We are essentially working on the blank canvas of the dark moon where our ideas can gestate in the new moon soil. A reboot from the cosmos, that will shake you up so much that you will also find a domino effect on other foundational areas. An eclipse in your house of philosophy could trigger a crisis in morals and ethics. The foundations of your life both physical and emotional are being re-set. Indeed you might wish to go off-grid for a while, de-lectrify and lie in some mud. Solar Eclipse December 2019 is an annular … 2. This Solar eclipse is very much like a rebirth. The problem is every new thing that you express about yourself seems to shake up your partnerships. Unless you really do have a dead body buried under the patio or are totally living a lie.. You might have to get worse before you get better, so be patient. This is probably the most powerful Eclipse you could ever have in your life, but more especially if the Eclipse will conjunct the ascendant. It is all the more potent if it triggers any personal planets in this house of your roots, father and property. Did they invest in you to live out their unfulfilled ambitions? Do not be afraid to invest in some playtime just because you think it is self-indulgent, with an eclipse here it the fun could trigger a serious vision for the future. You can donate panchang and fresh clothes to a Brahmin, chana daal, kesar and bananas. These first-hand accounts are worth just as much as any approved history book, if not even more so. Yes, vomit is the word. We are essentially working on the blank canvas of the dark moon where our ideas can gestate in the new moon soil. Thus, how an eclipse affects you depends on your birthdate, birth time, and birthplace. This is a great time for self-promotion and you will be unafraid to speak your truth. Watch as those who you have teamed up closely with for a long time start to feel uneasy about your direction. The Solar Eclipse comes just in time before it gets too disgusting a job to even contemplate. Usually the birds stop tweeting as well which is a strange thing about solar eclipses. Eg, You are on one leg in tree pose and the Solar eclipse pokes you in the side. For example, you might join a new local yoga class that retrains the way you have been holding a posture for the better. The ‘shot’ can have you instantly feeling incomplete and empty until you get your next hit. This can be a sombre, but cleansing and healing time or a joyous, birthing time. ), but rather it’s about something intangible that alters your beliefs and shifts you out of your programmed assumptions about religion and spirituality. The problem then is never feeling satiated. For example, you might decide to redecorate your bedroom, making it far more relaxing and sensual. The mind/body connection is awakened big time with this eclipse. Many astrologers believe that the effects of a Lunar eclipse last approximately six months. Generally, New Moon rituals are perfect for planting new seeds and starting afresh. With the Solar Eclipse in your friendship and wishes zone, you should feel motivated to reach out to your fellow human beings. Read More. of your beauty or talents. If an eclipse falls within 5 degrees of a natal planet, it alters the planet's traits. If you have children, then you will feel much more inclined to spending quality time with them instead of putting up with the stress of modern networking. This is much more likely if the Lunar eclipse falls very close to your IC or aspects the ruler of house 4. What are you worth in the great scheme of things. This will leave you feeling all the more frustrated. Ill persons, pregnant women and children are free from the requirement of adhering to the norms of food, medicine, rest and water intake during the course of the eclipse. And the more astrology-minded among us suggest there is a spiritual meaning behind the solar eclipse. On the other hand, it might be a relief to have it all out in the open, even if you have to go through some disdain or ridicule for a while. But that’s only in your 3D reality, for a great deal is simmering below the surface! It can feel quite gut-wrenching, but at the same time cathartic as all the angst is wretched out of you. It may be very helpful to take a trip somewhere that is meaningful to your ancestors. Shovelling horse shite on a remote Scottish farm might be good. But there is just a very slim chance and only possible if this eclipse closely aspects a personal planet here, or hits the ruler of this house by hard aspect. This local incident could result in us going further afield, even travelling to the bus passenger’s native country. Recite Shri Dhanda Stotra and Shri Suktam. A solar eclipse is a turbocharged New Moon. If you have not seen each other for a while, the friendship could be renewed. Solar Eclipses get