Throughout my teaching I develop a variety of learning activities and assessment tasks suitable to students’ Stage level, that comply with the NSW Syllabus. This has been a great way to make math fun for the the students and put a little competitive edge on learning our multiplication and division facts. Relates ideas and information within and across content areas. A large portion of our professional development was devoted to learning our new Math in Focus curriculum. Here you will find really useful reflection templates to go in a Teaching Standards Portfolio. Scores on this assessment assist me in determining what concepts need to be focused on in the classroom and also what students may benefit from tier II math or title math. Literacy. Many students have a difficult time remembering the steps for long division, so I made a division man that hangs in our classroom to remind students of the steps. Each grade made a video demonstrating the expectations for a different area of school. Check-In, Check-Out is a program I use for tier II behavior students. Understands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and instruction. Contributes to efforts to achieve district building goals. Competence in each of these standards shows that the pre-service teacher is a strong candidate for licensure and a future position in the teaching profession. for a teacher (beginning or career) must be produced to meet the Iowa Teaching Standards. Iowa Teaching Standards. We brainstormed a list of different parts of the candy bar that could be compared and contrasted; smell, taste, wrapper, shape, etc. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Students were asked to compare and contrast Snickers and Milky Way. b. This unit was created and taught to specifically meet the the 6th Grade Geometry Standards from the Iowa Core. Creates a safe and purposeful learning environment. This portfolio is not in a format you might expect. Connects students' prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests in the instructional process. Your portfolio should contain the following artifacts: 7a. When I talk with teachers from across Iowa, I am often asked how they can effectively teach students of color. In 1st grade math we use many charts and manipulatives to help make concepts more concrete for students. Curriculum map may be seen upon request. *Feel free to use any part of this as a template if you choose to create your own e-Portfolio* I also assess students with weekly reading, language, and spelling tests and unit math and science tests. Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria Sample Model Evidence Standard 1: Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. There is no requirement by the State of Iowa that 42 different pieces of evidence for a teacher (beginning or career) must be produced to meet the Iowa Teaching Standards. This portfolio is not in a format you might expect. Below is a sample IEP with the accommodations/modifications I must provide in my classroom. Demonstrates habits and skills of continuous inquiry and learning. Students talk through multiplication problems on “Show Me”, Students talk through division problems on “Show Me”. Principal Portfolio Artifacts Suggested by SAI The following suggestions about appropriate artifacts to include in a principal’s portfolio are grouped by the Iowa Standards for School Leaders. Standard 1: Demonstrates the ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district's student achievement goals. Standard 2: Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. Open this template and modify the opening page to fit your school's requirements. Provides evidence of student learning to students, families, and staff. Element 1 - Providing Clear Learning Goal and Scales (Rubrics) Element 44 - Attention to Established Content Standards b. Creates a learning community that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-regulation for every student. Over the past year and a half, I have attended two edcamps: Edcamp Sioux City and Edcamp Iowa. the evaluator and teacher is vital in this determination. Create your Iowa Teaching Portfolio online! Students loved this activity! Aim. This is a work in progress and reflects competence and areas of … For purposes of this chapter and for developing teacher evaluation criteria under chapter 279, the Iowa teaching standards are as follows: a. Convert this to a Google Slide Show and everything is ready to be linked in under each standard. The Iowa Core is also crucial to ensure student learning. Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students. Mathematics. 6. Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for all learners and staff. The Model Criteria were developed by the Iowa Department of Education with input from stakeholders and adopted by the State Board of Education on 5/10/02. Provides evidence of student learning to students, families and staff. Examples of evidence • Teaching and learning programs and/or unit/lesson plans that include teaching … The teaching standards and criteria represent a set of knowledge, skills and dispositions that reflects the best evidence available regarding quality teaching. Understands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area. Standard 1: Demonstrates the ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Engages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs and promote social, emotional, and academic growth. Due to my prior experience as a school speech pathologist, I began