A member of the Swedish Centre party has said he sees both “disadvantages and advantages… Surely, though, there are more like-minded people like you. Either commit or don't but if you do commit then actually commit honestly. One woman can only have about one child per year. anonymous, I love you. Yet if women cheated and had somebody else's child, how could they know that? That you bear the burden of having other women in secret and not completely your fault? And if you want polygamy and your wife doesn't, then you need to talk about it and see if you come to any agreement. Conclusion 8 5. Hotter? We are far better than that... Like you said too, we have choices. If they murder somebody you love they didn't have to go through anything? Very much related to societal influence, I read a good article called "Monogamy reduces major social problems of polygamist cultures," which, "Considered the most comprehensive study of polygamy and the institution of marriage, the study finds significantly higher levels rape, kidnapping, murder, assault, robbery and fraud in polygynous cultures. In some countries, such as India, polygamy is legal only for Muslims. That is so unfair and so nasty for a woman to know that your husbands is laying his genital thing a ling in some other woman or women, then bring those other women's. Now the truth....... Women should be allowed to have more than one husband just like men do. 2. It gives people freedom of choice. They would work for somebody else's child? The problem would arise if you don't say it and once you are in a committed relationship with someone you write like the author of the article saying he wants more. But on the other hand, their mothers are younger and less educated, and they receive a divided share of their father’s attention, which may be directed at his latest wife, or at amassing resources for his next one. If we had different world to experiment with and different populations then maybe we could compare them and get to know). For men? People who hold these views generally cite polygamy as a healthy alternative for consenting adults. Natural laws? Women don't share well, so it looks like lots of cats are going to have homes. It is like, if you hit a car and damage it, you have to pay, you cannot just run away. Refreshing to get both sides. Same for the polys), or just stay together and continue to nourish your relationship. How Many Years of Life Will a Bad Relationship Cost You? The most important reason that polygamy is out of place in the modern world is that it works best in agricultural societies where children contribute to farm labor and care of livestock (4). Marriage can be … Although the husband ought in principle to treat his co-wives equally, in practice he will almost inevitably favour one over the others—most likely the youngest, most recent one. Interesting observation!! Moreover, in places where there is a. a lack of men in an area that has a lot of women, or b. there is a lack of women in a place that has a lot of men, He desires equality when either situation arises. She said She did not plan on sleeping with another man ever as it is against her beliefs. Therefore, monogamy is favoured over polygamy only when some environmental resource (food, for … It's probably not a good relationship style for … The major problem with arguments like this is the fact that humanity is no longer a simple lifeform, running the fight/flight/f*#k program anymore. (2) It brings economic stability in the family, because both husband and his wives and children earn … There are … In my study, I also evaluated a number of “explanations” for polygamy that are routinely trotted out by social scientists and other observers in developed countries who find polygamy repulsive. It depends in our culture, how we have been raised, our experiences, and what we want. (2003): A recent shift from polygyny to monogamy in humans is suggested by the analysis of worldwide Y-chromosome diversity. She even promised to help me find my next wife if I so desire. They are more involved with their family; that makes him more committed, less stressed, less able to die because of violence. Divorce typically requires that the brideprice be returned, leaving many women with no choice but to remain in miserable or abusive marriages. The most important reason that polygamy is out of place in the modern world is that it works best in agricultural societies where children contribute to farm labor and care of livestock (4). We need to stop marrying these men. Remove sex at of it, polygamy has a place in modern society we try to deny. Your excuse sounds of the kind who say: "Ahh, because my parents told me not to consume drugs I felt more driven to consume them!" I would rather leave and get a divorcé from a man who wanted polygamous marriage. To each their own. how those same men would react to their woman if she decided that she wanted to have two more husbands. She said I am enough for her for now. Talk whatever. Females standards start to get higher especially if a country is extremely developed because they can afford to be picky and go after 20% of the high value men they hold out for years and years instead of settling or at the least having realistic expectations by lowering their standards to look for a guy who they can make better or has good values and personality. Barber, N. (2009). Women seem to allow indoctrination a lot easier than men. Greater companionship, higher income, and ongoing sexual variety are often cited as advantages … I told her She can see another man as well as long as the man will contribute to her upkeep(house, car, cosmetics, etc..). Really? Without reproduction and children there is no one to take care of her and her family or to bring home resources as she grows older or to take care of her on her death bed. Oops, I also agree with Annie. Yes, Polygamy Does Benefit Women. You affected