Etnica: Chrome Pleiadians: Pyramid Species: Groove dont come easy Wrecked Machines: Blink Celebra Brasil Eclipse South Africa 2002 Etnica In Dub Explorer Macao Cafe Macao Cafe Vol .3 Macao Cafe Vol.2 Macao Cafe Vol.4 Phase One Phase Three Phase Two South Africa 2000 Totemism Totemism 3 … The maps are constructed from the Digital Chart of the World (DCW), a digital database of the world developed by the U.S. Defense Mapping Agency (DMA). Solar prominences can be seen along the limb (in red) as well as extensive coronal filaments. ...featuring leading international trance and electronica musicians who performed for the SouthAfrica 2002 Total Solar Eclipse Festival. NASA's 2002 solar eclipse site ... Zimbabwe and South Africa into darkness before heading out to sea through Mozambique, which declared a national holiday to mark the event. Instead of 4:30 a.m. today on the day of eclipse, the gate of the camp should be opened already at 4:00 a.m.. We had more then 100km to drive into the zone of totality, had to consider possible chaotic traffic conditions, speed limits and road closures beginning at certain times. City data from a geographic data base of over 90,000 positions are plotted to give as many locations as possible in the path of totality. The eclipse path began on the 4th of December 2002 over the Atlantic Ocean, west of Africa. Star visibility requires a very dark and cloud free sky during totality. These figures are adapted from NASA TP 2001-209990 "Total Solar Eclipse of 2002 December 04". NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA, Table 2 - Shadow Contacts and Circumstances, Table 4 - Physical Ephemeris of the Umbral Shadow, Table 5 - Local Circumstances on the Center Line, Table 6 - Topocentric Data and Path Corrections Due to Lunar Limb Profile, Table 7 - Mapping Coordinates for the Umbral Path - Africa (0.5° steps), Table 8 - Mapping Coordinates for the Umbral Path - Australia (0.5° steps), Table A - Mapping Coordinates for the Umbral Path (Entire Path in 0.5° Longitude Steps), Table B - Mapping Coordinates for the Umbral Path - Africa (Extended Version: 0.25° Longitude Steps), Table C - Mapping Coordinates for the Umbral Path - Australia (Extended Version: 0.25° Longitude Steps), Table 9 - Coordinates for the Zones of Grazing Eclipse - Africa (0.50° steps), Table 10 - Coordinates for the Zones of Grazing Eclipse - Australia (0.50° Longitude Steps), Table D - Coordinates for the Zones of Grazing Eclipse - Africa (Extended Version: 0.25° Longitude Steps), Table E - Coordinates for the Zones of Grazing Eclipse - Australia (Extended Version: 0.25° Longitude Steps), Live Webcast of Eclipse from South Africa, Live Webcast of Eclipse from Ceduna, Australia, Table and Maps of Solar Eclipses: 2001-2010, Table and Maps of Solar Eclipses: 2011-2020, World Map of Total Solar Eclipses: 1996-2020, World Map of Annular Solar Eclipses: 1996-2020, Maps of Solar Eclipses in North America: 1851-2100, Five Thousand Year Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000, Seven Thousand Year Catalog of Very Long Solar Eclipses: -2999 to +4000, Exposure Table for Solar Eclipse Photography, Orthographic (Global) Map of 2002 Total Solar Eclipse, 2002 Total Eclipse Path Through Western Africa, 2002 Total Eclipse Path Through Eastern Africa, 2002 Total Eclipse Path Through Australia, 2002 Total Eclipse Path Through Southern Australia, 2002 Eclipse Path - Zimbabwe & South Africa, 2002 Eclipse Path - Kruger National Park (SA), Graph - Mean Cloudiness Along Eclipse Path, Sky During Totality - 06:15 UT (western Zimbabwe), Sky During Totality - 09:11 UT (southern Australia), Lunar Limb Profile - 06:15 UT (western Zimbabwe), Lunar Limb Profile - 09:11 UT (southern Australia). Copy of the records of 5. and 8.12.2002 to 14.12.2002, adding the pictures at 15. and 18.12.2002. 08. Another cloudy eclipse. And then the light turns on again. Print products were distributed through most national newspapers, and television inserts awere flighted on SABC Education. Mars (mv=+1.7) is one and a half degrees west of Venus, but offers a much more difficult target since it will be nearly 500 times fainter. 12. Jive Media Africa, in partnership with Madam & Eve, conceptualised and produced a national campaign for the total solar eclipse 2002. Just at Letaba itself a remarkable hole un the clouds. Unfortunately for us living on the Southern tip of the African continent, we won’t be seeing another total solar eclipse … From the West a rain front seemed to come up! I've been observing on and off for three years now with my little 90mm Orion refractor and, to revive my declining use of the telescope, recently purchased a Polymer Plus solar filter from Thousand Oaks Optical. Despite traffic jam before Shingwedzi we reached the camp before 7 a.m.. Aready in the area around Dzombo the weather situation improved such that it became thrilling again. SOUTH AFRICA - 2002 Complete SOLAR ECLIPSE Souvenir Sheet Scott No. Cloud puffs in the display angle of the 35mm lens of the Olympus OM1-camera. The map shows the visibility of the annular solar eclipse on June 10–11, 2002. 