Climate change is a “threat multiplier” that magnifies existing geopolitical and weather-related risks. This investment will enable us to develop new technological break-throughs that will create jobs and drastically reduce emissions. But, the climate emergency also presents an enormous opportunity for the region to leapfrog dirty development in favor of the technologies of the future. Last-minute executions under Trump put spotlight on Biden's death penalty views. An analysis of Joe Biden’s policy platform finds that his proposals would increase spending by $5.37 trillion, but would reduce the federal debt long term. Re-enter the Paris Agreement on day one of the Biden Administration and lead a major diplomatic push to raise the ambitions of countries’ climate targets. Trump Rewards Wealth, Biden Rewards Work. We can export our clean-energy technology across the globe and create high-quality, middle-class jobs here at home. America has a great opportunity to lead in the industries of the future by strengthening emerging industries in agriculture, clean energy, and advanced manufacturing. Message & Data Rates May Apply. Set bold corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards requiring a 54.5 miles-per-gallon standard for cars and light-duty trucks by model year 2025, which the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration predicted: “[would save] consumers more than $1.7 trillion in gas costs and [reduce] U.S. oil consumption by 12 billion barrels.”. Everyone is already feeling the effects of climate change. November 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker der Demokratischen Partei und der designierte Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten (President-elect). “Sea Level Rise: Global sea level rose about 8 inches in the last century. The Obama-Biden Administration kick-started a new era of American leadership in renewable energy by making significant investments in clean energy technology and promulgating regulations to curb carbon emissions. MOVING ON: Joe Biden’s aides have a message for President Donald Trump... GOP voters ready for Georgia runoffs despite Trump’s claims. Implemented energy efficiency standards for buildings, homes and appliances, with a particular focus on saving consumers money on heating and cooling bills; in the Administration’s first term the Department of Energy and Department of Housing and Urban Development completed energy efficiency upgrades in more than 1 million homes, saving families more than $400 each on average. Joe Biden believes we should instead invest in a Clean Energy Revolution that creates jobs here at home. Oregon lawmakers have introduced a carbon cap and trade proposal that would set a 52 million metric ton cap on greenhouse gas emissions. Embrace the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, adding momentum to curbing hydrofluorocarbons, an especially potent greenhouse gas, which could deliver a 0.5 degree Celsius reduction in global warming by mid-century. “Humans have released an increasing amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent, deforestation and land-use change. Invest in the climate resilience of our military bases and critical security infrastructure across the U.S. and around the world, to deal with the risk of climate change effects, including extreme weather events that caused over $8 billion in damages to Department of Defense bases in just the last year. In 1986, he introduced one of the first-ever climate bills in Congress. The inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States will mark the commencement of the four-year term of Joe Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice president.A public ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, January 20, 2021, on the West Front of the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. For example, some researchers believe that Lake Meade which supplies water to 21 million Americans will be dry by 2021. Joe Biden's Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan for Working Families. Last-minute executions under Trump put spotlight on Biden… Biden will build on the achievements of the Obama-Biden Administration to get G20 countries to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies. The United States accounts for only 15% of global emissions, so we know we cannot solve this emergency on our own. This strategy will include: Make climate change a core national security priority. Biden’s climate and environmental justice proposal will make a federal investment of $1.7 trillion over the next ten years, leveraging additional private sector and state and local investments to total to more than $5 trillion. Joe Biden has been laser-focused on the threat that COVID-19 has posed to our nation and the decisive public health and economic steps necessary to get the virus under control, deliver immediate relief to working families, and reopen our schools and businesses safely. In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, black and Hispanic residents were twice as likely as non-Hispanic white individuals to report experiencing an income shock and lack of recovery support. Joe Biden touts progressive platform in final days of campaign. Create a Clean Energy Export and Climate Investment Initiative. In our own hemisphere, the effects of climate change are already undermining security and prosperity, as well as driving increased migration. Meet America’s climate finance pledge and provide “green debt relief” for developing countries that make climate commitments. Demand a worldwide ban