somebody's life in such a big way, now you cannot just leave. All this is only aggravated by the brideprice, a payment from the groom to the bride’s family. Polygamy is therefore, defined as a form of marriage in which a man, as the head of the family, can have more than one wife at the same time. In a Relationship, Who Tends to Sext First? Sheez. Psychology Today © 2020 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Adverse Childhood Experiences: Why Cortisol Responses Matter. The wide world of polygamy: We hate it, others love it. Maybe you will say: "Women stay out of war so they can survive and take care of their children". ...or how about you give her a reason to be intimate with you and she learns to not be so selfish and be good to you that way when you are trying to be meeting her other needs in her life? The first disadvantage of polygamy is due to the fact that it leads to divided attention and love among couples. You have holy writ, such as Das Kapital, On the Origin of the Human Species, or the Preservation of the Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, Cosmos, and other books, they were written by people, and their beliefs were also spread, not only by the people that promoted these stupid ideas, but also by other "useful (useless) idiots (their words, not mine)" that bought into their little pyramid scheme. I support monogamy but serial polygamy is by natural laws. And you all have the nerve to be the ones who look at other women after all we do for you all. It's not worth it for a woman. And whatever gave you the impression that older women do not require or want a sexual relationship after a certain age? BUT, if you have now affected in such a way the life of somebody else (your wife, with a child, who didn't know that about you when she came to you), then I am sorry, but you are fucked. Polygamy can be a sensitive subject, and although the idea of marrying more than one person isn't embraced everywhere in the world, when you analyse it, there are advantages and disadvantages to this type of relationship: Advantages of Polygamy… Or "Because they told me to just sleep with one, I felt a deeper urge to sleep with more!" I could say the same about men.. Why wouldn't women need younger men because of their higher quality in so many aspects! Polygamy is a purely person choice and has very little to do with religion. No more lousy lovers. If her husbands are having sex with only her, then because of biology, population numbers will be seriously curbed. Developed countries are highly urbanized and it is very difficult to raise large families in cities because children are a huge drain on finances that lasts for two decades thanks to the extent of modern education. Let’s talk about the rarer polyandry first. That is your choice. Advantages and Disadvantages 3 - 6 3. Remember to think like an anthropologist and provide advantages and disadvantages to each type of marriage. Multiple husbands could provide very generous and healthful support to the woman and her child. It keeps land within the family. I'm afraid polygamy will make a pig of me. PREVIOUS … Bond. Hurricane Katrina and the Indonesian Tsunami of 2004 should have been wake up calls for you. You could, but that makes you quite despisable, untrustworthy. Contrary to popular assumptions, multiple marriage had nothing to do with poverty, backwardness, or oppression of women (e.g., acceptance of wife-beating) in my study. The other disadvantage of polygamy is that it will lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. Cross-cultural variation in the motivation for uncommitted sex: The role of disease and social risks. Sheez. And for women, it is in us. Polygamy is not a new concept at all. At least three factors are critical. But,somehow, I doubt it would all go off like clockwork in reality. I'd love to have different hands on me. I so 100% agree with what you wrote. Thank God for the freedom of women in USA! Polygamy is one form of marriage, monogamy is another. This is due to religious style beliefs that are absent of fact and biology in of itself. The Fund for Peace; DHS; MICS. Hmmm. How Marriage Affects Health in Older Adults, Monogamy Is Not "Natural" For Human Beings. With little to lose or look forward to, these frustrated men are much more likely to turn to crime and violence, including sexual violence and warmongering. Dupanloup I et al. They can be old and be attractive; they can have hair in their legs, armpits, and be attractive; they can be bald and be attractive; or have less beautiful figures even a beer stomach, and it doesn't matter; why aren't there more men with amazing abs and wearing amazingly sexy lingerie, or revealing clothes? So if a woman isn't willing to settle for less than she thinks she deserves (work with me on this! Introduction 2 2. Historically, there have also been armies lead by women, or like the Amazon women, Queens who have lead countries who haven't married and were equally good in war and strategy. You chump! We don't need men to provide for us anymore. This ends up with a woman being a future cat lady and having deep seeded hatred for men as a gender if they do not do so. In the scenario involving one man impregnating 100 women, no consideration is given to how those 100 children would be raised and provided for in the 20 years it takes a human child to reach adulthood. Then the wife has all the right to leave, but how terrible, as that man would have caused some kind of trauma or damage the woman he is with. What I mean is that, while it is not wrong to have individual needs, urges, and such, it IS wrong to have one or more parties put those things above the needs of the other people...this selfishness is what destroys societies, regardless of them being monogamous, polygamous, or otherwise. I'd rather share an extraordinary man & gain a good friend(co wife) in the process than be an ordinary