One of the primary characteristics of oil exploration sites is Scientific evidence suggests that noise from seismic surveys conducted during oil exploration harms acoustic animals such as … However, if produced irresponsibly, it creates serious environmental and health risks, and wastes a valuable energy resource. Oil pollution occurs when crude oil and its refined products are spilled into the environment by the activities of man. Abstract. Where: 1=strongly disagree; exploration begun, there is no involvement of local communities and leaders in environmental assessment conducted ii There has been a lot of water pollution since oil exploration begun iii As a result of oil Exploration, there has been increase in Noise pollution iv Oil exploratory activities have led to increased air pollution v As a result of oil exploration activities, most indigenous … saw a total rejuvenation of oil exploration to a production record level of 2.5 million barrels per day. On October 11, 2016, NOAA released the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic Ocean. Oil exploration and exploitation activities started in Gelegele community in 1963, with Philips oil company (Nig) Ltd. Philips oil company re-assigned it’s facilities and the entire OML96 in Gelegele oil field to Dubri oil company Ltd and fortunately, the same … Factor impacting of the oil and gas exploration on Environment: Oil and gas industry is not free from hazards. All stages of oil exploitation impact negatively on the environment, and the greatest single intractable environmental problem caused by crude oil exploration in the Niger Delta region is oil spillage. The platform lights and fares in this industry attract birds and poses mortal danger to them. Marine Oil and Gas. Since crude oil was first discovered in Nigeria in 1958, oil exploration has continued in the Niger-Delta. Big oil spills are known killers of wildlife. The effects of oil drilling in Alaska are far-fetched and go beyond the industrialization that has generated additional manpower movement to the region. In addition, there are often effects from atmospheric emissions, radioactive material . While fugitive methane emissions are viewed by many as an environmentally harmful side effect of oil and gas production, this methane is the same natural gas that producers are trying to develop and sell. The pronghorn antelope has one of the longest big game migrations in the U.S. Oil... 2. effects it has on the environment, and the quality of life of people residing in the affected areas.Oil spillage affects both living and non-living components of the environment which in turn affect man directly and indirectly Suffice to Natural gas burns cleaner than coal — producing less air pollution — and it accounts for more than one-third of electric generation in the United States. Other environmental impacts include intensification of the greenhouse effect, acid rain, poorer water quality, groundwater contamination, among others. Oil destroys the insulating ability of fur-bearing mammals, such as sea otters, and the water repellency of a bird's feathers, thus exposing these creatures to the harsh elements. 1956 (Omofonmwa and Odia, 2009). As U.S. oil and natural gas production has risen, the United States has also made significant strides in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Most oil entering the marine environment from such activities is produced water, but deck and machinery Although the effects of oil spill depend on factors such as size or area of spill and geographical location, the socioeconomic and environmental costs of oil production can be extensive; these range from destruction of wildlife, biodiversity loss, air and water pollution, degradation of farmland and damage to aquatic ecosystems. 2. Oil spills have a devastating effect on the environment, ruining habitats and killing the organisms that live there by sticking to them, destroying their food sources and poisoning them. Additionally, oil hurts the economy by harming the fishing industry, as well as other trades that rely on the ocean. Fossil fuels continue to be used in massive quantities. 7 ways oil and gas drilling is bad for the environment 1. The processes that are a part of these activities have generated an imbalance in the unique ecosystem. Drilling disrupts wildlife habitat. To find oil deposits, ships use air guns to generate seismic blast waves that map the geological profile of the sea floor. The problem grew throughout the 20th century, with a more recent increase in the use of hydraulic fracturing. Potential environmental effects arising from marine oil and gas exploration and production include: Blowouts and oil spills. Oil exploration by incidences spilling approximately 2,369,470 barrels of oil seismic oil companies involves clearing of seismic lines, into the environment of which 1,820,410.5 (77%) were dynamiting for geological excavation, which affects the not recovered. During the exploration phase, Index Terms- Environmental and Social Impact, oil Exploration and Production, Paloich, Melut basin, South Sudan . The oil spills have temporary as well as long term effects. This constrains them to rethink extraction, production and distribution methods in order to obtain or maintain their licence to operate. Separate research, cited by the interim report of the Bayelsa State Oil and Environmental Commission, has found that pollution is placing communities at heightened risk … Wastes generated from crude oil and natural gas exploration and production (E&P wastes) can devastate the environment if not handled properly. Other environmental impacts include disruption of vocational activities, civil unrest, health hazards in the wild and many more The FEIS evaluates, in compliance with the National Environmental One of the most hazardous consequences of oil and gas industry is pollution. THE IMPACT OF DUBRI OIL COMPANY LTD (DOCL) OPERATIONS ON GELEGELE AND ITS ADJOINING COMMUNTIES.. A CRITICAL ANALYSIS. The main stresses arise from leakages of crude oil, gas flaring and the escape of other chemicals used in production processes. The sector is a major source of jobs and revenue for many oil producing economies globally. The consequences of oil exploration usually produce negative effects on the environment. Drilling also creates waste and adds pollutants to the environment. Which significantly have negative effects; some of the effects that come with petroleum development can be reduced or prevented basically by taking some steps in terms of prevention. Burning of oil by various ways releases greenhouse gases into the environment. In the process of production of energy from the fossil fuel, the resultant substances are causing air and water pollution. The burning of fuel also results in accumulation of solid wastes which might cause several illnesses in humans as well as degrade the land. There is widespread concern that the noise and shock are harmful to whales and marine mammals. remedied these effects, oil companies must adopt proper measure that are helpful to minimize the contamination rate to the normal wedge. alkyl phenols and heavy metals. To drill for oil, land needs to be cleared. : The activities that come with the oil exploration and exploitation causes alterations to the environment. When oils rigs or machinery malfunction or break, thousands of tons of oil can seep into the environment. Oil spill effects on environments and habitats can be catastrophic: they can kill plants and animals, disturb salinity/pH levels, pollute air/water and more. the world today. Oil spills can be deadly to animals. Routine oil and gas activities can have detrimental environmental effects during each of the main phases of exploration, production, and decommissioning (Figure 3). It is expected that before oil exploration commences in any community, an environmental impact assessment should be conducted and mitigation plans outlined for identified negative impacts. This paper examined the effects of oil pollution on the environment. 