email:, © Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initative 2016. The majority of shorebirds breeding in Alaska and Canada spend their non-breeding period in South American or Caribbean countries. They are amazing migrants, often making trips across multiple continents. In that plan, shorebird harvest was identified as one of … Scott Johnston, USFWS The goal of the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative is to increase red knot, whimbrel and American oystercatcher populations by improving habitat at critical sites across the various stages of … Efforts to strengthen the International Shorebird Survey, Caribbean Waterbird Census and the Neotropical Waterbird Census will also be considered. Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative partners now span several countries from Tierra Del Fuego to the Arctic. It is subdivided into four focal geographic regions (Arctic/subarctic, North-temperate, Neotropical and South-temperate) that share broad “Shorebirds are already living on the edge,” Spiegel said. T 202-857-0166 | F 202-857-0162, Scientists deploy ‘nanotags’ to study shorebirds, Guiding investments along the Atlantic Flyway. Shorebird Initiative The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative is focusing conservation efforts on specific habitats throughout the flyway. Flagship Species Initiative To achieve our mission, we are focusing our conservation efforts primarily on coastal marsh habitat and three species that depend on this habitat. Washington, DC 20005 Through the Coalitions for Shorebirds project, six sites are working to implement Atlantic Flyway shorebird species have experienced declines of between 50 percent and 90 percent within the last three decades, an alarming trend that requires the continuation of current conservation actions and an immediate response for additional efforts. 2017. We have project tables, result chains, maps, and funding information to assist in your conservation efforts! Shorebirds cross thousands of miles each year from the barren tundra of the arctic to the wind swept beaches of Tierra del Fuego in the southern hemisphere. Conserving Shorebirds in the Atlantic Flyway This storymap presents how partners are addressing threats to shorebirds and working to meet the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative's conservation goal of … NFWF and partners developed and implemented a single-species shorebird initiative in 2008 that helped reverse the decline of American oystercatcher along the U.S. east coast. To be truly effective, such an approach must coordinate research, conservation, and management efforts of many groups across multiple political boundaries and consolidate resources. As a result, human disturbance has been recognized by the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI; Threat 4.3; Strategy 2.3), shorebird researchers, and managers of important shorebird habitats as one of the most significant Threats to shorebirds have become more diverse and widespread in recent decades and pose serious conservation challenges. 2017. Published in February 2015. American oystercatcher: Why would a bird need a business plan? Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative Achieving a Sustainable Shorebird Harvest in the Caribbean and Northern South America – Progress Report, 2011-2017 (PDF) Contacts: ECCC Inquiry Centre Compendium edition: January 2020 The project area was delineated to complement the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative. Citation: Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative Harvest Working Group. Are you involved in shorebird conservation? In response to that realization, a coalition of North and South American government agencies, universities and nonprofits launched the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative that, in 2015, released a plan to protect 15 shorebird Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative 2021 Request for Proposals - CLOSED, Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative Fact Sheet, Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative Business Plan, Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative 2020 Grant Slate. Partners throughout the hemisphere are addressing threats to shorebirds and working to meet the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative’s conservation goal of increasing focal shorebird populations 10% by 2025. The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI) is an unprecedented endeavor to implement conservation for shorebirds across an enormous geographic scale that involves numerous federal, state, provincial, and local governments, conservation groups, universities, and individuals. A variety of international, federal and state agencies, non-profits and individuals are involved to help implement on-the-ground conservation efforts. Flyway by encouraging CMS Parties and Range States to identify critical sites as for example within WHSRN (Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network), Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative, Pacific Americas1.1.2 About The Pacific Shorebird Conservation Initiative Shorebirds are one of the most mobile groups of animals on the planet, traveling thousands of kilometers up and down the long flyways that link breeding and wintering areas. Since 2018, NFWF’s Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative has improved management for priority shorebirds on more than 200,000 acres– investing a total of $1.97 million in 18 projects, and leveraging more than $2 million in partner matching funds. Shorebirds are small to medium size waders often characterized by long legs and probing bills. Priority will be given to projects supporting partnerships between U.S. and southern organizations. $50,000. Through the Coalitions for Shorebirds project, six sites are working to implement the disturbance objectives of those flyway-scale initiatives. The Initiative grew to embrace a full-lifecycle Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Business Plan published in … Achieving a sustainable shorebird harvest in the Caribbean and northern South America, progress report, 2011-2017. The Atlantic Flyway is home to a wide variety of ecosystems—and more than a third of the human population of the United States. Contact a group lead to get engaged! The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Business Plan culminates a three year effort involving multiple partners along the entire Atlantic Flyway from Alaska – to Argentina. Address human disturbance, predation and habitat and management protection for American Oystercatcher throughout the U.S. Atlantic coast (from Massachusetts to Florida); Address hunting threats in the Caribbean and northern South America (including Barbados, Caribbean French Overseas Territories, Suriname, French Guyana, and northern Brazil); Support the development and implementation of planning efforts targeted at protecting and conserving critical staging areas for Red Knot and Semipalmated Sandpipers (with a focus on staging areas that have completed WHSRN site assessments); and. The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative is focusing conservation efforts on specific habitats throughout the flyway. Spearheaded by the USFWS to address declines in shorebirds, the initiative grew to embrace full-life cycle conservation and represents the full … Midcontinent Americas Shorebird Conservation Initiative December 2018 call with 14 people from Midcontinent Americas decided a conservation strategy was needed Will link to global efforts and national plans within the flyway, and provide on - the-ground benefits Practitioners from the Midcontinent Americas Flyway will use Open Standards The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative is the culmination of a three-year effort involving multiple partners along the entire Atlantic Flyway. These bird’s survival is threatened by hunting, predators, human disturbance, habitat loss and change, and climate change. The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative aims to safeguard shorebird migration by improving habitat functionality and the condition of critical sites allowing for completion of a species annual full life cycle. Unpublished report, U.S. … In the first phase of this initiative, NFWF will focus on the following specific areas further detailed in the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Business Plan: NFWF support will complement where possible, ongoing efforts of partner organizations actively engaged in shorebird conservation throughout the flyway. The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative identifies major threats and detailed steps needed to reverse shorebird declines and prevent a second, potentially far more extensive wave of shorebird extinctions. Phone: 413.253.8557 Development of the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative culminated a multi-year effort involving multiple partners along the entire Atlantic Flyway – from Alaska to Argentina – to address declines in shorebirds. The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI) highlights predation as one of four primary anthropogenic threats to shorebird populations in the Atlantic Flyway, and … An effective conservation plan must encompass habitat conservation. In 2015, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation developed a parent Business Plan for the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 2015), hereafter parent Business Plan. Spearheaded by the USFWS as a regional effort to address declines in shorebirds, grew to the initiative embraced full-lifecycle conservation and The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI) and Pacific Shorebird Conservation Initiative (PSCI) have both identified disturbance as a key threat. Therefore, effective shorebird conservation requires a wide-ranging approach to identify and ameliorate threats that shorebirds face at multiple locations throughout the flyway. Hunting, predators, human disturbance, habitat loss and change, and climate change threaten these birds’ survival. Different species of shorebirds will depend on different types of habitat during their life. Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Conservation Initiative The business strategy approach emphasizes the involvement of scientists, advocates, funders and other practitioners all working together for prioritized, on-the-ground actions that move toward specific, measurable outcomes. Recognizing the plight of declining migratory shorebird populations throughout the Atlantic Flyway, a partnership of government (led by the USFWS), conservation organizations, academics and shorebird experts, came together to develop an ambitious “business” plan that aims to reverse these declines and build a foundation to safeguard the phenomena of migration that sustains shorebird populations …

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