on fossil fuel subsidies. To support coal and power plant workers and their communities, Biden will make an unprecedented investment building upon the vision put forward in the Obama-Biden Administration’s Power+ Plan. Invest in coal and power plant communities and other communities impacted by the climate transformation. By engaging key leaders, including in China, Biden will secure a global commitment to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies by the end of his first term. The core of the agreement relies on countries continually increasing the ambition of their climate targets over time. Meet America’s climate finance pledge and provide “green debt relief” for developing countries that make climate commitments. There is simply no excuse for subsidizing fossil fuel, either in the United States or around the world. Southwestern U.S.: Warmer temperatures are combining with reduced precipitation to drive water loss from the region’s reservoirs and from the land surface. Support our presidential campaign to elect Joe Biden by signing up to volunteer or making a donation online. Toward that end, Biden will incentivize clean technology deployment in the following ways: New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham pledged to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030; New Mexico is currently the country’s third-largest producer of oil. Joe Biden knows there is no greater challenge facing our country and our world. Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, speaks during a campaign event at the William "Hicks" Anderson Community Center in Wilmington, Del., on Tuesday. For example, some researchers believe that Lake Meade which supplies water to 21 million Americans will be dry by 2021. Establish an enforcement mechanism to achieve net-zero emissions no later than 2050. a target no later than the end of Biden’s first term in 2025 to ensure we get to the finish line. What's In The Democratic Party Platform For 2020 The platform includes large swaths of a recent report authored by joint Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders policy task forces. The Platform Click on an issue to view policy proposals that could be included as part of a candidate’s plan to strengthen our democracy. Joe Biden has a plan to build on the Affordable Care Act by giving Americans more choice, reducing health care costs, and making our health care system less complex to navigate. Biden will direct his EPA and Justice Department to pursue these cases to the fullest extent permitted by law and, when needed, seek additional legislation as needed to hold corporate executives personally accountable – including jail time where merited. Joe Biden’s gun policy platform offers support for almost all conceivable forms of government restrictions on the Second Amendment. Message & Data Rates May Apply. Biden’s Day One Unprecedented Executive Actions to Drive Historic Progress. Joe Biden believes that this investment is essential and that, as we take long overdue steps to improve crumbling infrastructure, we must also prioritize achieving deep emission reductions. The Paris Agreement was a historic breakthrough for the world, and reflected the power of patient, strategic diplomacy in service of America’s long-term national interests. Joe Biden and marijuana: What you need to know. As the Trump Administration has abdicated leadership, America’s mayors and other local leaders have stepped up to build smarter cities that can withstand storms, floods, urban heat, and wildfire as well as sea level rise and so much more. Further, deteriorating economic conditions in climate-impacted areas could increase piracy and terrorist activity, requiring a US military response. Allowing corporations to continue to pollute – affecting the health and safety of both their workers and surrounding communities – without consequences perpetuates an egregious abuse of power. Text STOP to opt out. To address our defense and intelligence leaders’ warnings about the threats climate change poses to global stability and security, Biden will elevate climate change as a national security priority. To contribute by mail, please click here. The event will be the 59th presidential inauguration. A study by the National Academy of Sciences found that 3 to 10% of Americans live in areas where water quality is subpar – often due to aging infrastructure that needs to be updated or replaced. Failure to reduce emissions disproportionately hurts black and Hispanic residents who experience 37% higher exposure to nitrogen dioxide (a toxic pollutant) compared to non-Hispanic whites. They do. Cities are creatively tackling this problem including by implementing energy taxes that reduce emissions (Boulder, CO), electrifying public transit (e.g., Los Angeles), and pledging all municipal electricity be generated by carbon-free sources by 2020 (e.g., Kansas City, MO). Alaska is the fastest-warming U.S. state. The Biden plan will double down on this approach to create the industries of the future by investing $400 billion over ten years. The country is already experiencing the impact of climate change in diverse and varied communities across the nation. The Architect of the Capitol is currently busy constructing the inaugural platform from scratch. PWBM finds that over the 10-year budget window 2021 – 2030, the Biden platform would raise $3.375 trillion in additional tax revenue and increase spending by $5.37 trillion. On day one, Biden will use the full authority of the executive branch to make progress and significantly reduce emissions. Biden will