things moving again in relationships, for better or worse, so it can make one partner brave enough to move out of the relationship if it was just going nowhere. Pisces New relationships brought into your life by this eclipse can be giddy and instantly euphoric. That means changes will affect also your family life, career or calling and your relationship if you have one. There can be a great revelation for you with this Lunar Eclipse about how the subconscious has been affecting your health. Reboot the brain! This can prompt us to question our beliefs and look into them further, maybe even taking a degree course in something related to the discussion. If you are solo, you could be relying too much on external validation (‘Likes’!) Lunar eclipses are extremely emotional times, therefore we just really need to sit down quietly and listen to what comes up, for our feelings are our psychic barometer. You can donate milk, sugar, desi ghee, curd and silver. Instead of the usual drifting apart, a sudden dramatic break forces you to search for fresh alliances. House 4 is the very lowest and most private point of the chart and also termed ‘The End Of The Matter” in horary astrology. Have hot curries, blow your nose a hundred times a day, whatever it takes, just let it all out! Sharing tips on our successes and failures from fellow travellers help us all advance a lot quicker. However, it is through being too attached to your familiar, local area that you are forced out of your comfort zone and into.. culture shock! You are called upon to seek out supportive family members you can trust, they don’t have to be blood ties, but need to feel like your clan. With Solar Eclipses expect the unexpected. This is a period where you will learn more from the school of hard knocks than you will from any lofty university library. We can also have bad health as a result of psychic attacks from hidden enemies (Also in H12). Looking at shadow subjects can bring out the very ugliest side of human nature. (Check house 2 and its ruler.) Disillusionment with higher education could be felt as you feel trapped by the confines of the curriculum. Solar Eclipses. The foundations of your life both physical and emotional are being re-set. That means the next six months could have you constantly pining for your mystical other half. A solar eclipse occurs at a new moon and sees the light of the sun obscured by the moon. In Astrology, the darkness associated with a Solar Eclipse also casts a shadow on our lives. If on the other hand, you are quite pleased with your life, thank you very much, do you need to worry that it will all fall apart at this eclipse? This means there is the possibility at this eclipse you could suddenly feel burnt out and exhausted, or you could get plagued by one cold or flu after the other for the next 6 months. The solar eclipse in your student zone zaps your brain synapses and resets all your local connections. The mind/body/spirit connection becomes all-important. The eclipse will show you how well you have been working as a team, how much give and take there has been between you. (These can be the tears of unacknowledged grief too) Don’t try to work over it or suppress your body’s natural wisdom, just help it heal itself. You can donate mustard oil, fuel wood, black urad dal. Sometimes illness is due to some nutritional imbalance, but with this eclipse, it is more likely to be psycho-somatic at the root of it since the Sun lights up house 12 for you. With this Lunar Eclipse, you realise the importance of taking time-out for just being, rather than being on a constant production line 24/7. But it is precisely that banging-your-head-against-a-brick-wall feeling that prompts you to into this great expansion of mind and spirit. This is a possible life-changing eclipse which illuminates the foundations of your life and how it has programmed your status out in the world. You can donate the same items as Gemini such as green leafy vegetables and also pista. Government, authority and bureaucracy would feel the heat and there would be an environment of uncertainty and tension. The universe is speaking loudly and you are divinely inspired. You can donate copper utensils, pomegranate, apples and atta. There are two distinct types: (1) that in which the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, cutting off from our vision not only the light of the Sun, but the Sun itself. We all know what happens when a dank part of the house gets ignored. A seed moment where you can make some powerful manifestation magic in your life. Suddenly you are sensitive to the fluorescent office lighting, or the smell of the photocopier. Healthy usually means happy and full of vitality. All the principles and do’s & don'ts of Solar eclipse would be applicable during this eclipse. ET, write down ten