The greater barghest can change shape into a goblinlike creature of Large size (about 8 feet tall and 400 pounds) or a dire wolf. What does a greater barghest want? View in Firefox for best results. Set: Figure Number: 31 of 60Rarity: Large UncommonNote: Card may not be included. A mythic greater barghest is a near-divine offspring of one of the barghest gods. Each subsequent time it feeds, this bonus increases by 1. 4th blink (at will), confusion, dimension door, enlarge; 3rd levitate (at will); 2nd invisibility (at will); 1st charm. Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude It gains a fly Speed of 25 feet. A barghest that reaches 9 Hit Dice through feeding becomes a greater barghest. Lawful Evil Medium Outsider. (single miniature from the Night Below Set). Pathfinder Bestiary 1, pg. 21 ** Monster Discussion ** Barghest. Barghest & Greater Barghest Barghests are awesome monsters. | Starjammer SRD When a barghest reaches 4 growth points, it sheds its skin and becomes a greater barghest, losing all of its growth points (and bonuses) but gaining the stats presented on the page for a greater barghest. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! A mythic greater barghest is a near-divine offspring of one of the barghest gods. Shop at Sell at Support Open Gaming on Patreon! | PF2 SRD. Its jaws deal 1d6 additional poison damage and 1d6 persistent poison damage. Like goblins they have oversized, pointed ears, a snub (nearly non-existant) nose, and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Barghest This snarling, canine beast pads forward on all fours, its slender front limbs looking more like hands than a wolf's paws. In both forms, he is depicted sneering with glinting eyes expressing cruel guile. Vorpal Bite (Su) If a mythic greater barghest confirms a critical hit against a non-mythic opponent, it can expend one use of mythic power as a free action to bite off the opponent's head, instantly killing it (Fort DC 15 negates). A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM's Resource by Creighton Broadhurst Bored of pitting your PCs against boring. A barghest eventually sheds its skin to transform into a greater barghest, at which point it often seeks out a tribe of goblins or other creatures to rule. Oct 31, 2018 - Male Greater Barghest - Old Haanshu - Pathfinder PFRPG DND D&D 3.5 5E 5th ed d20 fantasy | Fudge SRD Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +11, AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +5 natural) Pathfinder Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Barghests want to eat souls and escape to the abyss to become greater barghests. Environment any Condition is used but essentially unplayed. Their natural shape is an evil hybrid of the two the size of a worg. In its natural form, it resembles a goblin–wolf hybrid with terrible jaws and sharp claws.
They were able to shapeshift into either a goblin or canine form, each of which were indistinguishable from normal members of their kind to most. Mutations The process of consuming corpses to evolve into a greater barghest results in odd and unpredictable physiological changes. It can innately cast the following spells requiring no material components. Melee jaws +17, Damage 2d10+6 piercing. Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 Their bodies are covered with dark, matted hair and they posses a wolf-like tail. Need Help? When a barghest reaches 4 growth points, it sheds its skin and becomes a greater barghest, losing all of its growth points (and bonuses) but gaining the stats presented on the page for a greater barghest. Zarongel is a barghest demigod that is numbered among the four Goblin Hero-Gods that are believed to have created the goblin race. Feed Once per month, a barghest can spend 1 minute to devour a corpse, gaining a permanent +1 status bonus to its checks and DCs. A barghest appears in the first episode of the TV series Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands, where it is killed by Grendel. Each individual barghest has only one goblinoid form and one wolf form. Bite. The save DC is Constitution-based. When a barghest reaches 4 growth points, it sheds its skin and becomes a greater barghest, losing all of its growth points (and bonuses) but gaining the stats presented on this page for a greater barghest. The barghest makes one bite attack and two claw attacks. Divine Innate Spells DC 25. Frost Giant. View in Firefox for best results. Hobgoblins usually depict him as a hobgoblin clad in dark iron armour and carrying a blood-stained flail in one hand and a chain attached to a human or elven slave or prisoner in the other. Mini: excellent condition. Instead of a bite attack, the barghest can use the feed action. Posted by. The rogue (who is a more experienced GM and is helping me learn to GM) and I both feel that the party could have killed him, or used Renali's illusions to simply bypass with ease. Thursday, August 4, 2011. | 13th Age SRD Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) As barghest. The true form of the barghests resembled goblin–wolf hybrids with monstrous jaws and razor sharp claws.

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