My main problem with the Electoral College is that it’s no longer allowed to do its intended job. If a candidate won 45% of the votes in a state, he’d receive 45% of the Electoral College votes. But, once again, this interpretation of history is wrong. A major criticism of the electoral college is that it (1) limits the influence of the two-party political system (2) allows a president to be elected without a majority of the popular vote (3) forces each political candidate to campaign in every state All the other leading advocates of popular election—Morris, Madison, and Alexander Hamilton—also supported the Electoral College, primarily as an alternative to congressional selection. Critics began questioning the relevance of the Electoral College, saying that it doesn’t reflect the true will of the people if the popular vote winner still loses. Doubtless the delegates were aware of the danger of such a tyranny—Madison first presented his famous discussion of “majority faction” at the convention—but no delegate objected to popular election on that basis, and Madison himself supported popular election of the president. What is striking about the convention’s debate on popular election of the president is that its opponents did not claim it would encourage majority tyranny. Second, some southern delegates feared that popular election of the president would disadvantage their states. Moreover, despite the initial expectation that electors would be chosen in districts, by 1836 party competition had promoted a winner-take-all allocation of electors in all the states. When the Electoral College meets Monday, its detractors hope it marks the beginning of the end of a system that twice this century has vaulted the loser of the popular vote to the presidency. They felt that this would be safer. Overall, the electoral college needs to be removed for the betterment of Democracy in the United States. It will go into effect once the bill is passed by states with an additional 74 Electoral College votes. I think it would be better to take that risk rather then causing some states to be completely ineffective in the system, which is what we have now. The Importance Of The Electoral College In India 1551 Words | 7 Pages. It might have worked well historically, particularly when we didn't have the technology that we have now, but really with the current ability to reach people and get every vote, I don't see the point in dividing the country up like this and basically giving all the power to only a few states. There might be some difficulties about splitting electoral votes in a state with an uneven number if candidates both won 50% of the vote. They also rejected a proposal that the president be removable upon request by a majority of state legislatures and did not even consider the New Jersey Plan’s provision that the president “be recalled by Congress when requested by the majority of executive of the states.” This was hardly surprising. Some also feel that states with more electoral votes have greater power, reducing the influence of the individual voter. Votes in some states are more valuable than votes in other states because of the electoral college. Elizabeth Warren wants to abolish the Electoral College. Today, with mass communication and interminable campaigns, lack of information is no longer a problem. medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. Mistake Number 3: Similarly, some defenders of the Electoral College have argued that the delegates who favored the Electoral College opposed popular election of the president. At the moment, I know a lot of people who simply will not vote at all because they are in a republican or a democrat majority state and they don't see the point. The Electoral College is the number of votes, simplified, that determines the outcome of a US presidential race. Disadvantages of the Electoral College Can override the popular vote: In five presidential elections so far—1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016—a candidate lost the nationwide popular vote but was elected president by winning the Electoral College vote. @MrsPramm - The electoral college system has pros and cons but I don't know if it would actually take power away from the states that have it now if they changed it to one person, one vote the way people suggest. Politico first reported the story. Does anyone know why the founding fathers chose this system of election rather than direct voting? Its proposal mirrored the states’ distribution of power in Congress; each state had as many electoral votes as it had members of Congress. This election result is sometimes referred to, particularly by proponents of electoral college … One must defend the Electoral College not as perfect, but as a better solution than the alternative, i.e., direct popular election of the president. The main one is that disbursement of votes may not always accurately represent the popular vote. Most delegates wanted the executive to check legislative usurpations and block unjust or unwise laws, but they feared that dependence on the legislature for election—and possible reelection—would compromise the executive’s independence. Today many states do not even bother to list the electors’ names on the ballot. Although the Electoral College allowed state legislatures to determine how electors would be chosen, it was expected that once selected, the electors would operate independently of their state governments. Weaken the two party system. One was that the Electoral College made it easier for a regional third-party candidate to prevent the major-party candidates from getting a majority and act as … In defending the Electoral College, Madison and Hamilton emphasized its popular character. The replacement of the Electoral College by a nationwide popular vote would threaten none of these. (Maine and Nebraska have since bucked that trend.) Direct popular election for president is unlikely to be adopted because _____. The Electoral College was created for purposes that some of its proponents still tout as benefits. In very close elections, victory can be denied the candidate receiving the most popular votes nationwide. Interestingly, Hamilton and Madison as party leaders played a crucial role in this transformation. Defenders of the Electoral College argue that it was created to combat majority tyranny and support federalism, and that it continues to serve those purposes. Essentially it equals the number of senators in the state and the number of house representatives. This of course would compromise the independence of the executive, and both Madison and Hamilton unsuccessfully proposed that the House’s role be eliminated, with the candidate winning a plurality of the electoral vote becoming president. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. Voting procedures would remain the same, the only difference being that votes would be tabulated nationwide rather than state by state. Electoral reform in the United States refers to efforts to change American elections and the electoral system used in the United States.. With the presidential election less than 30 days away, the age-old debate on the Electoral College has surfaced once again in an already divisive election season. Electors in these states are “unbound.” It undermines federalism by taking power away from the states.B. Rep. Essentially it equals the number of senators in the state and the number of house representatives. Actually, though, I'd prefer it if we completely scrapped this system and moved to something else altogether. With only minor adjustments—most notably, the House replaced the Senate as the body that would select the president if a majority of electors failed to agree on a candidate—the convention endorsed the proposal. The only problem is the other options aren't much better. North Carolina Electoral College representatives sign the Certificates of Vote after they all cast their ballots for U.S. President-elect Donald Trump in the State Capitol building in Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S., December 19, 2016. promotes more equal regional representation, Liberals Were Right to Fear the Supreme Court’s Election Intervention, The Trump Administration’s Double Standard of Justice, focused on whether the president should be chosen by the Electoral College or by a nationwide popular vote, the debate at the convention focused on a different issue, Another common belief is that the convention rejected popular election of the president because the delegates feared majority tyranny, some defenders of the Electoral College have argued, deliberations at the convention were much more fluid, did not even consider the New Jersey Plan’s provision, it has vindicated the hopes and expectations of its creators. Even more important have been changes in political practice. While Democrat Joe Biden scored a decisive win over President … James Wilson of Pennsylvania first proposed popular election of the president, but when his motion failed, he immediately raised the possibility of a mediated popular election: electors chosen by the people who would select the executive. Finally, it makes it possible for racist populists like George Wallace to play kingmaker and manipulate election outcomes with only a small amount of votes. Before getting into any specific argument about the Electoral College, it is crucial to understand how it works. The Constitution authorized state legislatures to determine how electors were to be selected, but by 1828 every state but South Carolina chose its electors by popular vote, and today all states do. It almost seems like you'd be able to game the system as well, by moving supporters into a particular state in time for an election. But by 1800 political parties had developed, and elector discretion was replaced by elector commitment to the parties’ candidates. SALEM, Ore. (AP) — When the Electoral College meets Monday, its detractors hope it marks the beginning of the end of a system that twice this century has vaulted the loser of the popular vote to the presidency. The more districts and house representatives a state has, the more “votes” it represents in the Electoral College. The electoral college system of America has been subject to a number of criticisms, especially in recent years. To begin with, to some extent those expectations were unclear. The point of all this is, the Electoral College did not emerge because of opposition to popular election of the president. The constitutional ban on senators serving as electors and the choice of the House to resolve deadlocks in the Electoral College ensured that those selected by (and perhaps influenced by) state legislatures would not play a role in selecting the president. The main one is that disbursement of votes may not always accurately represent the popular vote. The Electoral College is the number of votes, simplified, that determines the outcome of a US presidential race. Even when the delegates’ hopes and expectations were clear, constitutional amendments have altered the operation of the Electoral College. Many supporters of the Electoral College assume that the debate about presidential selection at the … The Twentieth Amendment, by shifting the date congressional terms begin to January 3, ensures that the newly elected House of Representatives, rather than the previous House, would elect the president if no candidate received an electoral-vote majority. contributor for many years. In this paper, I will explore the system that is the Electoral College in both India and the United States, why the Electoral College is part of the United State Constitution and the Constitution of India, as well as how the electoral college affect presidential elections in both countries. In “Federalist No. I find this hard to believe. Federal office holders cannot be electors. The Electoral College plays a major role in America'ss democracy and millions of voters will see it at work again on Election Day, Nov. 3. But I'm sure that the founding fathers had their reasons for selecting this type of system. Electoral College Tie .

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