rally a united front of nations to hold China accountable to high environmental standards in its Belt and Road Initiative infrastructure projects, so that China can’t outsource pollution to other countries. Increased the share of domestically-produced wind turbine components made in the US from 35% in 2006-2007 to 67% in 2011 and a dramatic plunge in solar costs helping it get closer to grid parity (i.e., lower cost than traditional energy sources). In 2015, the Obama-Biden Administration launched Mission Innovation, a global initiative of 23 countries and the European Union focused on research, development, and deployment of potential breakthrough technologies to accelerate clean energy innovation. This is also a moment of opportunity for American innovation. Make a historic investment in energy and climate research and innovation, as well as clean and resilient infrastructure and communities. This includes bans and restrictions on sales, expansion of registration and background checks, expansion of buyback programs and gun-grabbing statutes, and the closing of all sorts of “loopholes.”1. Joe Biden’s radical proposal for the Democrat Party platform for 2020 seeks to put an end to America’s suburban communities by forcing low-income housing into every neighborhood and flooding every community with immigrants, legal or otherwise. ENSURE THE U.S. ACHIEVES A 100% CLEAN ENERGY ECONOMY AND NET-ZERO EMISSIONS NO LATER THAN 2050. “Shrinking Ice Sheets: The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. By providing your mobile phone number you consent to receive recurring text messages from Biden for President. And, he will use the Arctic Council to put a spotlight on Russia’s activities in the Arctic, standing firm with council partners to hold Russia accountable for any efforts to further militarize the region. Creating the best, most innovative clean technology in the world is not enough. Joe Biden’s Radical Anti-Gun Platform That No One Is Talking About. We cannot turn a blind eye to the way in which environmental burdens and benefits have been and will continue to be distributed unevenly along racial and socioeconomic lines – not just with respect to climate change, but also pollution of our air, water, and land. The U.S. Department of State publishes rankings of country’s records on human trafficking and human rights. We can’t write them off or act like they don’t matter. To address our defense and intelligence leaders’ warnings about the threats climate change poses to global stability and security, Biden will elevate climate change as a national security priority. Coal miners and power plant workers took on dangerous jobs to power our industrial revolution and the decades of subsequent economic growth. Implemented first-ever medium- and heavy-duty fuel efficiency standards projected to save nearly $170 billion in fuel costs. Joe Biden has cast himself as a return to normalcy, but his domestic policies are fairly progressive. Protecting America’s natural treasures by permanently protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other areas impacted by President Trump’s attack on federal lands and waters, establishing national parks and monuments that reflect America’s natural heritage, banning new oil and gas permitting on public lands and waters, modifying royalties to account for climate costs, and establishing targeted programs to enhance reforestation and develop renewables on federal lands and waters with the goal of doubling offshore wind by 2030. Helped create more resilient infrastructure that can withstand climate change; a 2013 Executive Order also required federal agencies to release climate change adaptation plans to plan for the adverse impacts of more extreme weather and rising sea-levels. “Climate change does not affect everyone equally in the United States,” according to Rachel Morello-Frosch, lead author of. As Vice President, he oversaw the Recovery Act, the largest single investment in clean energy in U.S. history. It is a verifiable fact that Joe Biden blatantly wants to disarm the American people with excessive gun control laws, and the mainstream media is failing to report on it. AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File. Joe Biden FROM THE CANDIDATE “The fact that we don’t know exactly how much foreign dark money is being channeled into U.S. politics is precisely why we need to reduce our vulnerabilities. In much of the southwest and west, the problem is a lack of sufficient water, expected to exacerbate with a changing climate. In fact, a 2015 International Monetary Fund study showed that efficient fossil fuel pricing would have reduced global carbon emissions by nearly 30%. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation – the fastest growing source of U.S. climate pollution – by preserving and implementing the existing Clean Air Act, and developing rigorous new fuel economy standards aimed at ensuring 100% of new sales for light- and medium-duty vehicles will be electrified and annual improvements for heavy duty vehicles. We have to get rid of the old way of thinking that the clean economy and jobs don’t go together. Droughts negatively affect military operations by reducing water supply, delaying training activities, and increasing the rate of heat-related illnesses among soldiers. President Trump has not only reversed America’s progress on climate change, he has also ignored his own defense and intelligence leaders’ warnings about the threats that climate change poses to global stability and security.

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