the Professional Internship with a strong foundation into cognitive development (including language and literacy development patterns). Competence in each of these standards shows that the pre-service teacher is a strong candidate for licensure and a future position in the teaching profession. Establishes, communicates, models, and maintains standards of responsible student behavior. These pages contain my artifacts and reflections for the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria. Above is a form from once PLC I participated in. Aim. The Model Criteria were developed by the Iowa Department of Education with input from stakeholders and adopted by the State Board of Education on 5/10/02. While learning about force and motion, students did an experiment with balls and ramps and an experiment with pendulums. Names of students coming in for help before or after school Monitor Learning Data Team Work b. Uses instructional time effectively to maximize student achievement. Below you will find the note template, assignment sheet, and an example presentation from two of the students in my class. The professional teaching standards portfolio is designed to identfiy details and evidence of my professional experience and knowledges throughout my bachelor of primary education degree. Participation in at least 10 hours of volunteer or work experience with community youth not part … Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. Iowa Teaching Standards . In order to support the district’s student achievement goals, I make it a priority to communicate to students our “I Can” statements for each lesson and the end SMART goal those I Can’s will help them reach. They are included as a way to provide examples, and not intended to be an all-inclusive or proscriptive list. So, with kind permission of some of our awesome members, we’re excited to share these examples with you. It’s like a puzzle that draws you in. A student example of the Keynote can be found below: To practice using and identifying adjectives, students made “I Am…” boards on which they wrote adjectives that described themselves. Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria Marzano Teacher Model a. Aligns classroom instruction with local standards and district curriculum. Math Review Game-, Science Review Game- Iowa Teaching Standards Portfolio - Dan Black. I have strived to include several components of this approach to help me grow at an education. Students were curious about the Christmas traditions and celebrations of people around the world, so each group of children chose a place to research. Provide opportunities for personal and professional growth as a facilitator/leader of learning. In learning teams, we have been investigating the standards in the Iowa Core, their meaning and how to implement them into the classroom. Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district student achievement goals. Observation by Mike Lawler (5) If students make a mistake, they are able to talk through it and go back to erase their mistake. In math I use a variety of formative assessments throughout the week in order to guide future instruction. Students graph their progress towards the district achievement goals, we discuss students personal goals, and create a plan for how to help students reach their full potential and meet their goals. Students loved testing out their instructions and recreating themselves blowing the bubble. When planning and preparing for instruction it is essential to plan for each individual student in the classroom. Provides evidence of student learning to students, families, and staff. We organize all the data so it's easy to manage your portfolio. Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district. In order to ensure that the student is given clear and precise instructions, it becomes necessary to align instruction with standards. Throughout the day, I keep a point sheet, recording how they are doing during all the major parts of the day. This is a great activity to get students to use academic talk and explain their thinking! Students researched famous people in the East and created a pop bottle that looked like  a famous person of their choice. Our “Where Are We” board helpskeep track of where everyone is at different times of the day. ICT is integrated into my lesson content whenever possible and appropriate as a part of curriculum learning. Artifact Description: Teacher Work Sample Iowa Teaching Standard 3: Criteria c -Uses student achievement data, local standards, and the district curriculum in planning for instruction. Principal Portfolio Artifacts Suggested by SAI The following suggestions about appropriate artifacts to include in a principal’s portfolio are grouped by the Iowa Standards for School Leaders. Iowa Teaching Standards IOWA TEACHING STANDARD Five. At first, several students laughed at the assignment saying, “That’s simple!” However, when students had to actually make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, following the exact instructions in their partner’s essay, they quickly learned that it was more challenging than they thought and details were a necessity! scheduled conferences. Uses knowledge of student development to make learning experiences in the content area meaningful and accessible for every student. Communicates assessment criteria and standards to all students and parents. My students were having a difficult time remembering all 23 helping verbs and being able to identify them in sentences. a. Uses student achievement data, local standards, and the district curriculum in planning for instruction. I also used a range of teaching strategies and resources in the classroom environment to cater for different cultural perspectives. Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district student achievement goals. Students explained their thinking as they walked through the problem. Uses student performance data as a guide for decision making. There is no requirement by the State of Iowa that teachers (beginning or career) must create a portfolio of evidence. Another component of the Responsive Classroom approach I use in my classroom is the positive time-out. Several Wednesdays throughout the year I participate in professional learning communities. Iowa Teaching Standards; Student/Parent Resources; Jun 24. c. Contributes to efforts to achieve district and school goals. We made this video, as a class, to help us remember our helping verbs. This assessment is used to assess the number of words per minute students read correctly, students’ ability to retell what they read, and the quality of students’ retell. A few days, of my professional development, have been dedicated to learning about accomodations and modifications that can be made in the classroom. Establishes and implements professional development plans based upon the teacher's needs aligned to the Iowa teaching standards and district/building student achievement goals. The Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria are the very foundation of Iowa's teacher quality efforts. Our 4th graders demonstrated PBIS expectations in the lunchroom. Element 1 - Providing Clear Learning Goal and Scales (Rubrics) Element 44 - Attention to Established Content Standards b. Our school has developed school wide lessons to teach PBIS expectations at various locations throughout the school. Students’ next round of essays included many more details. It all depends on what documents, strategies, and techniques you have used during the past 2 years. Train to meet the Teachers' Standards (anywhere in the world) Outset Teacher Education provides e-portfolio solutions to support teachers' professional development. The artifact collection piece will be shown through the use of a portfolio or crate system. The Model Criteria were developed by the Iowa Department of Education with input from stakeholders and adopted by the State Board of Education on 5/10/02. When first introducing geometry concepts, there are several new terms that students must learn to be successful. Updated Mar 31, 2016, 7:24 AM. 1. 4. We focused on our new math curriculum, Math In Focus. Uses available resources including technologies, in the development and sequencing of instruction. At this time, they add up their points to see if they have reached their goal of 80% and discuss what went well during the day and what they could work on. Instead of journaling or blogging, students made a Voki to express their goals for the 4th quarter. These exercises have really helped to build a positive environment in my classroom where students feel safe and are able to learn. Standard 7: Engages in professional growth. Standard 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students. iOWA teaching standards. Iowa Teaching Standards . Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Uses student's developmental needs, backgrounds, and interests in planning for instruction. My classroom management is focused around the Responsive Classroom approach. Students come and go from my classroom for numerous reasons throughout the school day. Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional development opportunities to improve practice. Particularly learning about the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. The Iowa Teaching Standards appear in Iowa Code section 284.3. This website uses the Edufolios platform to present evidence against the AITSL Graduate Standards and showcase my personal philosophy of teaching, reflections on teaching and learning and experiences as I move forward onto my teaching … I have created this website to give you an idea of who I am as an educator and what life is like in my classroom. In order to allow students to read something that interests them and practice the skills that we have been working on throughout the year, we had a reading marathon. School Website- Establishes and implements professional development plans based upon the teacher's needs aligned to the Iowa teaching standards and district/building student achievement goals. Teaching Tools Teaching Resources Teachers Standards Australian Curriculum Professional Development Leadership Messages Activities Education. It is designed to reflect the Proficient Standards of the National Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL 2014). Through my evaluation I am able to see if I am meeting the standards or not as well see what I can change or work on as a teacher to meet my district/building goals as well as making sure my teaching is always aligned to the Iowa teaching standards. In order to make instruction flow smoothly, the day is planned out and communicated to students through visual schedules. You are good to go! ( Log Out /  The InTASC standards must be completed according to the requirements of the Central College Education Program before graduation. IOWA TEACHING STANDARDS AND CRITERIA 1 STANDARD: Demonstrate ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Universal Constructs. It is a work in progress fo Provides an analysis of student learning and growth based on teacher created tests and authentic measures as well as any standardized and district-wide tests. Examples of Student Work Iowa Teaching Standards. Standard 6: Demonstrated competence in classroom management. This probe is created by me through the wonderful generator on Tweet; Email; The purpose of standards and criteria is to provide schools/districts and AEAs with a consistent representation of the complexity and the possibilities of quality te SMART Goals and I Can Statements In order to sup… The Iowa Teaching Standards appear in Iowa Code section 284.3. Welcome to Laura Wong’s Graduate Teaching Portfolio! As a class, we read the book “Mr. Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for and implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Based on the information I learned in this training I have incorporated morning meeting, positive time-outs, positive teacher language, and afternoon wrap-ups into my classroom. I then assigned students to create a presentation in which they taught someone else the terms. Check out Standard 1 … 284.3 Iowa teaching standards. Example 1. Students also created Keynote presentations to go along with their biography bottles. Accommodations and Modifications: Requirements of the Regular Education Teacher. Students are able to build words with magnetic letters, type words, do movements as they spell out the words and more. Changes to the criteria were adopted by the State Board of Education on 5/13/10. 8c. Collaborates with students, families, colleagues, and communities to enhance student learning. Uses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction. Click on each of the standards to view evidence and a reflection. Standard #1 Aligns classroom assessment with instruction. When simplifying fractions, students often struggle with finding numbers that are divisible. This poster is hung on my door to remind students every time we leave the classroom how our line should look and sound. Iowa Teaching Portfolio By: Christine Seggerman Elem. The following standards are required for all students by state law. The use of the Iowa Teaching Standards and criteria; b. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Iowa Department of Education 1 . Portfolio. I am an Elementary Education Major specializing in Reading and Language Arts. Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implmentation of the school district's student achievement goals. In this portfolio, the teacher showcases his ideas by posting a photograph that makes you think. These lessons are taught at the beginning of every school year and revisited throughout the year. Design and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. Provides substantive, timely and constructive feedback to students and parents. Photos, professional experience reports and assignments will provide evidence of my thoughts and feelings towards education and my teaching practices. Communicating with parents is essential in order to enhance students’ academic performance and help students reach the student achievement goals set by the district. In this portfolio, I am presenting an overview of my student teaching experience which shows my own understanding of teaching as well as a compilation that will help me define my teaching philosophies and styles. If you would like to see more lesson plans or any particular lesson plan just ask. In order to meet the multiple learning needs of students, I have found it is important to complete team building and cooperation exercises. I focus on using positive teacher language; reinforcing, reminding, and redirecting in my classroom. Understands and uses key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to the content area. The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers comprise seven standards which outline what teachers should know and be able to do. … At the end of the day, students meet again with their check-out person. Iowa Teaching Standards Standard 1: Demonstrates the ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district's student acheivement goals. Iowa Teaching Standard 4: Criteria a -Aligns classroom instruction with local standards and state curriculum. This portfolio serves as a record of Rationale: Welcome to Laura Wong’s Graduate Teaching Portfolio! In my classroom students are also provided with common expectations, using the school wide voice levels and Whole Body Listening language. Demonstrates professional and ethical conduct as defined by state law and district policy. Adheres to board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations. Skills Iowa is one type of assessment I use in my classroom. The Iowa Teaching Standards appear in Iowa Code section 284.3. Uses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels. Participates in and contributes to a school culture that focuses on improved student learning. Above are examples of communication that I have with parents. Mrs ellingson's portfolio: Home Iowa Teaching Standards > > > > > > > > In the News STEM Innovator Photo/Video Gallery Examples of Student Work Iowa Teaching Standards. In order to teach word skills in 1st grade I use a variety of strategies in order to meet the multiple learning needs of students. Check out Standard 1 for helpful information. Establishes and implements professional development plans based upon the teacher's needs aligned to the Iowa teaching standards and district/building student achievement goals.

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