1999 - Turkey; Total Solar Eclipse 11. Kruger National Park is likely to be one of the primary destinations for the 2002 eclipse. kp/ng (AFP, Reuters) extremely carefully to handle situation. They took 21 images in unstable and cloudy weather and only one image was significantly influenced by clouds. The sun has risen in the meantime and seemed to melt away clouds due to its increasing beaming angle. Solar eclipse December 2020 Date and time. Now there were actually the sunny mornings and the large heap clouds in the afternoon and evening, from which there were heavy rains. The eclipse will end after sunset, at 20:53. According to Nasa‚ the moon will pass in front of the sun on Thursday – producing a ring of fire in the sky for some of our northern neighbours. I saw a small cloud hole and thought, that it may become interesting, without to think about that it could happen already a few moments later: At the next view I saw it actually and fully unexpectedly, the sun already ca. The exposure times repeatedly changing – that could only be made with automatic exposure. It became cooler and darker, a few minutes before totality! Viewed from South Africa, the eclipse lasts 85 seconds. List of Solar Eclipses in South America 2020–2029. You may need to set your printer to 25% reduction in order to print 'High' resolution figures on a single page. Still in Olifants I recognized that stars were hardly visible, and those with a small veil around. Darkness. The limb profile of the Moon determines the appearance and duration of Baily's beads. A group of Spaniards beside me supported me with my adjustments at the Revue refractor indirectly by their callings at appearing sun, because the difficulty was that the partially disappeared sun was not available for adjustment of display window and focussing and additionally at disappeared sun it was not clear, if the display window still was correct. Each map was chosen to isolate a specific region along the land portion of the eclipse path. Not Actual Solar Eclipse A guy’s total obsession with an insanely elegant rare phenomenon of nature! But would the weather keep as good as it was until now? December is, from the point of weather, a very bad month in South Africa. To Be Published in Observer's Handbook 2002, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. It will be visible from the majority of South America and from a small portion of Africa. Inner unrest – wait, how it looks like, when it is becoming lighter... Not cirrus clouds. The following maps show the overall regions of visibility of the partial eclipse as well as the path of the total eclipse through Africa and Australia. In Australia, better weather prospects come at the cost of a short eclipse and a very low solar altitude that will magnify the effects of any cloud that might be present. However, Mercury (mv=-0.6) should be discernible from most places along the eclipse track. Check where the eclipses are visible and if you can see them. This time the moon will be closer to the Earth and will block out the sun's light completely. Eclipse Over Acacia ... the Moon's shadow will track across southern Africa bringing a total solar eclipse to African skies. The Slovak expedition organized by Vojtech RuÅ¡in had an enormous luck. December 4, 2002 Solar Eclipse - Tshipise, South Africa. Within an astonishing small travel group of only 5 people I reached as participant of this tour operated by "Karawane" after visiting the towns of Johannesburg and Pretoria already on 29. Leaving Beitbridge at the border of Zimbabwe, the 2002 eclipse crosses quickly over South Africa, in the Venda area and the north of the Kruger National Park. Path of Solar Eclipse 2002. With the filter it was all dark, and without filter the sun was too bright and the risk too high, to observe it in more detail. Path map, animation, and local times. The Sky During Totality. The maximum eclipse period starts at 18:13. Retrieved from "" I looked for a suitable observation site and found it despite many people at the camp at a free space with eastern viewing direction near the weather station at the eastern border of the camp. 4 December 2002, a total solar eclipse occurred in the north of the Limpopo province in South Africa. A partial solar eclipse occurred on February 11, 1888 during summer. 2001 - Angola; Total Solar Eclipse 11. 2002 Total Solar Eclipse About the Eclipse. 