….tnx for making me crazy at this point,,,,hmmmmmmm but i feel that math is very exciting…. ( Log Out /  We can subtract, add, and multiply by zero. For example, a round quadrangle does not exist. Is Zero a number? Transfinity exists, which is like a demi-infinity, because ω=ω, and the set of x numbers subtract itself equals zero. I could point to 5 whole dollar bills, and cut up another dollar bill into 100 pieces, and take 17 of those pieces and add it to the other 5. Unity of thoughts are challenges for it implies oneness like one unit or 1 However since 1 is just an illusion we come to see that there is nothing. A. s or spirit! Sure, you could live your life convinced that the lies you’ve been led to believe are true… but it makes no sense to do so. If i have 2 light bulbs with one dome around them to help mix their colors together, and I’m going to use 3 positions of 2 switches to get 3 different values for the colors that the light bulb will mix and shine through the dome. I am just a lowley tooll maker I can not debate 0 with you guys I don’t think 0 is a no. Get the pattern? Trying to define Mathematical concepts in the scope of constrained scenarios is like trying to judge a human’s personality by his ability to breathe. And no, it’s not that dividing by zero will implode the universe. ), Another guy in our time said, “That there are many poor people. 4. 0 does not exist by definition let alone can be a number. in this Day and Age that we live. Let me ask a more meaningful question. The purpose of my examples on infinite sets and quantum mechanics was to try to understand your position better. If you don’t see the problem in this approach, you don’t understand 0, numerical symbols, numbers, Mathematics, or anything else. @ ed warmoth it only has a place on the number line because you say it does. But I think that this way of approaching the question might just be unjustly excluding zero by an ad hoc definition that favors excluding zero as a number. @LeoTheGreater mad yet? Remember to count in tens, we leave that one out, and just go to 21 instead 11. Reflect: L=s/0 = undefined or infinity (in religious parlance – eternity, So the reality of man in L.I.F.E. They are concepts only, having no extra-mental reality (I would not say–as the Platonists do–that numbers exist as abstract objects). If zero, as a value, cannot be proven to exist, then it cannot be proven to have or be a value. I have zero comment and that will suffice. In mathematics, a natural number is either a positive integer (1, 2, 3, 4,...) or a non-negative integer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...). 1. The answer is a BIG FAT YES! So I clicked up my computer calculator and divided 1 X 0 and I was surprised at what came up on my calculator which nothing but numbers has ever come up before with anything but numbers including zeros but this time what came up surprised me it was a text answer that said: “NOT A NUMBER” and I have a Mac so how can Apple be wrong about that. I was having a boring day, with only 1 subject at the last period. And the good news is they don’t even have to worry about someone like me damaging their cause because they haven’t got a cause. It just depends if you limit your idea of numbers to counting numbers only. Send us feedback. And you are right, it is a philosophical question. If we all agreed that there’s no such thing as a negative balance, we’d have to rethink our world of calculating things. I am a theist, and yet I lean toward nominalism because of the arguments I have heard advanced against Platonism and for nominalism by the conservative Christian philosopher, William Lane Craig. When 0 is divided by 2, the resulting quotient turns out to also be 0—an integer, thereby classifying it as an even number. It’s like saying the sky is not blue. There are multiple instances of the “number” zero, we use the same definition (0) for different things, let’s say: The slashed zero glyph is often used to distinguish the digit "zero" ("0") from the Latin script letter "O" anywhere that the distinction needs emphasis, particularly in encoding systems, scientific and engineering applications, computer programming (such as software development), and telecommunications. Average (mean) would be 3.5, not 3 if we add 0, the average would become 3. x+0=x. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It's not just the public who have struggled to recognise zero as an even number. Unfortunately, I do not have the philosophical know-how to justify myself. It's used as a "switch" but doesn't "add value" to a number. Is it possible that the “zero” we take for granted is “really” an infinitesimal, not the absolute absence of quantity? the state space carries a representation of a symmetry group which for mathematical reasons *must* be infinite-dimensional) so the phenomenon is quite general. -> Note 0/0 “forme indeterminée”. I don’t want to argue, so God bless everyone. A number, however, it is not. I should disclose the fact that I lean toward the nominalist camp on this issue, so I don’t think any numbers truly exist. My previous post was already longer than it should have been or than I wanted to, but to quote Pascal (? Why some people say it's 0: Zero divided by any number is 0. equates to (when converted into traditional decimal), Ok so 34+34 = 78. Without zero, this entire number system would have never existed. Mean of(¿+0),(¿+2),(¿+6)= mean of 0,2,6 which would be 2.6•. This has been debated ad nauseam, and the consensus is that it is. It is absolutely irrelevant, because what the symbol denotes is a uniquely defined object, to wit, zero is the unique number that when added to itself is itself. “Zero.