wishes. This is the dawn of a new cycle for you. Consult Aacharya Aaditya now! It breaks our habitual behaviour and gives us a kind of cosmic reboot. Two eclipses in the Aries-Libra family dotted the year too, with a lunar eclipse in Libra on April 4, at 14 degrees, and lunar eclipse full moon September 27 Aries 5 degrees. Astrology of Solar Eclipses through the Houses. You are no longer content to stand on the sidelines cheering on other less worthy peers. These extra staff can take up the slack in other areas so that you have more precious time to spend with your family. © Netway India Pvt. You feel at odds with the teachers, who all seem to have an agenda and do not appreciate any real free thought. Having to break the code of a different form of communication can shake up those synapses and jolt you out of dogmatic beliefs. The craving for pleasure is acute, so of course, love affairs can feature at this time. You can donate milk, desi ghee, rice and sugar. One minute they are adorable, the next possessed by brat demons. In that case, the Solar Eclipse could really expose that rotten skeleton. Recitation of Suryashtakam, Shri Aditya Hridaya Stotra and Surya Beej mantra would also be very rewarding. Recite Shri Kanak Dhara Stotra. But the real issue is doing your self-work, so in your research, you might bump into some of your demons. It can make you quite rebellious too, which might be shocking to those who have not seen this side of your personality. Solar Eclipses With a Solar Eclipse, which can only happen at the New Moon, the Moon moves between Earth and the Sun, either fully or partially blocking the Sun from our view on Earth, for a matter of minutes. don’t have ice cream for breakfast two days in a row; be kind when your sister asks you to screenshot a menu that she could just Google herself) or pie-in-the-sky ambitions (start writing that short story in your head; research business plans for startup consultancies). If so, then this eclipse will pass like a breeze. (or letting others throw at it!). Become a Darkstar Subscriber! This eclipse forces you to include more leisure time in your life, whether you have children or not. For example, chronic sore throats are suddenly mysteriously cured because you have stopped withholding speaking your truth. It reveals the qualities that we manifest as we mature (giving it a future-oriented quality) and the path we must walk to … Astrologically, the sun reflects our core will and essence. They can undertake these activities as per their need. “On a ship, sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.”. The Lunar eclipse on January 10th, 2020, occurs when the Moon is at 20 degrees of Cancer, opposing the Sun at 20 degrees Capricorn, and is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse can bring an awakening or a shocking revelation that rocks you to the core. Recite Shri Suktam and chant Shri Vishnu Ashtakshar mantra (Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya). Taurus The amount of wobble shows how much centring you need to do. This can be a time when you feel a release from some health issue that has been bugging you for a while. With a Solar Eclipse, which can only happen at the New Moon, the Moon moves between Earth and the Sun, either fully or partially blocking the Sun from our view on Earth, for a matter of minutes. This eclipse will certainly test your immunity. retrograde intensity – we have 6 planets retrograde in June. This is what I mean by the ‘shot’ in the arm mentioned earlier, it might be just what is needed to revive stagnant relationships. But it is also about remembering what is it like to be an animal. Naturally, your home base becomes extremely important in the next 6 months and this is the perfect time to renovate. But one thing is for sure, it will highlight the importance of working on your shadow. This Solar eclipse is all about being true to your identity and not having to wear a mask. However, if you get through this period without so much as a sniffle, then well done! Whether you are pleasantly surprised or slapped in the face, at least you will know where you stand. A short illness can be a blessing, serving the purpose of shaking you out of a routine, that was, in fact, stagnating you. The Solar eclipse is very good at showing up any imbalances you have. Divorcing a clique of friends is something that this eclipse could pressurise you to do. The following are the major DON'Ts during the course of eclipse: Avoid cooking or being engaged in any other food related activity. Don’t fear the tears for they are sacred salty purification. If you have lost out financially then the Lunar Eclipse’s message is that you have not invested enough in your self-esteem. Post the eclipse, one should donate food items to needy people. Being in the dark of the 8th house might