FML. | Voters do not need electors to pick their president for them. The American system is unlike others. Ohio has 18 electoral votes. Trump won the primaries primarily because he could differentiate himself as pretty much the only anti-immigration, anti-global trade guy on the stage. PUBLISH UNPUBLISH DISCARD. Regardless of who wins, the Republicans will have to re-invent themselves, because none of them, zero zip zilch, understand that Trump won by not being a mainstream politician. “…the real danger for Democrats is when “systemic racism” continues, despite electing Democrats at every level, and they don’t have Republicans to blame anymore.”. You’re probably not up on your news and your news channel will certainly avoid telling you, but Omar was actually the one just caught doing that. Just 1.3% of NYC COVID Cases Are Coming From Restaurants. o “How the Electoral College Works” cites two explanations for the Electoral College: 1) The Electoral College gives small states more political power and prevents more populous states from dominating (the Senate was designed for the same reason). You would some sort of rock star or messiah figure to get the corporate media to go to bat for third parties. Gore, as Bill Clinton’s vice president for eight years, was the clear BLM thinks the injustice is due to police racism. Which is exactly what it should be. ", This year the number of undecideds is uncharacteristically low. As far as I can see, team loyalty is pretty strong for team blue. Well, first you come up with messages that aren’t just more of the same, a mix of the other two in various quantities, and/or haven’t failed to get double digit points for a half century. “Progressive libertarian” is an oxymoron. In one Kentucky survey, the inclusion of third parties extends Trump's lead by 2 percentage points, and in one national poll, they decrease Biden's advantage by 4. But that’s okay in a world where “The most interesting man in the world” can become a 10B meme viral success. Good luck getting two-thirds of the states to end the Electoral College, which was established to blunt the tyranny of the majority. What will the Republicans have? Other parties are allowed, but only for the purpose to look like Putin is a favorite son, not a dictator. They care little about true intellectual substance especially as it’s applied to individual liberty. The electoral college gives small states more weight in the political process than their population would otherwise confer. The vindictiveness of the Democrats will force Trump to find a country with no extradition treaty with the US. Why Has Cuomo Banned Indoor Dining? If that’s the only way you can win, you’re fucked and you suck. I don’t understand how anyone can vote for Biden without knowing that Harris is in the wings. And you’re just a moron. C’mon voters… it’s 3rd party time! Some evidence of such other than the opinion that you’ve been fed and swallowed? This is how the above poll results can mislead. The Electoral College is a feature, not a bug, because it helps ensure that every state matters. Jorgensen thinks the injustice is our criminal justice system and the breakdown of family. "Presidentially, Two Parties Is Plenty," declared the headline over a similarly fact-cavalier scolding by New York Times op-ed establishmentarian Gail Collins. United States electoral map, 2020 Some Americans think it is time for our democratic republic to “graduate” from the Electoral College: they consider it outdated and unfair. How could this happen? The 50 states and Washington, D.C., are given a specific number of electoral votes. Each week, you’ll find a Deck made for middle school and high school learners on a current-events topic, complete with thought-provoking interactive questions and embedded videos from reliable sources. It’s not a hurdle the LP can ever clear, because it’s adjusted as necessary to make sure they don’t clear it. Even among the Democratic primary voters, if white guilt and the Green New Deal were defining features of the party than Biden would not have been the winner. The Electoral College was established in Article II of the US Constitution by the founding fathers as a compromise between a popular vote and having Congress choose the president. #EndtheElectoralCollege. But he didn’t waste his time and effort on an impossible run and went into the party closest to his platform and won. In both 1904 and 1908, Debs ran with running-mate Ben Hanford. Yes, it would take the votes of all those states that would be dismissed by the population centers in NY, Chicago and LA. The GOP faces the same danger that LP can’t see, and that is running some decades past version of stale oatmeal flavored pablum isn’t going to cut it. The far-right reactionary party is stuffing the ballot box and distracting you from it with Facebook memes of scary blacks. They won’t be but a lot of people will be convinced of that every election and vote accordingly. Matt Welch Is that code for urban housewives? Then why are you not scared? Recommended Annotation Visible only to you. | If I’m missing something, please explain how the Democrats are going to be destroyed because people vote for Trump. The electoral college has created tyranny of the minority. This post will focus on three activities designed to help students understand what the electoral college is and why it is important to the election process. Others point out that it may helping to keep the nation from coming apart at its urban/rural seams. Though he received increasing numbers of popular votes in each subsequent election, he never won any votes in the Electoral College. 