2. host community and; (c) To ascertain the adverse effect of oil exploration on the ecosystem of the host community. The Environmental Impacts of Offshore Oil Drilling - Soapboxie To direct the course of this paper, attempt will be made to find answers to the following objectives: Objectives To identify oil resources exploration activities on the environment. These effects of the extraction process have a big impact on the global environment that is seen in climate change. Oil wells have positive and negative effects. assess the impact of oil and gas resources exploration on the environment and the people of Delta state of Nigeria. Impact of Oil Exploration on the Turkana Community The discovery of oil in Turkana County, Kenya has attracted the attention of different actors at all levels. The key actors are essentially the same, but their visibility and the nature and scale of potential impacts with Their impact on the environment is largely negative. The oil and gas industry is a major consumer of water and energy resources and is therefore subject to increasingly stringent environmental standards. Freshwater bodies are harmed by oil spill and also poses threat to human health. Oil and gas: How we're reducing harmful impacts. Monitoring is also essential, but is lacking in the Effects of Oil Drilling in Alaska. Effects on the flora and fauna of freshwater ecosystems in this part of Nigeria have been noticed. Efforts by the oil industry and regulatory agencies have reduced many environmental effects, but have not eliminated them. environmental impacts of crude oil include air and water pollution, fragmentation of wildlife habitat, damage of pristine landscapes and deforestation. Oil-industry operations and key actors in SFLP countries The Oil and Gas industry separates “upstream” Exploration and Production (E&P) of crude oil and natural gas, from “downstream” refining, distribution and retail sales. In 2011, the United Nations Environmental Program released an independent assessment report establishing that decades of oil and gas exploration and production activities by multinational oil companies have caused severe pollution of the ecosystem in the Niger Delta. This paper reviewed the impacts caused by crude oil exploration and production on environment (water, soil, aquatic plants and animals and its implications to human health. Pollution from petroleum extraction activities has been seen to have hazardous effects on the marine environment. I. NTRODUCTION 1.1. The oil trapped in stream beds slowly poison the area creating the long term effect. The environment and conflict: Whilst these environmental devastating effects of oil production are known, very little time is taken to ascertain their role in the crisis situation in the region. This research investigated the socio-economic effects of oil exploration among Hoima municipality communities, Uganda. Environmental pollution arising from oil prospecting and exploration in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria has impacted negatively on the biodiversity of the affected areas. The risk and consequences of oil spills is probably the greatest environmental concern associated with marine oil and gas operations. • The combined, incremental effects of oil and gas production – in combination with other human activities – can pose threats to human health and the environment. Theoretical issues and literature review The quality of the environment has become a major environmental quality and the economic behavior of individuals and groups of … The study objectively sought to establish the effects of oil surveying to changes in prices of commodities; to examine road construction ... from the environment for their well being and their survival, oil has had more profound Exploring and drilling for oil may disturb land and marine ecosystems. Seismic techniques used to explore for oil under the ocean floor may harm fish and marine mammals. Drilling an oil well on land often requires clearing an area of vegetation. Since then, oil exploration and exploitation has continued resulting into environmental destruction due to neglect and limited concern by the multinational companies in environmental management in the area (Eregha and Irughe, 2009). and high noise levels Oil is released from a variety of sources during exploration and production activities. This industry holds the major hazards for the environment and further impacts the oil, water and soil in different levels. The oil industry is a big part of the U.S. economy, though, adding millions of jobs. Technology Helps Reduce The Effects of Drilling For and Producing Oil At the beginning of oil exploration in Nigeria, this was not done. Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and associated guidance documents, these collective human activities are referred to as cumulative impacts. The oil and gas industry may also contribute to biodiversity loss as well as to the destruction of ecosystems that, in some cases, may be unique. Exploration activities impact both flora and fauna at different levels. Since the oil exploration begun a couple years ago, the County is evolving to become the next frontier of development in Kenya. On Thursday, May 7th 2015 Kituo Cha… The Deepwater Horizon accident has additionally shown that oil drilling in the marine environment has deleterious effects on the marine environment. WASHINGTON -- The environmental effects of oil and gas exploration and production on Alaska's North Slope have been accumulating for more than three decades, says a new report from the National Academies' National Research Council. Without the ability to repel water and insulate from the cold water, birds and mammals will die from hypothermia. The oilsands of northeast Alberta has abundant oil reserves, but its heavy black viscous oil, termed bitumen, is expensive to extract and must be rigorously treated to convert it into an upgraded crude Background: he exploration and production of oil and gas is a major industrial development and is regarded as a blessing. The Trump administration recently authorized offshore oil and gas exploration in the Atlantic Ocean, an area previously off limits.

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