National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association, St. At least two containers should be used, one for cleaning dirty shears. Species-specific procedures for the humane control of pest animals are available for this purpose. Consider this optionwhen animals have been hand raised (e.g., 4-H projects), particularly if the owner insists on being present during euthanasia. The procedure is performed as a part of an integrated approach to flystrike management including crutching and shearing, good worm control, strategic use of chemicals, genetic selection and paddock grazing management. Both sides must be symmetrical to avoid distortion of the vulva or tail. Flow rate must displace no more than 30% of the chamber volume/minute. Sheep grazing under more extensive conditions require variable supervision according to the density of stocking, availability of suitable feed, reliability of water supply, age, pregnancy status, climatic conditions and management practices. On-Farm Euthanasia. The outcome should be cutting of both carotid arteries. Where capture or restraint may cause significant pain, injury or anxiety to the animal or pose a danger to the operator, the prior use of sedative and/or immobilising drugs may be necessary. Keep warm. Freshly shorn sheep and newborn lambs are particularly susceptible. There are three types of captive bolt pistols, penetrating, non-penetrating and free bolt. There are no easily accessible veins; therefore the intraperitoneal route should be used. A gun fires a metal bolt into the brain of the animal causing the animal to lose consciousness immediately. Passageways, races, entrances and exits should be designed to take advantage of the behaviour patterns of sheep. Since rodents can be particularly resistant to euthanasia by standard methods such as inhalation of CO 2 or gas anesthesia, IACUC policy requires that an approved secondary physical method of euthanasia (e.g. The use of a firearm using the poll method is the … One watering bowl is required for each 60 sheep. Animal Health Australia (2010). Properly applied, euthanasia by either gunshot or penetrating captive bolt (combined with procedures to ensure death), causes less fear and anxiety and induces a more rapid, painless, and humane death than can be achieved by most other methods. Shears used for mulesing must be properly prepared and maintained. Euthanasia is the act of inducing humane death with the minimum of pain, fear or distress to the animal involved. University of Sydney, NSW. ensure lambs are not disturbed, mustered or handled for at least 4 weeks after mulesing to assist wound healing. If patient is not breathing, apply artificial respiration and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if necessary. Death occurs rapidly at CO concentrations of 4 to 6%. When an intensive sheep husbandry enterprise is first established or a new water source is used, the water should be tested for minerals and organisms which may be toxic and advice obtained on its suitability for sheep. A sharp jerk with each hand, pulling the head backward over the neck aims to herniate the brain stem and may break the spinal cord and carotid arteries. The method of euthanasia must be humane, resulting in immediate loss of consciousness followed by death, with a minimum of pain, discomfort or stress. ; Refer to the CO 2 Step by Step Euthanasia Procedures posted within the euthanasia room for guidance.. See Animals Administered a Hazardous Substance Requiring Containment for additional information regarding hazardous animal euthanasia. Temporal position (side view): The firearm is aimed at a point between the eye and the base of the ear directed towards the opposite eye. Place captive bolt stunner firmly on top of head aiming from just behind the poll to slightly forward of the angle of the jaw of the sheep. Insensibility will occur after an interval ranging from a few seconds to a minute or more. Accurate targeting for a shot to the head in various species has been described below. One of the most humane methods of euthanasia is the administration of a barbiturate overdose either by the intravenous, intraperitoneal or intracardiac routes. VSAEC Approved Activity SHEEP ... Student learning outcomes: To learn appropriate methods of training sheep for competition or show. 19. recognition of signs of pain and distress. In larger rabbits, greater muscle mass in the neck region makes manual cervical dislocation physically more difficult. Suitable only for very small hairless pouch young. This will reduce blood loss and aid recovery. They should only be moved quietly over short distances taking less than half an hour. It is essential that personnel are adequately trained to recognise and confirm that death has occurred. Temporary yards in well-grassed areas can be useful to minimise wound contamination with dirt, dust and faeces and to reduce the additional stress imposed by travelling. The frontal approach as used for firearms is preferred although a poll approach is possible. Getting it right, first time, every time: Practical guidance on the management and operation of large-scale humane killing of livestock during emergencies. New technology and treatments, including use of pain relief, will be adopted promptly after approval, if shown to minimise risk to welfare, including pain, associated with the procedure. Sheep should not be deprived of water for more than 36 hours. Guidelines for euthanasia of domestic animals by firearms. stunning). Adequate fire fighting equipment should be available to control a fire in any sheep housing shed, building or feedlot. If preferred, once the animal is unconscious, it may be removed from the cage