The Green Party recognizes that there is no such thing as nuclear waste "disposal." Eliminate the distinction between cars and light trucks, the footprint loophole, the E85 loophole and the 8500-pound exemption. Enact an emergency Green New Deal to turn the tide on climate change, revive the economy and make wars for oil obsolete. We support the highest organic standards (California Organic Certification Standards, for example). Encourage carpooling programs, telecommuting, and other creative solutions to reduce commuter traffic congestion. Devise and implement a plan to stop the release of flame retardants and other toxins into the Great Lakes without further delay. 16 April 2019. Climate action. Our long-term target should be to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, with further cuts to greenhouse gas emissions … Last modified on Tue 17 Nov 2020 23.36 EST. Mandate pre-treatment of industrial wastes to eliminate the presence of metals, solvents, and other toxins in sewer water. Our oceans are threatened by climate change, pollution, whaling, over fishing, factory fishing, bottom trawling, by catch, pirate fishing and fish farming. Land use policies must promote sustainable development and respect ecology. Therefore, the Greens call for a halt to the destruction of habitats, which are being sacrificed to unqualified economic expansion. This not only deprives these species of their existence, but will deprive future human generations of the enrichment of having these species on the Earth. Make airports accessible by local transit systems. Mandate clear labeling of products to tell whether or not they have been tested on animals and if they contain any animal products or by-products. Another existing promise is to quadruple the amount of offshore wind power capacity within a decade. We support reintroducing native species to areas from which they have been eradicated, eliminating predator control on public lands, and reintroducing native predators where they would contribute to a viable ecosystem. In this context the proponent of an activity, rather than the public, should bear the burden of proof. Provide a carbon neutral development path for those countries that can no longer be permitted to develop in the same way we did—by burning cheap fossil fuels. Require independent, transparent radiation monitoring at all nuclear facilities. Encourage the formation and operation of cooperatives, non-profits, land trusts, co-housing, and other forms of communal and public interest management of land and resources. Place a moratorium on highway widening, appropriating funds instead for mass transit and facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists. Food is a necessity and a fundamental human right. During the same time period electricity use in the rest of the U.S. has climbed along with population growth. We approve small scale distributed production under local control, such as production of biodiesel from waste oils, production of charcoal and byproducts from wood wastes or sustainably harvested wood, small scale production of ethanol from crop wastes or maize stalk sugar, or production of fuel gas for localized electricity generation from anaerobic methane digesters or charcoal gasifiers. Comprehensive water testing and analysis that includes a wide range of contaminants and radioactivity should be done throughout the municipality and the results published promptly and publicly. Safe, secure, above ground storage for existing nuclear waste. In general, a feed-in tariff is legislation enacted by the government that requires the large electric utilities to guarantee a price for the renewably generated electricity fed into the grid. Green Republicans have a long way to go before they win over their party’s mainstream. Some of the chemical replacements for CFCs also damage the ozone layer or are potent greenhouse gases. Join us for a Green Party of Canada all-candidates’ conversation on climate change. Greens support creating a federal program under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for carbon sequestration to fund local public initiatives that: The United States has a high-energy-consumption economy based mainly on fossil energy. We must also acknowledge that the bulk of our military budget is, in fact, an indirect subsidy for oil & gas corporations. Second, we have designed and built our infrastructure to suit the unique characteristics of oil, natural gas, and coal. Make streets, neighborhoods and commercial districts more pedestrian friendly. Rather than exploiting the Earth for short-term gain, Greens believe in living in sustainable balance with it. Due to serious negative impacts on food, soil, and water, we oppose industrial-scale biofuels production and biomass burning for electric power generation. The carbon fee will initially be small, a dime per kilogram of carbon, to avoid creating a shock to the economy. We call for updated amendments to the Montreal Protocol to keep it consistent with current scientific findings regarding threats to the ozone layer. York’s Green Councillors recently persuaded the City Council to pass a motion declaring a Climate Emergency motion in York. Support environmental justice policies that give communities a voice in planning future development with the goal of preventing concentration of polluting industries and practices in poor and/or minority communities. The Green Party strongly urges the United States to adopt an actively responsible position in this crisis and to take significant action to address the problem. In an election campaign where the threat of climate change loomed large, Canada’s Green Party had its best result to date but failed to make a major breakthrough. This has led to a massive loss of biodiversity, displacing traditional varieties and seed