put you in a situation where you feel cut off from cyberspace. In astrology, a solar eclipse could bring a bold beginning, setting us on a new path that we hadn’t imagined for ourselves. This is where pursuing a creative hobby could bring you a whole new set of friends. Of course, if you are in a marriage than this could be something that does cause a split if your partner feels threatened by your new identity. As usual for a lunar eclipse, a blood Moon (or the hunter’s Moon) will be visible. Sometimes this can even happen by a person losing or gaining a lot of bodyweight too or sadly even by just ageing. Your house of fun is in for an exciting injection of adrenaline. Or maybe the comment wasn’t so innocent and something inside you wanted to shake things up out of boredom. Solar eclipses are usually tougher because the Moon is always new/dark, which removes the Moon’s vital energy from our environment at that time. Unashamedly ball your eyes out if you have to and allow red eyes with this blood-red moon. A Solar Eclipse occurs on June 21, 2020, at 0 degrees and 21 minutes of Cancer, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 25 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and approximately 0 to 5 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly. You can donate desi ghee, yellow coloured sweets like motichoor laddu and besan ladoo, chana daal, mango etc. Aries Therefore, the next 6 months could be a great period for artistic expression, as you effortlessly pull music and harmony out of the ether. Solar eclipses occur during the new moon phase when the sun and moon are positioned at the exact same degree within the same zodiac sign. During an eclipse, like the lucid dream, we get that same sudden feeling of hyperawareness. Constructive criticism from your superiors doesn’t mean that you have to storm out of your job! We tend to befriend people, of a similar age and with whom we conform to the same generational attitudes and mores. You desire recognition for your talents and if you do not feel they are being seen, then some event could occur where you are thrust unfairly into the shadows. Recite Dashrath Krit Shri Shani Stotra. Any financial loss in the next 6 months might just be a mirror to your lack of self-esteem. Now is not the time to hold back, it’s about facing your fear of rejection and grabbing the solar spotlight unashamedly. Solar Eclipse Meaning. Events force you to question the beliefs you grew up with and send you on a quest for wisdom and truth. Maybe an event occurs where you are “de-friended” because of an innocent comment that was taken the wrong way. Spiders, mould and other nasties take hold and eventually start eating into the actual wall. This eclipse could throw up a situation, (like say, we are on a bus that breaks down,) where we get talking to someone much older than us with an opposing world view. Your career circumstances have a great effect on your place of residence for the next 3 months. This is usually an area of about 100 miles (160 kilometers) by 10 000 miles (16 000 kilometers). A solar eclipse in this ‘children and pleasure’ zone could be dramatic in both good and bad ways. Pregnant women should stay awake and chant Santan Gopal Mantra or Vishnu Stotra. But with an Eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. You are an amazing teacher <3. It arises because your body is unhappy with what you are throwing at it. But with an Eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. The Lunar Eclipse in this area of your chart will throw a shakeup in the area of your daily routines and diet choices. This can trigger an exciting adventure where you could learn a new language, travel down undiscovered pathways and emerge into areas that you could never have dreamed of before. Solar Eclipses are Cool A Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon moves in front of the Sun. (Check house 4 and its ruler.) This usually won’t be physical blocks (Though sometimes they can be) but instead from mind/body chakra dis-connections. To experience the full effects of a Total Solar Eclipse you need to be in an area where the umbra (darkest inner shadow) of the Moon is thrown upon the Earth. The final result though is dissatisfaction with this shallow form of communication and a craving for more meaningful interaction. Take a bath at home or a dip in a holy river after the eclipse is over and wear fresh clothes. A Solar Eclipse here shows the importance of social networking at conferences, festivals and seminars related to your career or a subject that you are passionate about. Because the 12th house is the place of self-undoing, there could be a crisis which shows you how much damage you are doing to your extrasensory perception due to really bad daily habits. You can donate milk, rice, sugar and curd. Generally, New Moon rituals are perfect for planting new seeds and starting afresh. Digging into your basement is particularly symbolic as you will have to work on having strong support with this Solar Eclipse. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. It’s all about confidence! Such an inviting boudoir sends all the right messages out to the universe about attracting love if you are single. Pregnant women should not engage in any kind of cutting or sewing activities. If you have been generally balanced and fair in your dealings, then this can be wonderful payback time. A solar eclipse is a turbocharged New Moon. However, a solar eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun. For the next three months, petty niggles with your peer group force you away into an environment that is more light-hearted and playful. Ltd. 2001-2019. Have you had trouble saying no to clients and as a consequence been on the treadmill for what seems like forever. Somehow you stumble upon an evening class or a ‘meet-up’ group and feel compelled to go along. SOLAR ECLIPSE MEANING. Whether you feel this eclipse strongly or not, it affects one of the foundational houses in your birth chart. It could be that your immunity is low due to not being firm with other’s demands or through your excessive drug/alcohol use. A Lunar Eclipse is a super menstrual, wolf-howler version of a full moon. Stay awake and chant the mantra/Stotra associated with the deity of your choice. Bleurgh. If your parents were not inclined to champion your efforts and were rather critical of you, then you must address whether this same programming is what is holding you back now. This area of your chart is also one of hidden enemies so there is the possibility of psychic attack, which could show as psychosomatic illness. I would say not! This search could prompt you to start an education course that at the same time promotes cultural expansion, self-awareness and personal growth. This is liberating no matter how you look at it. Recite Shri Vishnu Sahastranaam. If there has been an ongoing imbalance, then the scales will abruptly clank down with a deafening thud with this lunar eclipse. It could also change the way you relate to these people in a big way. At this time you could find a teacher who inspires soul growth that will affect you profoundly and that lasts for the rest of your life. Once you begin re-parenting yourself you might find that you start earning enough so that you can afford to pay for some assistance. Nature’s way! Legal contracts are highlighted, so important deals can be signed during this time also. This can work out in a variety of ways. Recite Sankat Mochak Hanumanashtak. Astrologically, the sun reflects our core will and essence. Cancer Be careful what you wish for because any strong intentions make at this Solar Eclipse will grow! If however, there are some unrecognised boogie men giving you nightmares, then it’s time to open the creaky cupboards of your subconscious and shoo them out. A hint of things to come after being forced to let go of the past. Dis-ease is exactly what the word says. The Solar Eclipse (Surya Grahan) occurring on 14th December 2020 would be an annular eclipse meaning that the Moon would not cover the Sun’s disk completely and therefore would create a partial block of the sunrays. Recite Shri Vishnu Sahastranaam and/or Ganpati Atharva Sheersha. It is advisable to pluck Tulsi leaves and add them to the cooked food so that the negativity of the eclipse does not adversely affect the nourishment of the food. It could also bring about a dark night of the soul, where you experience quite disturbing dreams also. Lunar Eclipse July 5, 2020 ~ Thunder Bolts, Jupiter Conjunct Saturn ~ Where Eagles Dare, Solar Eclipse December 2020 ~ The Anti Venom, Full Moon December 2020 ~ Moonlight Dancer, Lunar Eclipse November 2020 ~ Shadow Slayer, Jupiter Conjunct Pluto ~ We Want Your Soul, Solar & Lunar Eclipse Meaning For Each Sign, Ophiuchus 13th Zodiac Sign? A lunar eclipse in your own sign forces you to look at your own needs. Are you developing your natural skills or squandering them? The effects of an eclipse in your possessions and values zone are variable. It can be a great wake-up call to start paying attention to your unique talents. You may move house, especially if this eclipse falls very close to the IC itself. Changes that you make to your home will have a domino effect on the rest of your life. Seize this rare and volatile time to do inner work and take an honest inventory of your life. But it can be make-or-break in relationships if you suddenly decide to put yourself first and have not done previously. Sometimes this shadow work happens because we are forced to deal with the unsavoury subjects of inheritance, debt or your partner’s extravagant spending