and euthanased with an intravenous or intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbitone sodium. Intraperitoneal route can be used after sedation. Sheep should not be kept in, or exposed to, any environment where the air is so contaminated with dust or noxious chemicals as to be detrimental to their welfare. Culling of large feral animals in the Northern Territory. Ewe flocks lambing under grazing conditions should be disturbed as little as possible. A single, sharp blow should be delivered to the central skull bones. NSW Agriculture, NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, Rural Lands Protection Boards, NSW Police (2003). All staff must be fully briefed and trained on all aspects of the procedures. Barbiturates are restricted substances, listed as Schedule 4 under the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP). These procedures must avoid distress, be reliable, and produce rapid loss of consciousness without pain until death occurs. N.B. The main advantage of the captive-bolt is the safety factor. For larger pigs. Euthanasia - the act of inducing humane death in an animal by a method that induces rapid loss of consciousness and death with a minimum of pain, discomfort or distress. The intraperitoneal route is used when an intravenous injection would result in stressful handling or be dangerous to the animal or the operator and when there are no easily accessible veins. The animal will become unconscious quickly and quietly, followed by death after a period depending on the gas used and its concentration. Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) (2010). Large volumes of euthanasia solution are required for adult animals. It is most often used with terminally unwell or injured animals, where the prognosis is considered hopeless, and should also be considered for animals with intractable behaviour problems. aim just behind the poll to slightly forward of the angle of the jaw of the sheep (A), or, aim from the side of the bead at a point midway between the eye and the base of the ear (B), or. The procedure can be carried out in an appropriate paddock. The aim should be slightly across the centreline of the skull and towards the spine. Shots to the front of the head can be used on kids, however this method is not recommended for mature goats as the brain is located well back in the skull. If CO2 is inhaled, remove patient from the contaminated area to allow them to breathe fresh air. Adequate resourcing, training and support for personnel and organisations involved in the care and euthanasia of wildlife should be made available by … Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science JAALAS 48:23-27. Euthanizing solution may be prepared by dissolving one level teaspoon of Chloretone powder in a gallon of water. Relevant hygienic precautions should be undertaken. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (2008). for up to approx 60 seconds after a car has been cold started). Only wool bearing skin is removed during the mulesing process. This is a controlled substance (DEA Schedule II). PestSmart website. Active euthanasia involves an external act by a third party; passive euthanasia is when something is eliminated from a person's care regime, causing that person's death as a result. A minimum trough length of 30 cm, plus 1.5 cm per sheep is recommended for mobs of up to 500. Compressed CO2 gas in cylinders should be used so the inflow to the chamber can be regulated precisely. Non-fatal poisoning may result in permanent nervous system damage. Head only stunning. Temporal position: This method is the preferred head shot as it is a larger target area. Source of carbon monoxide is compressed CO in cylinders. The RSPCA standards therefore only allow certain methods of killing day-old chicks and have strict requirements about how this practice must be managed. 1; Recommended methods or codes of practice should be adhered to wherever possible. This listing requires that they be restricted to medical, dental or veterinary prescription or supply, or to approved use in research. (2000). The AVMA euthanasia guidelines are actively being revised with additional methods of equine euthanasia to be included, but the currently approved methods are gunshot, barbiturate lethal injection and … Toads must be confirmed as dead prior to disposal. Project Methods All procedures reported herein have been approved by the NMSU Animal Care and Use Committee (2012-018; through 8/2014). This solution, if stored tightly capped, may be used over and over. It is an acceptable method of emergency slaughter of individual animals on-farm. If large numbers of animals are to be killed, provisions should be made to dispose of carcasses in an appropriate manner. CCAC, Ottawa, Canada. Stunning is done by restraining the animal and applying a forceful blow to the middle of the head just behind the eyes. It should be noted that the individual anatomical differences between sheep may not be fully represented in these schematic diagrams. familiarity with the normal behaviour of the species being euthanased, an appreciation of how handling and restraint affect behaviour, an understanding of the mechanisms by which the selected technique induces loss of consciousness and death. Humane killing of sheep over 6 months old. There are a number of different methods of human euthanasia, most of which can be categorized under two procedural subtypes, notes Medical News Today. Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals: Cattle. Proper handling and restraint is essential to minimise pain, fear, distress and anxiety experienced by the animal and also for the safety of the operator. One hundred percent CO2 can cause severe dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing) and distress in conscious animals but this higher concentration is recommended for immature and neonatal animals as they are more tolerant of hypoxia and hypercarbia. Blunt trauma should only be used when there is no other recommended option for humane destruction and can only be used on lambs that are less than 24 hours old. Cervical dislocation is not suitable for birds larger than 3 kg as it is difficult to pull the neck quickly. In: Solutions for Achieving Humane Vertebrate Pest Control. Release the lamb on its feet to prevent contact of the wound with the ground to prevent contamination. Satisfactory for immature pigs. There are times when sheep need to be handled for close inspection or shifted to another place. May need prior sedation if animal cannot be handled readily. Weak lambs with very little chance of survival should be destroyed humanely. Guidelines for the Capture, Handling and Care of Mammals. More frequent inspections should occur where the threat of flystrike or other risks are likely. Skin or blood testing of personnel is recommended to assess previous exposure, followed by vaccination for susceptible individuals. The People . One of the most humane methods of euthanasia is the administration of a barbiturate overdose either by the intravenous, intraperitoneal or intracardiac routes. No other tissues such as selvage (muscle fascia – membrane overlying the muscle), muscle, or other underlying tissue are to be removed or cut. Ear marking instruments should be sharp, with the cutting edges undamaged, so as to prevent tearing of the ear. Sheep should be excluded, as far as possible, from toxic plants and other substances suspected of being deleterious to their health. However, voluntary movement to adjacent areas is acceptable to allow access to fresh feed. 27 and 28 February 2006, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. The animal can be placed in a sealed chamber containing cotton or gauze soaked with an appropriate amount of an anaesthetic or the anaesthetic vapour can be introduced from a vaporiser into the container or a plastic bag that has been placed around a cage containing the animal. An alternative to the firearm is a captive-bolt penetrating stunner which uses blank cartridges colour coded for the amount of power required for the species of animal being destroyed. Code of Practice on the Humane Treatment of Wild and Farmed Australian Crocodiles. Practices that cause pain should be applied in such a way as to minimise pain and should not be carried out if practical alternatives can be used to achieve the same results. Marking and mulesing should be done at a time which minimises the separation of lambs and ewes and allows mothering up to occur as quickly as possible. The AVMA states that CO 2 is an acceptable method of euthanasia, but other methods are preferable because large animals, such as swine, appear to be more distressed than small laboratory animals. It is not recommended to dip shears in disinfectant between lambs unless the disinfectant is changed prior to it becoming contaminated. In stags this point is found between, and sometimes just behind, the antlers. Australian Veterinary Emergency Plan (AUSVETPLAN), Edition 3, Primary Industries Ministerial Council, Canberra, ACT. Where predation is known to occur, reasonable precautions should be taken. (A) Euthanasia is the causing of humane death, through the rapid loss of consciousness followed by cardiac and respiratory arrest and the ultimate loss of brain function. It provides a high degree of lifetime protection against flystrike in the breech area. However, if disinfectant is used in the washing process, this must NOT be regarded as having disinfected the equipment. Head only stunning. Operators should avoid bites and scratches and use protective equipment when handling all bats. Employ euthanasia methods according to the IACUC approved animal care and use protocol. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) (2003). Care must be taken to limit the number of animals in a chamber at any one time so as to maintain a constant CO2 concentration. They should only be used in well-ventilated areas. Hold the lamb securely in a symmetrical position. The use of a shotgun for the emergency slaughter or euthanasia of larger mature pigs. Rifles are preferred to handguns because the longer barrel length ensures better control by the shooter and places the shooter further away from the animal. After the application of a euthanasia procedure, it is essential that the death of the animal be confirmed. adult rats), Stunning plus exsanguination or cervical dislocation. Frog Decline Reversal Project Inc, Edmonton, Queensland. This should be followed immediately by bleeding out or another technique to ensure death without regaining consciousness. Carbon monoxide is extremely hazardous to humans as it is highly toxic and difficult to detect. Euthanasia of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes. Canadian Veterinary Journal 32:724-726. National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Non-commercial Purposes. Producers should be aware that it will be a requirement of the state regulations in some states. Employ euthanasia methods according to the IACUC approved animal care and use protocol. Toxicosis, sedation and death have occurred in pets and wildlife that ingest portions of carcasses euthanased by some chemical agents. In its Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters, the ASV explains, “The use of carbon monoxide as a method of euthanizing dogs and cats in shelters is unacceptable due to multiple humane, operational and