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/zero. We accept it because the “establishment” around us has drummed it into our mind. ), I did not have the time to write a shorter one. In actual fact, the vast majority of numbers can’t be counted in marbles or sheep. Another case of too much eye contact in education and traihason of the Clerks. Would we be unjustly excluding zero from the realm of numbers simply because it is unique among numbers? Don’t use symbols that have no meaning. @ leothegreater A rose maybe a flower, but what if you don’t have a rose or any other flower at all? Numbers exist as abstract concepts in the first place; it’d be more foolish to say that something like 1 or 2 sheep exists than saying that the actual numbers 1 and 2 exist (by the nature of 1 and 2 being abstract, 1 and 2 sheep are just approximate abstractions that describe the physical world, whereas 1 and 2 fulfil their entire own definition). For example, when trying to find x for some polynomial without a constant coefficient, the trivial solution for that polynomial will be x = 0. Now your second ten is simply written with a “2” in front of it, to signify we are counting TWO tens. Nothing doesn’t exist. And if you have a 3 the fundamental of course is a 2, and the reason for that is you have to have at least 2 to support a 3. What you’ve got is a hobby. B___________________________LIFE________________________e! If 0 makes the number larger, it must have value. 1/0 is not infinity! 0 is used to state the average eg. I am speaking about the ontology of zero (and with it, negative numbers). If you had only cut off four fingers, we could assign the value of 1 to the question of how many fingers you had. The whole numbers do not include any of the negative numbers. Zero is needed numerically for the notion of physical quantities remaining the same: something that is unintuitive because of the laws of Thermodynamics, but nonetheless important. B___________________________________________________________e! But it’s the same as saying that atoms don’t exist because there was a time that people didn’t know about them or factored them in when it came to describing the universe. Yes I drive a vehicle to work but it is a zero emission vehicle, that means the emission from my vehicle is “zero” nothing. Now it’s yours truly speaking for this HAPPY NE0 Year 2016 to all. I would describe myself as a moderate realist, similarly to the Aristotelian-Thomistic middle-way position on the problem of universals. “That by doing nothing, everything is done.” (Just wondering that nothing=0? Negative numbers exist only in the mind. And zero is NOT a number, It doesn’t matter if zero is a number or not a number. However, there are an infinite amount of ways to yield zero from mathematical operations: you can subtract a number from itself, you can multiply any number by zero, you can add any finite amount of zeros, or by definition, e^(i*pi) + 1. That is what it is like trying to define God in regular prose: An agnostic is a wannabee believer sitting on the fence about what supernatural god myth to believe in, just in case. You can’t just count 2 objects on a table and say you have 3, you have to have 2 and THEN add 1 to get 3! On one level, the answer is obviously yes. 3. Your own comment seems to me, says that 0 HAS value….. “…..to hold the ones spot and make a number larger”. Is that clear as water + dirt? I think you can make a case that zero exists in the weak sense (can be established by postulates and primative notions to be non-contradictory) but does not exist in the strong sense. IN OTHER WORDS-ONE EMPTY CONTAINER WITH NOTHING IN IT IS EQUAL TO NOTHING. RF communication wouldn’t exist without them. NOTHING (0); AKA, SUPERNATURAL AND THE UNIVERSE AROSE It sits there and does nothing. You already had the “1” ten, with. Note at bottom of page: Is Eleventy six a number as much as Eleventy ten. In Philippians Chapter 2 it is described more detailled. People will defend their intelligence and wisdom gained in school even though its pure crap. As the old adage says “who has the gold makes the rules”, it further indicates, “Who has the gold makes the definitions” and not just because someone claims the definitions are retarded. The question here is, ‘Is zero a number?’