2001 - Angola; Total Solar Eclipse 11. Behind the small flat cloud, only some solar diameters large, the light breaks out again. But it was really not so silent, because a lot of animal voices shaped the sound patterns of the landscape in the near and in the far, mainly the cries and tweets of the birds. A further drive to the North, to Shingwedzi, should not be possible. NASA's 2002 solar eclipse site ... Zimbabwe and South Africa into darkness before heading out to sea through Mozambique, which declared a national holiday to mark the event. This figure is adapted from e-mail:, Planetary Systems Branch - Code 693 A number of the bright stars may also be visible during totality. What a way to top-off your humanity -- seeking out & standing in the moonshadow of perhaps the grandest of all imaginable celestial and natural earth-based events. 8:00 a.m.: View of the partial solar eclipse. This release follows the legendary success of the previous South Africa 2000 Millennium Festival the third cd compilation release and the Celebra Brasil festivals. During the whole day in the west and in the south upcoming cirrus clouds could be seen. Chile and Argentina enjoyed a total solar eclipse in the summer of 2019. The 2002 Solar Eclipse in South Africa. Full totality will appear for just more than two minutes … Here’s what you need to know, and when the next solar event will be visible from South Africa. Since it is nearly at opposition, Saturn (mv=-0.1) will be below the horizon for most locations along the umbral path. According dashboard coming from the South it should only be allowed to drive to a temporarily constructed observation zone "Dzombo Plato". It stands differently around than before, the moon moves out now again on the other side of the sun. The figures below depict the appearance of the sky during totality as seen from the center line at different locations. Just eighteen months after the 2001 eclipse the Moon's shadow returns to southern Africa. ... Zimbabwe, South Africa and Mozambique. We are having a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th for the majority of the world and in the early hours of the 15th for Eastern Asia and Australia area. 2002 May 26: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The sun came out and disappeared again and again behind smaller thicker cloud areas. 08. They took 21 images in unstable and cloudy weather and only one image was significantly influenced by clouds. The shift in season marks a dramatic change in the weather, for where 2001's eclipse occurred during the dry southern winter, that of 2002 is in the midst of the wet summer. I sat at the tour group, in a few meters distance to my instruments. No I could bring my Revue refractor to action, but not as planned with, but solely without filter foil. 2 Dec 4, 2002 Total Solar Eclipse. Instructions and a form for ordering a hard copy of this publication can be found at: Additional and supplemental material for the 2002 eclipse will be published here in the coming months. A jewel of South Africa, the park is regarded as one of the finest wildlife management areas in the world. Heavy rain had threatened … November the Kruger National Park, located in the extreme northeast of South Africa. 4 December 2002, a total solar eclipse occurred in the north of the Limpopo province in South Africa. 8 a.m. – Sun there again, now for a longer time, but permanently weakened by clouds. December 2002 – The day of the solar eclipse over Kruger National Park – Wake up at 3:20 a.m., departure from the Camp Olifants at 4:00 a.m.. Path of Solar Eclipse 2002. On December 4th, 2002, a total solar eclipse was visible from parts of the Southern Hemisphere. And there again the narrow solar crescent can be seen again, not yet it is completely round. No sunspots visible. From the western parts of the camp Olifants located on a hill now the "dress rehearsal" for the solar eclipse consisted of the capture of the sunset over the Kruger National Park. Before the totality had I had to zoom away, so that the upward left moving sun still would remain within the picture safely. In the viewfinder of the Canon camera everything remains deeply black. During the year 2002, two solar and three penumbral lunar eclipses occur as follows: . SOLAR ECLIPSE LIST. It then sped on across the Indian Ocean, where the instant of greatest eclipse occurred at 0731 GMT, about 2,000 kilometres south-east of Madagascar. A partial solar eclipse was witnessed by the people of southern parts of South America, South-West Africa and Antarctica. A difficult and (only for very experienced observers!) After moving into our rooms in Shingwedzi we went again for a game drive, this time along the nearly drained Shingwedzi river. Solar eclipse December 2020 Date and time. A total solar has crossed the earth Wednesday. The most