safety concerns…(A)n acceptable method of euthanasia must be quick and painless, and should not cause distress. Acceptable methods of tail docking, without anaesthesia, are: cutting with a sharp knife; applying rubber rings according to the manufacturer's recommendation; or using a gas flame heated scarring iron according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Vaccination is recommended for people who come into regular contact with potentially infected animals. Ear tagging can cause some tearing of the ear if not conducted properly; careful technique will avoid this. Standing Committee on Agriculture, Animal Health Committee (1991). Refer to the DEWHA (2008) National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Non-commercial Purposes for further details. Refer to the relevant state and territory legislation for specific details on the supply, possession, use and storage of these drugs. Suitable restraint of the animal and exact placement of the bolt is essential. Accuracy is important to achieve a humane death. Shots must be aimed so that the projectile enters the brain, causing instant loss of consciousness. Powered by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions, View our best practice community engagement information hub ‘Community Invasives Action‘ to enhance community involvement in your invasive species management programs. OIE, France.’. Temporal position (side view): The firearm is aimed from the side of the head so that the bullet enters the skull at a point midway between the eye and the base of the ear on the same side of the head. Violent muscular contraction can occur after cervical dislocation. Many methods of euthanasia require that animals be physically restrained. The site should not be subject to flooding and should be away from fire hazards and relatively protected from adverse weather. Operators should continually evaluate their technique by checking wound symmetry and position as lambs are released. Castration of rams over 6 months of age must be conducted under veterinary supervision using anaesthesia. Anaesthetic gas or carbon dioxide is introduced into a plastic bag that has been placed around the cage. Exsanguination must not be used as a sole method of euthanasia as extreme hypovolaemia is associated with anxiety. When animals are placed into a chamber containing up to 70% CO2 they lose consciousness very quickly due to the narcotic effect of the high intake of CO2 on the brain without causing hypoxia. Dips or showers should be constructed, maintained and operated in a manner that minimises injury, disease and stress to sheep. Wet, muddy, manure laden or dry dusty areas must be avoided to reduce the risk of wound contamination. Shears may be either bent or straight and must be sharpened and set correctly to allow straight-edged cuts to be made efficiently. Mulesing must be carried out on clean, well-grassed areas in paddocks that have sufficient feed and water for at least four weeks after mulesing to avoid the need to move mulesed sheep. When new sheep yards are to be constructed, or existing yards modified, expert advice should be sought. Certain methods of euthanasia require ex-sanguination to ensure death therefore, this technique and appropriate methods to confirm death are described. The brain stem – which controls respiration and heart activity – is consequently damaged, stopping breathing and reducing blood flow to the brain, leading to death. Death is caused by direct depression of CNS, respiratory and cardiac functions. metal pipe, wooden club etc.). In addition, Schedule 8 drugs are subject to stringent storage and record-keeping requirements. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. Laboratory Animals 30:293-316. Oxygen may be given but only under the supervision of a trained person. A shot to the brain, using a 12 gauge shotgun, is preferred when the bird is in close range (<20 m). Injections by the intraperitoneal route work much more slowly than the intravenous route, but are easier for an operator working alone. Humane Destruction of Unwanted Animals. The size of the wound should be the minimum to achieve sufficient flystrike protection. Buy A Treatise on Cattle: Showing the Most Approved Methods of Breeding, Rearing and Fitting for Use, Asses, Mules, Horned Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Swine by John Mills, Monsieur Barberet (ISBN: 9783337477691) from Amazon's Book Store. Owners and advisers with limited or no previous experience of drought management should seek advice from qualified advisers. Note that if intraperitoneal pentobarbitone is used, the animal must be returned to the gas-filled chamber until it has died. While no ideal method of euthanasia exists, the procedure of choice should approach as closely as possible the following criteria: Produces rapid loss of consciousness and death, Interrupts consciousness and reflexes simultaneously, Avoids excitement and causes minimal psychological stress to the animals, Exhibits consistent and predictable action, Is easily and safely administered by properly trained personnel, Causes minimal emotional effects to operator and observers, Is not a disease or environmental problem, Does not result in tissue changes that would affect a post-mortem diagnosis. CCAC Guidelines on Euthanasia of Animals Used in Science. If possible, any dependent young of animals being euthanased should also be killed or provision made for their care. Humane killing of Livestock Using Firearms. Freezing is an inappropriate method of euthanasia unless specifically approved by the AEC. Death from a shot to the chest is due to massive tissue damage and haemorrhage from major blood vessels. Dry powder