. Ok, so we see how we did the math using the chart. the statement is not valid. He expressed, It could be argued that the statement is no different from 8 / 0 = ?? Sounds like common sense to me. First, I loved that quote. That's all we've been saying the whole time. Zero doesn’t have value, a zero is a zero and is merely a placeholder because they couldn’t figure out how to do what I just did. So while mathematical infinites may be useful in formulating models of quantum mechanics, I would not take that to mean that there must exist an infinite number of numbers, or that if an infinite number of numbers actually exists in the abstract realm, that the infinite set of numbers is actually instantiated in the real world. or, as clear as mud? The concept of zero originated in India and the first decimal number system was also invented here. Since zero has no value, it is not a number. Zero is even, since 0 = 2 ⋅ 0, and 0 is an integer. As an engineer, you are thinking in very practical terms. I would be curious to see what would happen to the world of invention, design, and yes, math – if smart people started from this premise that zero is not a number and should not be used in equations. No? Wouldn’t 1 divided by 3 have the same affinity to infinity. I believe it comes down to philosophy of whether an idea, however abstract can be defined as “real”. I don’t think so. that math books would label as “But I ask the question about the existence of zero from a Platonist perspective. That’s why infinity is a number and zero is not: because of the way that the algebra we use was set up. I like your point that if zero is not a number, then the answer to the equation “1-1=” would not be a number, which is absurd. What IS zero? Again, it’s not reading zeros, with binary editors the computer does quite a bit more processing to show you lines of code where as with just pure binary code being executed on a CPU without LOGGING the data it processes, just does what the 1s tell it to do. It’s probably confusing to you because you can “see” zeros in a binary code editor, but again the zeros aren’t being “read'” lol. Arthur bethanis: Regarding my footnote, my question is whether you consider certain values to be numbers (like the number 5) or not (like 0) if those values cannot exist in the real world in particular contexts. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X [] /\ – therefore “1” is it’s “TWELVE” position. 4 + 4 = 7 due to 4 being the “fundamental third” of group 2. therefore looking for 7,8 as a whole one third of your “group 3”. What made you want to look up zero? 0 is a number because the number set needed a friend that’d allow them to be idempotent in an additive mathematical statement. Fun fact: The value zero is closely associated to a concept in Mathematics known as triviality. Only positive realities exist. Those are zeros, and they provide meaning for those numbers. But does it exist? Zero (disambiguation) can satisfy everybody: Zero is both the digit 0 and the number 0. If for some reason your binary code editor/viewer wasn’t working right, you could say all the lines of code would be nothing but zeros, maybe something happened and you couldn’t detect the 1s so by default they just all showed up as zero. “Some beans.” Does the fact that the physical theories need these mathematical objects to formulate them automatically confers a positive ontological status on the objects themselves? As a digit, 0 is used as a placeholder in place value systems. 0 can act like a number. "That's not a full zero," Seife says. See zero (complex analysis). Fact is, you can have a tenth of a penny or a hundredth of a penny and you still have “something”.. even a billionth of a penny. This is because, well we know both numbers we are “adding” together are the SECOND third of group 2. Zero has more in common with infinity than it does with numbers. The number 0 fulfills a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. I have proven the opposite. While I can point to three eggs, five cows, or 17 cups, in none of these cases will I have located the numbers 3, 5, or 17. You can add and take. I have discovered a better of counting with dozenal as well. But according to the evidence we have, the number of particles in the universe *is* finite, the past *is* temporally finite and in fact, the universe having a not-finite number of “concrete thingies” (expression deliberately vague) entails all sorts of philosophical problems. In this case, to shortcut everything, we actually break everything down into it’s absolutely minimum fundamental. What part of Leprechaun don’t you believe in? It is the opposite of infinity! You can cut up a dollar bill into 100 pieces and place 17 of them next to five complete dollar bills, but are they really $5.17? Lol how can zero be considered a number? This is a common phenomenon in physics. Zero is a number used in mathematics to describe no quantity or null quantity. Don’t get me started on the arguments with shifting the 0-9 to 1-X system. And the reverse question too, I suppose. In that case, I would say that the value zero does not exist. In addition, when we talk of numbers, we talk about the same idea, thus numbers are representation of ideas we had in mind. 0 isn’t a number, a number is an actual quantity that is represented by numerals (the Hindu-Arabic symbols) we use today that we call “numbers”. I myself have no definite opinion on the subject, although I tend to favor a modest form of realism and lean to the yes-side of the fence. In some ways, this is not actually a very good definition but I hope I can get my message across. Show me my bank statement please: Surely what is true of 0 is true of the other numbers, and no one as far as I know has seen, smelled or touched the number 0 or the number 5 or for that matter, *any* and *every* mathematical object. That is, he can’t count them because there are none to count. Numbers *are* values. If 0≠0, then it would not exist. What about $5.173? I am not competent to discuss these (difficult) issues of the philosophy of mathematics (there is a book by M. Jubien on metaphysics that discusses some of these issues but I still have not had the time to go through it) but let me give another example. As i often expressed everybody is right according to their frame of reference. There was a time when a billion did not exist, as it is a concept framed by Language, not an embodiement or truth. As a digit, 0 is used as a placeholder in place value systems. you get the point. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Zero as “0” is nothing. UH UH. Ah yes, the number 0. This is because it is easier to remember POSITIONS of numbers than taking the NEXT number past your starting number as position 1. It may serve as an intellectual parlor game for philosophical sleuths but that it serves any valuable purpose, I don’t think so. If you are holding zero (0) apples in your hand and you take away one apple, actually there are no apples to take away, so zero minus -1 or minus 0 to the nth power apples, you still have zero (0) apples. Which Pasghetti Monster don’t you believe in?, if there was one: What part of Darkness do you think might exist that prevents you from admitting it does not? In fact, I would argue, that being equal to nothing, zero doesn’t even have a value. The other day a bizarre question popped into my mind: Is zero a number? But if it were based on reality, instead of an imaginary concept, that wouldn’t be a bad thing, would it? WE CAN EXPRESS IT “LEGALLY” AS A MATHEMATICAL STATEMENT AS 1(0) = 0. But is it twice as much nothing? 0 holds a place in 10 and other numbers alike to hold the ones spot and make a number larger. A platonist may bridge the chasm by saying that there is no chasm, but if you are not a platonist you have work to do. Since zero can never be instantiated in the real world, does zero exist?”. When there are 2 apples on the table and we take the 2 apples, we can say that there are zero apples on the table. Otherwise all things would be divisible by nothing to create confusion. It’s been fun though. The symbol “0” is definitely part of those numbers, but it does not have the value of zero in those numbers (just like the “1” in “10” does not have the value “one” in “10”). We don’t call it “One Zero” we call it TEN. It may be useful, but that does not mean it is a “real number.”. If anything, it is a number before it’s a value. I would say that because zero does not easily follow all the rules like other numbers that its status as a number is questionable. It fulfills a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. The terminology is not consistent nor particularly felicitous. TL;DR: Would you argue with me that green isn’t a colour, simply because the concept of green (even though supported by Mathematics and the physical universe) was defined by someone? Is it special pleading to argue that the one numerical symbol that has no value is not a number simply in virtue of the fact that it alone has no value? We are conditioned to believe in zero being a number. It was a placeholder rather than a number because, again, they were thinking heapings, but they needed to distinguish between numbers. 1 flies away = 1 bird sitting on a fence so when it flies away how many birds , 0 of course. From a Platonist perspective, an abstract object does not have to be instantiated in the real world in order to be real, so even if zero was never instantiated in the real world, it still wouldn’t mean zero does not exist. It would seem that vacuum has “infinitesimal density,” not “zero density.”. Since zero has no value, it is not a number. Since zero has no value, it is not a number. The answer is Ø. So now 2+1 = 2. If we use "number" in essentially any of the usual senses (integer, … There’s more to it than apples and sheep, people…. (68 the old way) But 35+35 = 7X (70 the old way), Ok so 34(24 old way) + 34 (24 again) = 58 (48 old way) 35(25 old way) + 35 (25 old way) = 5X(50 old way), 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,X = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Change ), A collage of theological and philosophical musings. The “zero” in this case only denotes that the opposite light bulb is not being “recognized” right now. So 35+35=7X which we would normally write as “70 (seventy)”, but “79” in this new method we would think of as “69”. Example you give someone lets say a casual worker a written note to take it to the boss to give him 1000 and by mistake you write 100, will he or she be given the 1000 he asks or the written 100. Ok to make this easier, we can also group the numbers into 3s, with 3 total groups. However, this negative number provides me with useful information in that it does tell me which voltmeter lead is connected to the higher voltage. It fulfills a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. If you are a materialist, then something like evolution has to be true. I think this also requires a rewrite of a lot of the words used to describe the hundreds, thousands, millions etc.

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