stocks. Focusing on both the environment and social justice, prioritize the creation of green jobs in communities of color and low-income communities. It is also important that the revenues from such a mechanism are used to fight climate change such as investing in renewables and green infrastructure.” Candidate positions highlighted Swalwell Develop extensive networks of bikeways, bicycle lanes and paths. Equity must be at the core of all climate change negotiations and measures while transitioning to an economy and society that supports a safer climate… All policies concerning human settlement, food, energy, natural resources, water, coastal development, and industrialization should be formulated to prevent further disruption of the non-human ecosystems' ability to maintain themselves. Carbon Sequestration Using Ecological Restoration. Natural gas is primarily methane, which is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Across the world, it is causing vanishing polar ice, melting glaciers, growing deserts, stronger storms, rising oceans, less biodiversity, deepening droughts, as well as more disease, hunger, str… We call on the military to clean up depleted uranium contamination from testing ranges and battlefields and to fully compensate exposed veterans and civilians who have been affected by depleted uranium exposure in the U.S. and elsewhere. We oppose further oil and gas drilling or exploration on our nation's outer continental shelf, on our public lands, in the Rocky Mountains, and under the Great Lakes. Use work projects, goats, and other sustainable methods to control undergrowth rather than spraying herbicides, especially near communities. Require secondary treatment of waste effluent before release. Protect 40% of the world's oceans as marine preserves, especially near shore coastal habitats. Waste is not an inevitable part of production and consumption, as it is viewed in the current economic model. Short-term profits will preclude any concern for long term sustainability. Greens support research into advanced fuels when the purpose of the research is to develop a fuel that in its full cycle does not create more problems than it solves. Which party has the answer to the big green questions? The Greens … Hilary McGrady, the director general of the National Trust, said the plan was “a fantastic platform” ahead of the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow next year. Localize food distribution systems to minimize waste, build rural communities, and eliminate reliance on fossil fuels. We encourage public support for producer and consumer cooperatives, community kitchens, Community Supported Agriculture, urban agriculture, and community farms and gardens. Promote livable urban environments to minimize urban sprawl. Investment: Enormous amounts of investment capital will be needed to accomplish the energy transition, much more than the promise of $150 billion for renewable energy over ten years, and must now come from government. We have an ambitious plan to make drastic changes quickly to avert global catastrophe. Climate change is the gravest environmental, social and economic peril that humanity has ever met. In the short-term the work needed will provide economic stimulus and satisfying an… Enact a fuel-economy-based Federal sales tax that creates a significant incentive for people to select more efficient vehicles, and for automakers to make them available in the United States. Oppose the disproportional political influences of the petroleum, corporate agriculture, mining, timber, real estate and development industries, while working to support family farms, open space, the protection of water quality in our rivers, conservation of watersheds, and the sustainable use and preservation of healthy forest. Ecological systems are diverse and interlocking, and nature's survival strategy can best be found in the adaptability that comes as a result of biological diversity. Achieve a truly sustainable water policy in the light of climate change considering, for example, snow packs, aquifer recharge, rising sea levels, and available water supplies. Close, clean up and remediate at national labs devoted to nuclear energy and weapons development and operations at the Department of Energy's nuclear production sites. Much of that heat is initially absorbed by the ocean, creating roughly a 30-year delay in the impact of that heat at the surface of the planet. The Green Party… Land use practices must be founded on stewardship of the Earth, to honor the interconnected and interdependent nature of all life, to respect ecosystems and other species, while at the same time providing for human needs in a responsible and sustainable way. An independent federal Energy Transition Office should track and manage the transition. Map undersea toxic dump sites, and investigate methods of rendering them harmless. Enact a Fee & Dividend system on fossil fuels to enable the free market to include the environmental costs of their extraction and use. Develop labels that identify ecologically sound forest products. Make manufacturers responsible for the full life cycle of their products by requiring them to take back used products and packaging for remanufacturing, reuse, or recycling. Ensure that any worker displaced by the shift away from fossil fuels will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative work. £1bn next year for funds to insulate homes and public buildings, using the existing green homes grant and public sector decarbonisation scheme. The electrification of road-based vehicles is a must and will require at least two decades to fully deploy and we must move to Earth-gentle electricity generation to charge the vehicles. Well, we’re not. Greenpeace said the measures marked a notable step forward for tackling the climate emergency, saying: “This landmark announcement signals the end of the road for polluting cars and … Some people shift from public transit to private cars due to the trip time in cars being shorter. Offer subsidies to local watershed-based mills. 