12.13.2020 3:15 PM, Population-wide lockdown orders are "such a dramatic inversion of the concept of liberty in a free society as to be nearly presumptively unconstitutional" wrote U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV, Christian Britschgi AND LOST. Oh we were talking about third parties. Other the years I have noted that many of the commenter want the government to do nothing. Haven’t the last couple of Presidential runs proven that? You suggest they start stuffing the ballot boxes? it will go away very quickly if the dems take the whitehouse. We should end all ballot box stuffing starting with nationwide Republican disenfranchisement efforts. No vindictiveness necessary to put him in prison forever, though I have no doubt Democrats will go for putting the past behind us like they did the warmonger and torturer Bush. Then it will be the Libertarians vs Republicans. I suppose the Dems could have done worse than Biden. From a long-term parody account. nah, they need the Republican Party to blame everything bad on. If Trump loses I expect the Republican Party to nominate somebody who is relatively normal in 2024. Your competitors aren’t going to GIVE you shit, so get over it. You just don't see that this time around.". Probably about the same evidence that Mayor Pete would have forced everyone to become gay. The corporate media doesn’t make a fuss because they risk losing their access to the debates, and because, let’s face it, they do not give a fuck about third parties. Terms Of Use, The Same U.S. Government That Wants To Weaken Our Encryption Just Got Massively Hacked. back in the 80’s, when the LP and other 3rd parties started to gain traction, the major parties figured out the threat, and rigged things. Actually, if the democrats sweep this election, the next election will be conducted online, by a Google algorithm, and the choices will be socialism or fascism. But there are other ways of thinking about the question. d. The Senate decides by a simple majority of states (26 states must choose the winning candidate). The Electoral College is outdated. Late-deciding voters in 2016, like independents, disproportionately took a flyer on the outsider real estate mogul. | Take a poll after the first debate, among people who really watched it. I don’t want another 4 years of Trump, but I really don’t want a possible Harris presidency. Editor's Note: We invite comments and request that they be civil and on-topic. You Don't Need To Believe Andrew Cuomo's Accuser To Think He's a Terrible Governor, Ted Cruz's Eagerness To Fight Trump's Legal Battles Epitomizes the GOP's Complete Lack of Principles, Federal Court Rules Pennsylvania's Lockdown Order Unconstitutional, Hollywood Still Can't Figure Out How to Adapt, California's Health Secretary Concedes There Is No Empirical Basis for the State's Ban on Outdoor Dining, Self-Victimhood Is a Personality Type, Researchers Find. | You’d think it was bad if he was trying to impose Islam on you. Regardess, the Democrats are going to have to re-invent themselves too. There are really only 2 others. Pro #2: It provides a clean, widely accepted ending to the election (most of the time). Republicans have only the one right now, and will have to choose a new one come the day after election day. There is ample reason to suspect that 2020 for third parties will resemble more the wipeout of the 2018 midterms rather than a typical cycle. answer choices . The state government is controlled by Democrats, the Governor is a Democrat, the largest city is a Democrat stronghold – that Detroit is a shithole just isn’t their responsibility even though there’s no one else around they can blame it on. They received 402,810 votes in 1904, for 3.0% of the popular vote, and an overall third-place finish. And the Libertarian probably took matching funds and wasted them for No effect. | State legislatures are the ones who decide how electoral votes go, not the voters. 12.14.2020 2:14 PM. But he decided to waste time space and money the last two elections and never got HIS MESSAGE out to voters because he wanted to be idealistic. The idea that third parties only steal from the Democrats is bullshit. the real danger for Democrats is when “systemic racism” continues, despite electing Democrats at every level, and they don’t have Republicans to blame anymore. Many crimes? Third-party vote tallies after election day almost always undershoot preelection polls, by around one-third in normal years. If you lose votes to some weirdo, get a better candidate. the fascists who want to reduce government power? Sorry, but I’ve now seen a bunch of guys with silly hats grow into the Tea Party [yes I know mostly fizzled now], 3 Marxists launch BLM, and some poorly raised children with skateboards launch Antifa. Newsela – Reading Level Adjustable Articles about the 2020 Election and the Electoral College The Democrats may be forced to rearrange a bit and do some house cleaning, but they won’t be destroyed. Actually, the chief reason 3rd parties do so badly is that, back in the 80’s, when the LP and other 3rd parties started to gain traction, the major parties figured out the threat, and rigged things. As the Washington Post observed at the time, "The number of undecided and third-party-supporting voters who were still free agents in the final week was as many as 1 in 8 voters nationally—an uncharacteristically high number for the eve of an election. Kinda like when the Republican Governor of MI in 2014 got the blame for toxic water in Flint Michigan despite 50 years of the city and county being run by Democrats. As you say, they seemed to find Trump’s character to be his defining feature. When are ANY of the parties going to understand that you gotta have a little firebrand in your personality and substance to be seen? 12.14.2020 2:35 PM, Robby Soave Once the Democrat Party is destroyed, then Libertarians can focus on forcing the GOP to cut budgets or compete against the GOP. Let’s start with every governor who took on emergency powers and instituted lockdowns and other restrictions on commerce and free movement. Justice is individual. The math is leaning against him. The idea that they only steal from Republicans is bullshit. States, not people, are the original source of power. Those two re-inventions are impossible to predict but will be fascinating to observe in real-time. I think that’s what the Democratic party establishment thinks, ditto for the riots. I want things disrupted. It’s too early to put a bullseye on your back for no good reason. If Trump and Biden were my only two choices, and there wasn’t a write-in option, I just wouldn’t cast a vote for President. 9.14.2020 6:23 PM. After the few minutes of the debate that I watched, voting for JoJo is the only choice for me (or stay home).

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