dressings should not be used as they may delay healing. Thus, inhalant agents that cause hypoxia, for example, carbon dioxide, may take longer to cause unconsciousness and death in neonatal animals compared with adult animals. A penetrating captive bolt can cause varying degrees of brain injury depending on the placement and length of the bolt and the force with which it is projected into the brain. There is evidence that chronic exposure to inhalation of anaesthetic agents may be associated with psychomotor, hepatic and renal dysfunction. Head and heart electrocution. Code of Animal Welfare No. Suffocation. Temporal position (side view). Senate Select Committee on Animal Welfare (SSCAW) (1991). Grandin T (1994). captive bolt stunning, blunt trauma). When using a vaporiser, the addition of an appropriate concentration of nitrous oxide will produce a more rapid loss of consciousness. Feral Animal Aerial Shooting Team (FAAST) Management and Training System. Even so, the use of injectable euthanasia agents may be a practical euthanasia method for sheep and goats in certain situations. accessed 15-12-2020. Euthanasia procedures must be performed by persons competent in and qualified for the methods to be used, or under the direct supervision of a competent person. To carry out an effective bleed, make a cut from ear to ear with a sharp knife, cutting all the blood vessels, cutting through to the spine. Frog Safe Inc (2012). • Injection of chemical agents into conscious animals (e.g., disinfectants, certain electrolytes such as KCl, non-anesthetic pharmaceutical agents). It is the responsibility of th e Principal Investigator to ensure that personnel are properly trained and proficient in the method of euthanasia to be used. Many practical, safety and legal considerations will influence the choice of a humane killing method. Recommendations for Euthanasia of Experimental Animals: Part 1. Euthanasia and slaughter of livestock. Some methods require considerable training and experience to be used appropriately. Loss of consciousness is thought to develop rapidly in warm-blooded animals. Care should be taken with gates to avoid injury to sheep. Intravenous route preferred, intraperitoneal route if necessary. A suitable firearm for euthanasia is a .22 calibre rifle or .32 calibre humane killer pistol used at short range but not placed directly on the head. Acceptable methods of castrating male lambs without anaesthesia are by: (a) cutting: the lamb should be properly restrained and the knife (cutting instrument) should be kept clean and sharp; good post-operative drainage of the wound is required; (b) rubber rings applied according to the manufacturer's recommendation. Figure 1 mulesing procedure incisions for breech area. Dirty shears must be washed to remove all blood, wool or faeces to permit the disinfectant to work effectively. This method is acceptable method for very small mammals (eg very, small unfurred kangaroo pouch young) providing that appropriate and well-maintained equipment is used. This standard operating procedure (SOP) is a guide only; it does not replace or override the legislation that applies in the relevant state or territory jurisdiction. Watering points should be of sufficient capacity and allow safe access. Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. Numerous guidelines are available which describe disposal methods eg Burton 1999, AUSVETPLAN Operational Procedures Manual: Disposal (1996), NSW EPA (2001) Guidelines for disposal of dead stock. Physical destruction of brain activity and destruction of neurons vital for life. Legislation in States and Territories covering regulation of veterinary procedures and/or animal welfare must be complied with. May need prior sedation especially in large pigs. ANZCCART, Glen Osmond, South Australia. The consequences of not performing certain husbandry procedures may result in far more pain and distress to the animal than the procedure itself, when it is performed quickly and competently. Prohibited methods include: Electrocution. Containers must not be chipped, dirty or of a design that harbours bacteria. Carbon monoxide concentrations greater than 2% are sufficient to cause loss of consciousness within minutes. Extensive information on these substances, methods of application and their use in the field is available throughout the scientific literature. Stock should be observed without disturbance at least every 3 days during the healing process. The following equipment must NOT be used: A pain relief product must be used on all sheep that are mulesed. Use of temporary or portable yards is recommended to ensure: Cradles must be maintained in good working order and be operated with minimal risk of injury to the operator or lamb, especially when loading and  unloading. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Australia, Canberra. MAF, New Zealand. The use of ether is not acceptable for both OH&S and animal welfare reasons (high explosive risk, the induction of anaesthesia is slow, causes irritation to the skin and mucous membranes, causes marked excitement in some species). NSW DPI, Orange. DEFRA, United Kingdom. The positions and direction of the line of fire for either polled or horned sheep are shown in Appendix 2. The barrel should never be touching the animal’s head. How to humanely dispose of cane toads. Manual cervical dislocation is conditionally acceptable in mice, gerbils, hamsters and other … Mawson P (1991). If preferred, once the animal is unconscious, it may be removed from the cage and euthanased with an intravenous or intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbitone sodium.

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