man's "one and only". But if there be multiples, by gosh, it's gonna be me having them! Countries having a heavy infectious disease load had many more polygamous marriages (second reason for birds.) They propose to us and then turn on us almost as soon as we say I do. First and foremost, polygyny sanctions and perpetuates gender inequality, with co-wives officially and patently subordinated to their husband. According to Henrich and his research team, which included Profs. Evil women like Aileen Wuronos and the Countess of Bathory, as well as righteous women warriors, such as Joan of Arc, proved that in spades. Maybe help each other mow the lawn. All I have now is a guy who passes gas, grabs--rather than touches, gropes--rather than feels, French kisses like a gorilla (sorry to that species), never listens to me and doesn't care if it bothers me, ogles other women--always commenting on breast size, and gripes about my lack of passion. Also the comments seem to be from bitter cultish types who like to name call, cherry pick, strawman, play the reversal game, than to have a legitimate conversation of the subject. 1. Monogamy is by far the norm in Muslim societies, as most men cannot afford to maintain more than one family, and many of those who could would rather not. Women are inferior and will be treated like cattle. I don't think it is neither right or wrong. They too are better than older men. It all comes down to commitment. In fact, humans are polygamist … Do you think women don't miss the trill of someone new?? The evolution of large cities, and then countries, changed our brains, changed the factors that became desirable. Sixth, surprisingly, I desire polygamy BECAUSE I want equality. Sometimes I think that something similar to polygamy would make American women happier, contrary to popular belief (or their belief for that matter). I really would have no objection to polygamy if it were available to both men and women in a totally equal manner. Like I said, you can do it BEFORE having children, married somebody who thought you were monogamous. If you kill somebody, you will have to pay, even if that is not the most enjoyable thing for you, even if being in jail isn't what you consider "true" to you. Monogamy Is Not "Natural" For Human Beings. Oh yeah, fun times for women in old Bagdad. Would you like it if it happened to you? Advantages of Polygamy Polygamy has been present in history for a long time. Women should not have to adjust and change their minds and bodies to keep a man happy. So, I stay out of the dog house but stay firmly behind the fence. Went to test for HIV and were both negative. I met a woman in 2008 six months after my divorce. I saw her secretly for four years. To believe that there is more to humans than their biology would be denying Gender, IQ, DNA, genetic traits as well. Cons of polyamory. The polygamists in Obama and Romney’s family trees. Even in monogamous societies, powerful men often establish long-term sexual relationships with women other than their wives (concubinage), although in this case the junior partners and their children born to them do not enjoy the same legal protections as the ‘legitimate’ wife and children. TITLE PAGE NO. Extra state benefits - extra wives/husbands count as single parents & lots of children = lots of money. Breaking Bread Together Leads Negotiators to Better Outcomes. Overall, the infant mortality in polygynous families is considerably higher than in monogamous families. You don't want to talk? I think if the threat of abandonment were taken off the table, my wife would be happy to have another woman around to provide the close emotional support that I am, all too often, too dull-witted to provide. The second major problem with this argument is that it downplays social consequences, which are completely inextricable from the human experience now. My 2008 woman's father had two wives so She is used to it and grew up in an indigenous religion that promotes polygamy. Just as women don't belong to the kitchen and can work outside or be the providers of their family, so men don't belong to violence, machines and the outside world exclusively. In the state of nature, people were generally polygamous, as are most animals. In june 2014, the woman I met in 2008 will move to my city with our son and I will provide a home for them regardless. If you write off half of your population, you're losing half of your potential to advance. Even so, there are many instances of polygamy in the West, especially within immigrant communities and certain religious groups such as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church) and other Mormon fundamentalists. Consume drugs and you will be addicted, which can lead to psychology disorders. 1. I don't see it bad that you want to be polygamous, polyamorous, anything of that. Do you think we wouldn't like someone different? Welcome to Islam, folks, where human slavery is alive and well, and the norm. Violence is the result of a patriarch society. What you described is purely disgusting. To the one that said women stop wanting or needing intimacy after a certain age, you are sadly mistaken. Blog post. Makes perfect sense to me, what if the man loved your friend more than you.screw you and your senses. Several societies practice levirate marriage, which inadvertently leads to polygamy in many cases. As I have stated, people have different ways of thinking. At age 20 and above there are already surplus women. Well some of us will speak up and it doesn't mean we are trolls, are angry, hate men, need to get laid, or any of the other crap that men label us as for standing strong. So humans turn to multiple marriage for the same three basic reasons that birds do (scarcity of males, selection for disease-resistant genes, and defense of breeding territory and its economic equivalents.).

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