3. Buildings in the South require air conditioning during the summer. The climate treaty reached in Paris in December, 2015 is inadequate to address the climate change crisis. GPUS recognizes the positive contributions for controlling ozone-destroying substances that have been made by the Montreal Protocol of 1987 and subsequent amendments thereto. Cost is another huge factor making it unfeasible, with each new nuclear power plant costing billions of dollars. The gutting of subsidies for the railroads has meant not only fewer passenger routes but also the addition of thousands of large freight trucks on our highways, decreasing public safety and increasing pollution. We support the use of hydrogen as an energy storage medium; however we oppose the use of nuclear technologies or carbon-based feedstocks for hydrogen production. We must plan and prepare for the end of fossil fuels now, while we still have energy available to build the cleaner, more sustainable energy infrastructure that we will soon need. As patronage for public transit decreases, public transit loses funding, becomes less viable, and service deteriorates thus encouraging even more people to use their cars. Climate action must include and respond to the specific experiences, knowledge, priorities and needs of First Nations Peoples. Minimize road building on public lands. We call for the cessation of development of fuels produced with polluting, energy-intensive processes or from unsustainable or toxic feed stocks, such as genetically-engineered crops, coal and waste streams contaminated with persistent toxics. Halt federal mineral, oil and gas, and resource giveaways, "royalty holidays," and flagrant concessions to the mining, energy and timber industries on public lands. We support the restoration of farmlands to African American families who have been discriminated against and who have lost, or are about to lose, their farms as a result. Stop "dirty clean energy." Greens support voluntary purchase of tradable renewable energy certificates; however, voluntary approaches are not sufficient. Enact mining reforms to better balance mining with other important public land uses; provide a fair financial return to taxpayers for resources extracted, and create a fund for clean up of abandoned mines. The health of the life-support systems— the ecosystems on our continent — is of paramount importance. We reject the belief that our species is the center of creation, and that other life forms exist only for our use and enjoyment. We call for independent, public-access radiation monitoring at all nuclear facilities. Ban all clearcutting on publicly owned lands and in privately owned "old-growth" forests, and strictly regulate clearcutting in private sector commercial forestry. Move decisively to an energy system based on solar, wind, geo-thermal, marine, and other cleaner renewable energy sources. Review, reform and restructure all federal and state landuse policies so that our practices become environmentally sustainable, and so that forests provide a continuing supply of high quality wood products. Nuclear energy is massively polluting, dangerous, financially risky, expensive and slow to implement. Waste should not be considered a tradable commodity under the Interstate Commerce Clause. Support the ban on international commercial whaling as well as other international efforts to protect endangered marine species. Grade school curriculum should include gardening programs in all schools and increased emphasis on energy conservation. In the U.S., low income communities and communities of color bear the greatest burden of health impacts due to exposure to emissions from coal and gas-fired power plants. We oppose the development and use of new nuclear reactors, plutonium (MOX) fuel, nuclear fuel reprocessing, nuclear fusion, uranium enrichment, and the manufacturing of new plutonium pits for a new generation of nuclear weapons. read. Substitute chemical safety testing on animals with alternatives that do not use animals, wherever such alternative tests or testing strategies are available. Many of our children suffer from accumulations of mercury and other toxins in their neurological systems, environmentally related cancer is on the rise, and our air and water are increasingly polluted. All rights reserved. This would help consumers to support ecologically sound forestry. Our national industrial food system is overwhelmingly dependent upon oil and natural gas for farm-equipment fuel, fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and the transport. Labels should address the presence of GMOs, use of irradiation, pesticide application (in production, transport, storage, and retail), whether organic standards were met, whether regenerative methods were employed in cultivation, and the country of origin. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. We call for cancellation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), the nation's first weapons complex nuclear dump in southern New Mexico. Enact tough new environmental safeguards to protect against mining pollution, including strict curbs on mercury emissions from metal mines. The Green Party advocates a rapid reduction in energy consumption through energy efficiency and a decisive transition away from fossil and nuclear power toward cleaner, renewable, local energy sources. We urge the banning of sewage sludge or hazardous wastes as fertilizer, and of irradiation and the use of genetic engineering in all food production. It is responsible for over 12% of all greenhouse gases from human activities in the U.S. New farming methods, new farmers, and a re-localization of production and distribution are needed. Ban ocean transportation of nuclear and toxic waste. Promote the appropriate reuse of the "gray" and "black" waters we produce. The Green Party supports net metering to make decentralized energy production economically viable. Clean up depleted uranium contamination from testing ranges and battlefields, and provide generously compensate veterans and civilians who have been sickened by depleted uranium exposure. “This announcement doesn’t remotely meet the scale of the jobs emergency or the climate emergency. Our enormous investment in highways, airports, cars, buses, trucks, and aircraft is almost completely dependent on oil, and it will be significantly handicapped by higher fuel prices, and devastated by actual fuel shortages. This provides, at best, £4bn of new money over several years. A consumer has the right to know the contents in their food and fiber, how they were produced, and where they come from. Changes would occur if we wait for the price of fossil fuels to reflect scarcity, forcing society to adapt; however, lack of government planning will result in a transition that is chaotic, painful, destructive, and possibly not survivable. Preserve and expand rural land use patterns that promote open space, healthy ecosystems, wildlife corridors and the ecologically sustainable agriculture. Event description. The fact is that the pollution inherent to our industrial production and lifestyles has weakened the resistance of the interconnected ecosystems we call forests. 13. Eliminate the perverse incentives for alternative fuels that increase the nation's petroleum consumption. Indirect costs (loss of rural communities, a heavily subsidized transportation system, cost of the military necessary to defend cheap oil, and reduced security), though more difficult to calculate, should be factored into the cost of our highly centralized food system. We will enact this same fee on imported fossil fuels a second time to give the free market an incentive to wean America off foreign oil and gas. Create an inclusive program to train workers for the new, clean energy economy. All human endeavors are situated within the dynamics of the biosphere. The Green Party advocates the phase-out of nuclear and coal power plants. The Green Party believes Canada should commit to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% below 2005 levels by 2025. Redirect the funds that are disbursed annually by the National Institutes of Health away from animal experiments and more towards direct health care, preventive medicine, and biomedical research using non-animal procedures such as clinical, epidemiological, and cell culture research. Create auto-free zones. We need ecologically sound forms of transportation that minimize pollution and maximize efficiency. Biomass incineration (trees, crops, construction debris and certain types of waste), landfill gas and many types of biofuels will dump massive quantities of toxic pollutants into the air and water, and some of these energy sources produce more greenhouse gas emissions than coal. A ban on combustion engine sales by 2030, with grants for electric cars, and funding for charge points. Shut down existing waste incinerators, impose a moratorium on new waste incinerators, and phase out landfills. CC101 The transformation needed for the climate emergency mitigation will provide significant benefits. Stop building logging roads in national forests at taxpayers' expense. Boris Johnson has announced plans for the government’s self-styled green industrial revolution, bringing praise from environmental groups but also questions about the scale of new funding, and the planned expansion of nuclear and hydrogen power. We support an immediate and intensive campaign to educate the public about nuclear problems, including disposal, cleanup, and long-term dangers. Although imported fossil fuel has no more impact on global climate change than domestic, importing petroleum and natural gas has a catastrophic impact on American foreign policy and the American economy. Unfortunately, previous governments left polluters free to profit at the cost of our kids’ and … Do not export, under any circumstances, chemicals that are prohibited in the United States. End the use of incineration as a cleanup technology, and ensure that "cleanups" don't simply relocate toxins to chemical waste dumps in poor communities of color. All such strategies must also minimize the transportation of wastes. Simple, strong policy changes can rejuvenate the health of our oceans and planet. We support mandatory, full-disclosure food and fiber labeling. The programme is billed as costing £12bn, with Downing Street saying £8bn of this is new. A waste-free society is essential to public health and the integrity and sustainability of the biosphere. Therefore, it is essential that generation of additional nuclear wastes be stopped. Consequently, when pipeline leakage is considered, the clean-burning characteristics of natural gas can be lost, resulting in a fuel with climate impacts as bad as coal. Maintain free community bicycle fleets, and provide necessary support for cyclists. Oppose commercial privatization of the management of these lands. Laws and incentives affecting the food system (including food safety laws and farm subsidies) will need to be rewritten to provide preferential support for small-scale, local, low-input producers. Assist community organizations to monitor the use of local resources, and to oversee the enforcement of water quality regulations. Idling engines consume nearly a billion gallons of gasoline and Diesel fuel and emit ten million tons of carbon dioxide annually (2007 data).

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