conspicuous planet visible during totality will be Venus (mv=-4.5) located 39° west of the Sun in Virgo. Total Solar Eclipse 04. A total eclipse of the Sun occurred for up to 80 seconds over Southern Africa (and Australia) on 2002 December 04, in a narrow strip running across the Southern African subcontinent. In the viewfinder of the camera it could be seen also, a little bit moved out to the top, nevertheless released with 1.5 seconds of exposure time. I thought: "A wonder must have to happen, if this eclipse should become a success.". The solar eclipse in South Africa will last for 21 minutes. These figures are adapted from Here's what you need to know. This web site has been established for the purpose of providing detailed predictions, maps, figures and information about this historic event. It was totally exciting, because of constantly changing cloud conditions and the totality with the corona seen twice, even if one had the impression that the sky hung of full clouds. The profile is also required in predicting the exact times of second and third contact, and the actual duration of totality. A second higher cloud cover was relatively week. During the December 4, 2002 Total Solar Eclipse On Wednesday, December 4th, 2002, a solar eclipse will be visible in the southern hemisphere. Sorry about the dirty lens and batteries running out! 1999 - Hungary; Total Solar Eclipse 11. One of the best places to see it was a part of northern South Africa, where thousands of people from all over the world gathered for the event. Experts said the eclipse was partly visible in several other Latin American countries, parts of Africa and the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The second solar eclipse this year will happen on December 14 over South America. 08. Near the Limpopo in South Africa. This animation show the solar eclipse across Chile and Argentina from the space. That is what was offered by a travel description, that I found on the Website of Reisebüro "Bonn-Südstadt". Currently shown eclipse is highlighted. Each figure is available in two resolutions: 'Low' (web resolution) and 'High' (300 dpi print resolution). That is (without tracking) much too long, thus switching to manual, 1.5 seconds, more may it simply not be. Due to having already assembled my telescopes the day before, and the possibility to transport it during the drive on two free seats in the bus, just separated from the tripod, the construction of my observation equipment lasted a few minutes only. December 2002 – The day of the solar eclipse over Kruger National Park – Wake up at 3:20 a.m., departure from the Camp Olifants at 4:00 a.m.. IST-Africa 2021 call for papers - Friday, 11 December 2020 12:47. Instead of 4:30 a.m. today on the day of eclipse, the gate of the camp should be opened already at 4:00 a.m.. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth.An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun's, blocking most of the Sun's light and causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring). Included in these pages are pictures of the trip and information about Africa. The innermost planet lies 11° east of the Sun. The center line travels across the drier part of the park, though in December the vegetation is a lush green because of the summer rains. 08. Suddenly a piece of corona, but so weakly, also in the telescope: the auto- exposure mechanism of the Canon-EOS500N-camera positioned behind the Revue refractor focally at 910mm wants to give me 8 seconds of exposure time. 400 kilometers long Kruger National Park ranged. Eclipses During 2002 by Fred Espenak. Solar Eclipse (Total) South in Africa, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica. I called and rushed to my equipment, aligned, focussed and shot the first photo, noted 07:45 a.m.. Then clouds again. The eclipse will end after sunset, at 20:53. You may need to set your printer to 25% reduction in order to print 'High' resolution figures on a single page. Design und Inhalt: Stephan Heinsius, D-63303 Dreieich, ©SH 2002 - all rights reserved. Moon's umbra or dark central shadow - will run eastward through Angola, Namibia (Caprivi Strip), Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa's Kruger National Park, and … A total eclipse of the Sun occurred for up to 80 seconds over Southern Africa (and Australia) on 2002 December 04, in a narrow strip running across the Southern African subcontinent. 