habits…. The Sun would be placed in the Scorpio zodiac sign and it would be clustered with the Moon, Mercury and Rahu. It aims to balance out left and right brain hemispheres and therefore consciousness so that you are not lopsided. You are drawn to the innocence and the purity of the fairytale, younger mind. This dis-ease could have come from toxic behaviour that had been causing blockages in your system. This can emphasis the parasitical relationship between banker and borrower or the addict and its drug pusher. On a positive note, you may have started going to the gym for vanity reasons but the impact on one’s health cant be denied. A dissatisfaction with friendships could cause you to retreat into a fantasy world of creativity. We can provide emotional support and morale-boosting to the main breadwinner whether they be male or female. Other interference can be from wifi, computers and of course recreational drugs. This makes the unconscious, conscious, like when you become aware that you are dreaming. Events in your daily life can bring up long-buried feelings, seemingly from nowhere in the next 6 months. Currently the Lunar Sign is: Sagittarius 8° 31' December 13, 2020 Sun UTC. Are you feeling insecure because your perceived value relies so much on the material success of another? If so, is the career you are in now a reflection of their aspirations rather than your soul-calling? ~ Nov 22 to Dec 21. Ask for that pay rise, promotion or more publicity. An eclipse in this zone of the chart can feel very primal. There would be four planets in Scorpio thereby creating a very strong influence on human life on Earth. While it may be surprising—or not something you even expected—a solar eclipse has a bigger vision in store for us. It will be met with a total solar eclipse … However, a solar eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun. 3. The Solar Eclipse comes from the West and the Lunar Eclipse comes from the East. You might suddenly feel disconnected and that you do not share the same common interests any longer. You might be drawn towards some alternative healing that at the time seemed quite routine, but in the end, caused quite an intense spiritual crisis. Solar Eclipse June 21, 2020 ~ Going Super Nova? The Lunar Eclipse could find you pining for someone unattainable, or it might manifest the much longed for love affair. Most visible in Antarctica and South America. You might find you have quite a perverse desire to watch gory movies or post-mortem shows at this time. Like a new chapter beginning in one's life. The violent energy that desperately needs to be purged, shouldn’t be dreaded. It’s blood-curdling and brings up very raw, primal urges that can make you feel quite shameful. Much depends on your own soul’s evolution. There is a lot going on in June 2020. The unexpected gain in all this is clarity and awareness that enhances your ‘bullshit’ detector. Your personal lunar experience and how you handle change, in general, depends on how the eclipse is configured to your chart. Cross border tensions could cause the participating parties to take up arms and fire power. It is important to go somewhere relatively unspoilt and solitary, so you can have some quiet contemplation with the land. We have a finite focus as human beings, and it’s natural to concentrate on what’s in front of us. This Solar eclipse attempts to jolt an imbalanced soul back into a harmonious life rhythm. It reveals the qualities that we manifest as we mature (giving it a future-oriented quality) and the path we must walk to step into an independent, unique expression of our being. Instead, look at why you are viewing what should be ‘appraisals’ as ‘admonishments.’ Any work upsets are likely to have you scuttling back to the safety of your cocoon, but maybe you have to acknowledge that this is what is currently needed. Are you investing in yourself or do you believe you can’t achieve anything so even why bother? In fact, all the planets would be under the influence of Rahu-Ketu axis, making the influence of this eclipse grow manifold. On the other hand, you might finally make the break from a classmate that you have long outgrown. On the other hand, your success may also be a result of proving your parents wrong. That way you can make sure these new companions are more in tune with your vision for the future. You can donate green leafy vegetables and green moong dal. All you need to know is this. The effect of a lunar eclipse can last up to three months, it can bring a volcanic purge at some point. This which will, in turn, affect your intuition and psychic awareness. You are obviously leading a balanced life and looking after your precious human body both mentally and physically. Recite Shri Hanuman Chalisa at least three times.

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