2002 - South Africa and Mozambique; Total Solar Eclipse 21. A partial solar eclipse occurred on August 7, 1812 during winter. And again watch with the naked eyes again: There it is again, the corona. Solar Eclipse in South Africa. Year 2002 had 5 eclipses, 2 solar eclipses and 3 lunar eclipses. Depending on the geographic location, as many as four naked eye planets and a number of bright stars will be above the horizon within the umbral path. The tops of the crescent I could use for focus adjustment after leaving of the display window, and already this observation was rather too risky. From Zimbabwe, the pair will appear 70° high in the northeast. The permanent forth and back and the upcoming totality let it run hot through my veins, shivering by exitement. Date and time. Total Solar Eclipse 04. If we make the reasonable assumption that there is a one-third chance that scattered cloud will block the Sun and a two-thirds chance for broken cloud, then the chances of seeing the eclipse will range from about 55% on the coast to about 65% inland. You can select any location to see the local type, date, and time of the eclipse. Observation of the total solar eclipse in the Kruger National Park and a lot of animal observations were on the itinerary, as tour guide a biologist and zoologist. Depending on the geographic location, as many as four naked eye planets and a number of bright stars will be above the horizon within the umbral path. The next annular solar eclipse in South Africa is in 14565 days on Sunday, 10/24/2060. It is crucial that the eclipse path touches the country. 2002 Jun 10: Annular Solar Eclipse. The drive went from Pretoria to eastern directions, amongst others through the impressing sparse mountain landscapes at Blyde River Canyon. So I hoped, to reach Dzombo with a totality duration of 1:12 minute, and not to be routed to Mupani (0:41 Minute totality duration) due to a late approach. Total solar eclipse on Wednesday, December 4, 2002: Where and when is the Sun eclipse visible? And despite clouds around the sun shone in Shingwedzi, when we arrived there. The eclipse began in the South Atlantic at sunrise, passed over the African continent from Angola, through Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa to Mozambique, continued across the Indian Ocean south of Madagascar, ending at sunset in Australia. The width of the path varies, and is widest around the middle of the path, over the southern Indian Ocean. The solar crescent became thinner and thinner, gleaming colours in the cloud structures pulling ahead. Each map is available in two resolutions: 'Low' (web resolution) and 'High' (300 dpi print resolution). 4. I decided to demount the video camera (Sony DCR-VX 700) mounted on the Skywatcher Refractor and just let it switched on instead of the originally planned wide angle video pictures of corona and leaving moon shadow. December is, from the point of weather, a very bad month in South Africa. I took some other photos at different focal lengths, and could pursue the moon up to the fourth contact at 09:38. 06. Yes, it is complete, but so dark, it can not separate from the clouds, and already it is gone again. At this scale, the maps show roads, cities and villages, lakes and rivers, suitable for eclipse expedition planning. The Slovak expedition organized by Vojtech Rušin had an enormous luck. Have cirrus clouds from yesterday spread over the whole sky? 2 Dec 4, 2002. NASA TP 2001-209990 "Total Solar Eclipse of 2002 December 04". NASA TP 2001-209990 "Total Solar Eclipse of 2002 December 04". Compared to Venus, Jupiter (mv=-2.2) is the next brightest planet but it will be located in the northwestern sky 114° away from the Sun. ... South African Standard Time (SAST) is UT + 2 hours. The annular solar eclipse that will pass over Africa and Asia is referred to as a 'Ring of Fire'. This year ends on a positive note with a spectacular partial solar eclipse on 14 December 2020. But when will South Africa get an eclipse? Perhaps they also were still busy with the impressions of the terminated solar eclipse like me. New Delhi: Total solar eclipse that started at 7:03 pm IST yesterday and lasted till 12:23 am today was visible only in parts of Chile and Argentina in South America. The game drives in Kruger Park, which began shortly after sunrise at 5 a.m., presented us encounters with many different wild animals in various environments, at overcast and at sunny weather, and in different distances and numbers of animals. We moved through the middle and northern areas of the park, stayed overnight at the camps Satara, Letaba, Olifants and Shingwedzi. Videos 2002 solar eclipse Video of the 2002 total solar eclipse. 1 Jun 10–11, 2002 Annular Solar Eclipse. All in all, the prospects for a successful horizon eclipse in Australia likely exceed the best chances in Africa by about five to eight percent. Afterwards I allowed myself a small breakfast, then got my things together, disassembled the telescopes and packed them again. Additional maps of the path of totality are found below. June 2001 a second time.

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